2020 – 2021 Order of Saint Barbara Awardees
July 30, 2022
Co-Hosted by the
Huntsville Air Defense Artillery Association and the
North Alabama Chapter of the
U.S. Field Artillery Association

Ancient Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(Huntsville Air Defense Artillery Association)


VADM Jon A. Hill has made extraordinary contributions to the missile defense and Air Defense Artillery (ADA) mission throughout his 35-year career serving as a Surface Warfare Officer, as an Engineering Duty Officer, in numerous command and staff assignments, and most recently as the 11th Director of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA).  He leads MDA’s global mission to develop, deliver, and sustain layered capabilities to defend deployed forces, the United States, allies, and friends against missile attacks in all phases of flight.  This includes responsibility to develop and deliver the integrated Missile Defense System (MDS) and its sub-system elements such as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. 

Under VADM Hill’s leadership, DoD and MDA have made many historic accomplishments, including the first operational flight test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system and first salvo engagement of a threat-representative intercontinental ballistic missile target by two Ground-Based Interceptors (FTG-11).  MDA also demonstrated Aegis BMD’s end-to-end engage-on-remote capability to intercept an intermediate-range ballistic missile target with an SM-3 Block IIA using the European Phased Adaptive Approach Phase 3 architecture (FTI-03).  Further, VADM Hill guided development of international relationships, leading MDA to execute the first U.S.-Israeli cooperative program flight test at a U.S. range and the highest altitude and velocity engagement with the Arrow-3 interceptor (FTA-01).

VADM Hill’s vision was instrumental in fielding Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) Spiral 8.2-3 and BMDS Overhead Persistent Infrared Architecture (BOA) 6.1 to all Combatant Commands.  BOA 6.1, which fuses multi-source sensor data and provides to C2BMC for MDS use, significantly improved the quality and duration of missile tracks and delivered an operational feed directly to the warfighter over a global broadcast system, providing real-time missile defense data worldwide for the first time.  Other recent accomplishments include initial fielding of the Long-Range Discrimination Radar in Alaska to improve homeland defense; ongoing coordination with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete construction of the Aegis Ashore BMD Site in Poland; delivery of Patriot Launch-on-Remote (THAAD); and procurement of 30 SM-3 Block IB missiles, 7 SM-3 Block IIA missiles, and 37 THAAD interceptors.

VADM Hill is a native of Texas, born and raised on Fort Bliss.  He is a graduate of Saint Mary’s University and earned his Master of Science in Applied Physics and Ordnance Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School.  His previous leadership and acquisition engineering positions include MDA Deputy Director, Aegis Shipbuilding (PMS 400), and Program Executive Office Theater Surface Combatants.  He has also served on the Joint Staff (J-6), U.S. Army Staff for Missile Systems, and as a senior fellow on the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group.  Throughout all assignments, he has truly embodied the spirit, integrity, sense of sacrifice, and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara and made invaluable contributions to the ADA and missile defense mission.


A former Brigade Commander, Colonel Geoffrey R. Adams is the Deputy Commander for United States Strategic Command’s Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD), Schriever Air Force Base, CO. JFCC IMD is responsible for planning, coordinating, and integrating all aspects of the United States Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).

Colonel Adams, Air Defense Artillery, United States Army, is a native of Augusta, Maine. He is a 1995 graduate of the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY. Colonel Adams’ previous assignments include Delta Battery, 1st Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery at Suwon Airbase, South Korea, as a PATRIOT Fire Control Platoon Leader. He then went to 1-1 ADA, Fort Bliss, TX, as a Maintenance Platoon Leader, eventually rotating with them to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as a Tactical Director. After representing the Air Defense Branch at the Aviation Captains’ Career Course at Fort Rucker, Alabama, he served in 1st Armor Division with 1-4 ADA, completing an Avenger Battery command and deploying to Baghdad as the Battalion Logistics Officer. Upon redeploying, he returned to the United States to train National Guard and Reserve units deploying to Iraq as a trainer with the 2nd Brigade, 75th Division (TS). Promoted to Major, he was assigned to US Army North (5th Army), helping them transition to Homeland Defense and Defense Support of Civil Authorities missions as the Army Service Component Command to US Northern Command. During this period, he deployed to Iraq as a Military Advisor for the 18th Iraqi Brigade in Diyala Province.

As a Brigade Commander, Adams contributed significantly to the wartime readiness of the 4th BCD, with particular focus on integration of the BCD across the joint services. He invested significant resources into providing and improving ground liaison to forward-based combatant commands, particularly between Army and Air Force components. This concerted effort by Adams facilitated a banner year in 2018 with the 4th BCD working with the USAF to provide record-levels of support to the war in Afghanistan, over 50,000 sorties employing over 100,000 munitions. Additionally, Adams focused on the professional development of his team, sponsoring programs to develop the Army ethic and reinforce Army Values for the young leaders, both officers and NCOs, in his command.


A former Group Commander, Colonel (Retired) Kimberly A Bodoh is a GS Civilian serving as the Deputy Director for Plans, Policy and Allied Integration for United States Strategic Command’s Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD), Schriever Air Force Base, CO. JFCC IMD is responsible for planning, coordinating, and integrating all aspects of the Global Missile Defense System. She joined JFCC IMD as an active duty officer, was part of the initial cadre, and transitioned to civil service in October of 2005.

Ms. Bodoh, Air Defense Artillery, United States Army, was born in Dearborn, Michigan and graduated from high school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She received her commission through ROTC at Wake Forest University in 1986. Colonel (Retired) Bodoh’s previous assignments include Chief of Staff, 75th Army Reserve Training Division, Chief of Staff/ Acting Division Commander 87th Army Reserve Support Command, Group Commander, 2d Mobilization Support Group, Chief of Strategic Initiatives for the Joint Functional Component Command, Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD), Battalion Commander, 2215 Mobilization Support Battalion, Chief of Special Mission Operations with JFCC IMD, Missile Defense Plans Officer with JFCC IMD and Space and Missile Defense Command, 32d Army Air and Missile Defense Command’s liaison officer to the Coalition Forces Land Component Commander deployed in support of Operations Enduring Freedom/ Iraqi Freedom, Headquarters’ Commandant of the 32d Army Missile Defense Command, Battery Commander for HHB, 164th ADA Brigade, and Signal Officer for 164th ADA Brigade and 2-265 ADA Battalion (HAWK).

As a Mobilization Support Group Commander, Colonel (Retired) Bodoh commanded 20 Mobilization Support Battalions across 7 states in direct support to Installation Management Command (IMCOM) mobilization platform mission at designated Force Generation Installations (FGI). Over two years, she mobilized nine of her battalions to four separate installations. Their mission was to liaison with the Garrison commanders, execute contractor oversight and oversee execution of IMCOM’s CONUS Support Base Services (CSBS) Additionally, she furthered the readiness of mobilization support battalions by development of a concept to provide base support to Division West Culminating Exercises (WAREX/CSTX). Her initiative increased led to an increase in demand from Division West, resulting in five of her battalions supporting four different Division West Training Brigades.


COL Timothy G. Dalton began his Air Defense career as an officer in 1995, serving as a Stinger MANPADs, Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle (BSFV), and Sentinel Platoon Leader as well as the Air Defense Coordination Officer for the ADA Battery 3rd ACR at Fort Carson, Colorado. 

In 2008, COL Dalton supported missile warning policy development and operational requirements while serving on the USINDOPACOM and USSTRATCOM staffs until 2013.  During this time he worked with the USINDOPACOM J3 to codify the assured missile warning requirement for the Geographic Combatant Commander to USSTRATCOM.  While at USSTRATCOM, COL Dalton worked with the missile warning office to capture key tasks, roles, and responsibilities across the missile warning mission area that were captured in the Operation Olympic Defender OPORD and USSTRATCOM Campaign Plan.

In 2013, COL Dalton served on the USASMDC G39 (later G52) staff where the team developed and coordinated on the command’s Air and Missile Defense integration role to the Army (as well as USSTRATCOM).  From 2015-2017, he served as the Executive Officer to the Commanding General for USASMDC where coordination was conducted for a wide variety of air and missile defense activities that included key leader engagements, staffing/coordination activities for the CG’s responsibilities as the Army’s Air and Missile Defense Integrator role and Commander of JFCC IMD.    

Since 2018, COL Dalton has been serving as the Army Capability Manager (ACM) for Space and High Altitude, a brigade command equivalent Centrally Select Leader position.  In this capacity, COL Dalton leads a team of capability development professionals to maintain Army’s key space capabilities while developing and fielding Army’s future space capabilities as part of the Army’s Modernization Priorities.  Key capabilities include fielding of the Block II JTAGS capabilities to increase Army’s access to the space-based sensors to directly support Army’s theater missile warning / missile defense mission, as well as leveraging these capabilities to enable area-fires for offensive operations within the Army’s current and future air missile defense architectures.  Additionally, COL Dalton is the lead-ACM to champion the development of the Army’s Tactical Space Layer that increases Army’s tactical commanders’ access to space based capabilities and capacities previously unavailable to the Army, including the assured positioning, navigation and timing, navigation warfare, and deep sensing to enable Army’s Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF).  COL Dalton and his team are hitting above their weight in delivering key modernization capabilities for the Air and Missile Defense and Fires communities.


COL James C. Reese was commissioned as an Air Defense Artillery Officer from the University of Louisville ROTC Program in December 1996. During the early part of his career, COL Reese was assigned to 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery Battalion, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Fort Hood, TX, 3rd Battalion (Airborne), 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, and 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Bliss, TX. While assigned to 3-4 ADAR, he commanded Delta Battery and deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom I. It was while assigned here that COL Reese earned the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara and upon redeployment and completion of his Battery command, COL Reese was assigned as the Branch Chief for the Air Defense Artillery Captain’s Career Course from 2004 until 2006. During his time, the course was accredited as a part of the University of Texas-El Paso’s Master Degree Program in Organizational Leadership; a program that continues to this day at the AMD CCC’s current home in Fort Sill, OK.

In 2015, COL Reese assumed command of the 2nd Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery Regiment (C-RAM/SHORAD), 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Campbell, KY. While in Battalion Command, his battalion deployed in 2016 simultaneously to Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel providing early warning, C-RAM fires, counter-fire, initial counter UAS capability, and support across 9 different locations in both theaters. The Battalion was recognized in both theaters for its exceptional (100%) early warning rate and greater than 92% success rate for all kinetic engagements. Upon redeployment, 2-44 ADA then provided training to Field Artillery units as they began to support C-RAM operations.

Upon completion of Battalion Command in 2017, COL Reese was selected as the Air Defense Artillery Officer Professional Management Branch Chief for Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, KY. Over his years the Branch Chief, his focus areas where on educating the force on future requirements and supporting the Air Defense Artillery Commandant and senior leadership with talent management of the Officer Corps, recruiting and retention for the Warrant Officer Cohort, and setting conditions for future branch growth.

While assigned to FT Knox, COL Reese was selected to attend the School for Advanced Military Studies Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program (SAMS-ASLSP) at Fort Leavenworth, KS for Senior Service College; the first Air Defender to be selected for the course and subsequently assigned to instruct at SAMS.

Most recently in 2020, COL Reese was selected as a principal select for the Brigade Command list and was placed as the Army Capability Manager, Strategic Missile Defense assigned to the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL. While in this position, COL Reese serves as the lead integrator for Army lead service responsibilities regarding Forward Based A/N TPY-2 radars, Ground Based Midcourse Defense Interceptors, and command and control systems as well as future concept development for advanced weapons and offense/defense integration. While in this position, COL Reese oversaw the development and deployment of capabilities that directly enhanced the readiness of the ballistic missile defense system support to strategic and Homeland Defense.


CW5 Rial began her military career in the United States Army in 1994 as a Patriot Missile Crewmember (MOS 16T) with 2-7 ADA BN, Fort Bliss. In 2005, she received her Warrant Officer appointment as an Air & Missile Defense System Technician (MOS 140E). She has held various positions throughout the world such as Battery Maintenance Technician, Battery Tactician, Tactical Director, Battalion Readiness Officer, and Support Operations Officer at locations that include South Korea, Germany, Fort Bliss, Fort Bragg, and Fort Sill. In her most recent assignment, CW5 Rial was the Support Operations OIC with 10th AAMDC at Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 2021, CW5 Rial became the first woman promoted to the rank of CW5 in the 140L MOS.  CW5 Rial has also deployed to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for an operational deployment of the Patriot missile weapon system.

Her military education includes the Warrant Officer Senior Service Education Course; Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education; Warrant Officer Advance Course; Contractor Officer Representative Course, SHARP course, and Army Drill Sergeant Course.

While serving in 10AAMDC, CW5 Rial operated in support of the 4th BCD as well as the European Defense Initiative ADA Brigade HQ, 5-7 ADA (Patriot), and 5-4 ADA (Avenger).  The establishment of 5-4 ADA in Germany, as the first SHORAD Battalion in Germany in over 15 years, required detailed logistics and sustainment and planning.  CW5 Rial’s work to ensure all facets of maintenance, support, and sustainment were critical to the unit’s successful fielding of the Avenger weapon system and preparation for transition to become the Army’s first M-SHORAD equipped unit.  Her expertise and leadership earned multiple awards across 10AAMDC.  These included the Department of the Army Supply Excellence Award and USAREUR AAME Award.  She also developed complex logistics concepts with Joint, Host Nation, and NATO partners that are still being used today. 

CW5 Rial assumed duties as the Air Defense Maintenance Officer assigned to the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) in July 2018.  In this role, she serves as the senior Air and Missile Defense advisor to the Commanding General for all matters related to missile maintenance, readiness, and logistics.  AMCOM, as the Life Cycle Management Command for missile systems has global, enterprise sustainment responsibilities that encompass THAAD, Patriot, Avenger, Stinger, Hawk, MLRS, and HIMARS systems.  Her expertise as a career systems technician ensures the warfighting community receives optimal support for these complex, high-demand systems in support of each Geographic Combatant Command.  During this time she has championed efforts to establish System of Systems reporting requirements and processes for the Patriot firing battery and battalion.  This effort will enhance automated unit readiness reporting, enhancing accuracy of unit status and maintenance/logistics actions at all echelons.


Colonel Philip Rottenborn is the Project Manager for the Integrated Fires Mission Command (IFMC) Project Office, serving in that capacity since June 2018. Soon after his arrival, COL Rottenborn led the project office through a significant organizational realignment. He directed a change from a single product-focused office, with approximately 200 personnel, to leading a portfolio of 6 Air Defense Artillery mission command products. The ADA mission command products include two Acquisition Category (ACAT) 1 programs and more than 650 military, civilian and contractor teammates supporting developmental and fielded Air and Missile Defense (AMD) capabilities.

COL Rottenborn demonstrated exceptional leadership as he led his team through the COVID-19 pandemic and organizational realignment to accomplish the transition of AIAMD from Engineering and Manufacturing Development, through Limited User Testing, achieving Milestone C and transitioning into Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP). He successfully challenged personnel within the IFMC Project Office and the members of the IBCS Contractor Team to fully address and resolve the technical challenges associated with software development complexity. COL Rottenborn’s approach has been to face critics head-on and embrace the opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of the AIAMD capability. 

During the past year, COL Rottenborn not only led the team in pivoting to address the emergence of COVID as the program entered its second Limited User Test (LUT), he successfully spearheaded multiple acquisition streamlining initiatives to deliver ground-breaking new Air and Missile Defense (AMD) capabilities to the field more quickly. Through these efforts, he led the program to successfully complete LUT with almost 800 soldiers and civilians during the height of the COVID pandemic. Despite these challenges, AIAMD maintained its planned Initial Operational Capability date while garnering Milestone C approval from the Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE). AIAMD is the Army’s only Acquisition Category (ACAT) 1D program and one of only 13 total Department of Defense programs that report directly to the Defense Acquisition Executive.

Through his efforts to build effective stakeholder relationships while identifying and collaboratively focusing on corrective actions, COL Rottenborn led the AIAMD program through a successful developmental test campaign and execution of an LUT that included two Flight Tests. These events efficaciously demonstrated system readiness to support the successful Milestone C decision in January 2021, authorizing entry into LRIP and the new Software Acquisition Pathway Planning Phase. AIAMD was the first ACAT 1D program to successfully complete a Milestone C decision in recent years and the program has experienced significant progress under COL Rottenborn’s leadership. The path to fielding the ADA branch’s number one priority is set and the program is advancing down the path with demonstrated success.

COL Rottenborn has been more than a Project Manager and a steward for the nation’s resources; he has been a Torchbearer for fielding the AIAMD capability to the Soldier and for mentoring and advancing the personnel under his charge.


Colonel Douglas J. Waddingham has served for over 30 years as an Active Duty, Regular Army Air Defense Artillery Officer and lifetime member of the Air Defense Artillery Association dating to January 1994. He was inducted into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara in March 1998 after completing Command ADA Battery, 3d Armored Calvary Regiment.  He currently serves as President of the Huntsville Chapter of the Air Defense Artillery Association while continuing to serve as an Air Defender in the Missile Defense Agency as Director of Wargames & Exercises.

COL Waddingham has served the United States Army and our Nation with absolute distinction and unwavering commitment to our Service Members and Government/Civilian workforce, leading and commanding formations from Platoon through CLS Battalion/Brigade level while deployed to numerous locations including Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Guam, Taiwan, Australia, and many others.

Beginning his final decade of service, he deployed as Patriot Battalion Commander of 3rd, 43rd ADA and OIC of all US Patriot Forces in Kuwait and Qatar supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Returning CONUS, Doug led the Patriot test battalion at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), then onto HQDA G8 staff as Chief of Operations, Director of Material, Force Development Directorate. He then assumed both G3/5 and Chief of Staff roles at 94th AAMDC, culminating with 24 months as Deputy Commander. Of note, during many of North Korea’s launches, COL Waddingham served as Deputy Area Air Defense Commander (DAADC) in his Commanders absence, providing recommendations to the 4-Star Area Air Defense Commander (AADC) at PACOM and Army Commander of USARPAC.

COL Waddingham established the first Air and Missile Defense Cross-Function Team (CFT) Chief of Staff with Army Futures Command and Army Capabilities Manager (ACM) for Strategic Missile Defense (SMD), where he coordinated and synchronized of all DOTMLPF-P solutions to improve SMD required current and future capabilities.  He oversaw all major SMD activities executed by the US Army to include Ground Based Interceptor (GBI), Forward Base Mode (FBM) AN/TPY-2 Radar, Command and Control Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) system, Advanced Weapons, and Offensive/Defensive SMD Integration.  Because of his operational experience and aggressive leadership demonstrated during critical missions, the SMDC Commander tasked him directly with leading the Army’s efforts in establishing a new FBM (Site 4c), which was able to achieve targeted mission capability as scheduled.  Finally, on his own initiative, Doug led efforts with stakeholders at FBM Site KCS to get construction the schedule back on track after a 1 year delay and prevented further delay.

From 2020-present, Doug serves at the Missile Defense Agency as Director, Wargames & Exercises, providing Missile Defense Modeling and Simulation support to all Combatant Commands worldwide on behalf of the Director for Test, Missile Defense Agency. He leads and supervising a joint workforce of 100+ military, civilian and contractors in the execution of 45 global Wargames and Exercises with an estimated budget of over $65 Million.

Honorable Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(Huntsville Air Defense Artillery Association)


Throughout his 20-year Engineering career, Mr. Alex Burns has used his expertise to support the cause of the warfighter and to improve the air defense capabilities at their disposal.  Mr. Burns completed his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama in 2001, and completed his Masters in Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2005.  Since 2001 he has been working as an Engineer with Dynetics, Inc. in Huntsville in both technical and leadership capacities.  Early in his career Mr. Burns supported the improvement of Calibration equipment and techniques for sustainment of air defense equipment.  He later transitioned into development of airborne test and evaluation equipment for threat system testing and data collection to increase our level of threat understanding. Since 2013 Mr. Burns has been focused on technology development and systems engineering of Army short and medium range air defense launchers.  He has been using his expertise to support and promote the missions of the Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center (CCDC AvMC) and Project Manager Short and Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense (PM SHIELD) via design and development activities of new launcher capabilities and accelerating fielding to fill capability gaps.  He led the advancement of missile data link capabilities to improve probability of kill, and supported development and expedited prototyping of the Multi-Mission Launcher (MML).  He currently leads a team of over 200 Engineers solving high-priority defense systems.  He demands high standards in execution and disciplined planning and Engineering processes to ensure safe, effective air defense capabilities on the timelines needed for the mission.


Ms. Inganita M Clark (Nita) has 23 years of Federal Service supporting the PEO Missiles and Space in various capacities. Ms. Clark started her career as an Operations Research Analyst supporting Budget and Cost Estimating efforts in the Multiple Launch Rocket System, Precision Fires Rocket and Missile Systems, Non Line of Sight and Close Combat Weapons Systems Product/Program Offices. Ms. Clark became the Deputy Product Manager, in 2016, for the Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) and successfully led a team of 31 personnel during her tenure. Ms. Clark’s leadership was instrumental in the successful fielding of four JTAGS systems in CENTCOM, PACOM, and EUCOM, the Army’s contribution to the Joint Warfighters early missile warning and response to ballistic missile launchers and other tactical events of interest throughout the AOR. These fieldings were a direct reflection of the strong professional relationships, and high levels of mutual trust, Ms. Clark built among the Product Office, Army Capabilities Manager, Army Contracting Command, ASA (ALT), PEO MS Staff, other commands, agencies, and private industry. Ms. Clark currently serves as the Director of Acquisition in the Integrated Fires Mission Command Program Office. Ms. Clark is responsible for the planning and execution of 204 contracts with a total value of $21.5B. Ms. Clark’s role, as the Director of Acquisition, ensures the successful management of 27 U.S. Contracts and 177 Foreign Military Sales Contracts. Ms. Clark’s leadership is critical to the development, fielding and sustainment of the entire IFMC Portfolio.


Over the course of a 40yr career, Mark has made multiple significant contributions to the advancement of integrated air & missile defense solutions in the field of radar integration & test for the Patriot, THAAD, AN/TPY-2 Forward Based Mode and Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) systems. In the late 1990’s Mark served as the Mission Technical Director for the PAC-3 Operational Test-2 missions at the Reagan BMD Test Site at Kwajalein Atoll that demonstrated the Patriot weapon system’s capability to acquire, classify, discriminate and intercept a TBM RV with the PAC-3 missile. This successful OT directly contributed to a favorable PAC-3 LRIP decision in Dec 2002 that would yield the production of 100 PAC-3 missiles over the course of the following year.  In 2003, the PAC-3 was credited with successfully destroying multiple enemy TBMs in Operation Iraqi Freedom. From 2008-2018, Mark served as the Director, Integrated BMDS Systems Test and was the primary Raytheon point of contact for the Missile Defense Agency on the planning and execution of all integrated flight and ground tests, including 13 THAAD, 6 GMD and 18 Aegis intercept flight tests that culminated in THAAD material release and the incremental fielding of the Phased Adaptive Approach for the defense of Europe and the US homeland. Presently, Mark serves as the Technical Director for MDA’s Radar Test Contract which includes the AN/TPY-2 radar as well as the Agency’s portfolio of ground-based radars.  In October 2020, Mark provided technical leadership to AN/TPY-2’s participation in Flight Test Patriot-27 for Patriot’s first ever demonstration of launch on remote from AN/TPY-2 (THAAD) track data to successfully intercept a ballistic missile.


Ms. Daniel is a Systems Engineer with over 30 years of experience in the Missile Defense domain and recognized as a Battle Management, Command and Control (BMC3) subject matter expert. In 1985, Ms. Daniel joined a team of engineers working on what was to become the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Program. This team developed an early simulation that was used to prove President Reagan’s Star Wars vision could become a reality. Ms. Daniel participated in early study programs which defined and demonstrated the application of Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) processes and techniques to information-intensive, distributed missile defense systems. In doing so, she established herself as a leader in the practical application of MBSE methods to systems engineering and development. Recognized as an integrator of methods and artifacts across the engineering and development lifecycle, Ms. Daniel has held numerous programmatic and technical leadership roles on air & missile defense programs of national significance, including the GMD BMC3 (now GFC/C) program, the Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) program, and the Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS). Ms. Daniel has held increasingly responsible management positions at Nichols Research, Schafer Corporation, and at QTEC Aerospace, where she was appointed Company President in 2018. She most recently led QTEC’s successful completion of the Department of Defense (DoD) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Northrop Grumman Mentor Protégé Program, receiving the distinguished Nunn Perry Award. Under Ms. Daniel’s leadership, QTEC supports several current air and missile defense programs. Ms. Daniel is a native of North Alabama, and holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Auburn University and a M.S. in Computer Science from UAH.


LTC Kyle Davidson has made extraordinary contributions to the Air Defense Artillery community and the Warfighter while serving in numerous challenging positions during his distinguished military career. He presently serves as the Product Manager PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) program. In this capacity, he is responsible for developing, producing, integrating, testing, fielding and sustaining the ACAT 1D PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE), the ACAT 1C PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) missile, and the Future Lower-Tier interceptor. He has made significant contributions to the Warfighter addressing major obsolescence in the system and increasing annual missile production capacity. LTC Davidson’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of sacrifice and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Chris Frei is the Director of the SHORAD Operating Unit within the C4 Missile Defense Business Unit, in the Division of Northrop Grumman’s Defense Systems Sector.  The SHORAD Operating Unit is an organization with 550+ employees, and offices located primarily in Huntsville, AL and Redondo Beach, CA. The SHORAD Operating Unit implements the Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM), Counter UAS and SHORAD C2 family of programs used by U.S. and coalition forces supporting the Global War on Terrorism. In his current role as Director of SHORAD Operating Unit, he is responsible for key programs including the Forward Area Air Defense/Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar Command and Control (FAAD/C-RAM C2) System, C-RAM Theater Integration and Sustainment Programs , Air and Missile Defense Workstation (AMDWS), RAMWARN, Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System, M-SHORAD Command Post Platforms, Directed Energy Maneuver SHORAD, C-RAM End-to-End Simulation, and C-RAM Foreign Military Sales (Egypt, Australia, Iraq, UK). During his 35+ years of employment at Northrop Grumman, Chris has served in increased roles of responsibility, ranging from System Engineer to Director, resulting in the development and fielding of numerous Air Defense systems. He spent 33 years supporting US Army Air Defense Command and Control programs and was instrumental in the fielding of FAAD C2 to the US Army in 1993 and C-RAM to the CENTCOM Region in 2005. Prior to managing the SHORAD portfolio of programs for Northrop Grumman, Chris held multiple roles on the FAAD C2 program over two decades from system engineering, integration and test, interoperability management, deputy program manager, and ultimately program manager for 6 years.


Dr. Richard C. Goodwin graduated from the US Military Academy (USMA) in 1971, “Doc” Goodwin’s career has spanned over 50 years of distinguished service supporting the mission of and exemplifying the virtues of the Air Defense Artillery (ADA):  As a Platoon Leader in the 808th Engineer Construction Battalion (H), he prepared the Nike Hercules Battery that defended Eielson AFB, AK for its 1969 IG inspection.  He taught Physics his ADA classmates at USMA, and then initiated a joint program with the US Army Air Defense School (USAADSCH) and Strategic Air Command to train soldiers on PATRIOT Batteries at Fort Bliss.  During his assignments to SHAPE HQ and the Aegis Program Office, Dr. Goodwin worked directly with LTG William J. Lennox, Jr. and  LTG Robert P. Lennox, USAADSCH and 32nd AAMDC Commanders, and Mr. Larry Burger, SMDC Future Concepts Division, to develop and implement ADA CONOPS and Tactics, Training, and Procedures for Allied and Joint Forces. While supporting the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, Doc developed the Joint Senior Officer’s AD Staff Planning and Operation Course that became the foundation for MDA’s Training Center. At USSTRATCOM he developed the Operational Concept and the requirements for Global Missile Defense for LTG Kevin Campbell and the 100th Missile Defense Brigade.  As MDA’s Command & Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) Tri-Service Cell Director, Doc coordinated directly with the Space and Missile Defense Command to provide quality training for Air Defenders.  Serving over 30 years as a co-chair, chair, and adviser to the Military Operations Research Society’s Air and Missile Working Group, Doc mentored Air Defense Analysts from all Services and Combatant Commands in their operational/acquisition planning.


Major Marshall L. Gray, United States Army, distinguished himself as Assistant Product Manager, Missile Defense Agency, Ground-based Midcourse Defense, Next Generation Interceptor.  Major Gray was the senior military leader and first Assistant Product Manager responsible for the new $3.3 billion Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) Project, a Presidential Special Interest Program in which he routinely interfaced with MDA and industry senior leadership. This project will significantly enhance the U.S. homeland defense missile defense mission.  He managed cost, schedule, and performance of multiple program acquisition efforts to design, develop, test, and field fully integrated NGIs to meet USNORTHCOM strategic missile defense requirements for defense of the homeland against long-range missile threats.  Major Gray led a team of 116 military members, government civilians, and support contractors responsible for ensuring the NGI provides the Warfighter with a cost-effective solution that is lethal across the specified threat space and extensible to address future and evolving threats.  Major Gray brought strategic vision to a large and cross-functional team of engineers to overcome numerous complex technical challenges to integrate Digital Engineering and DevSecOps initiatives into the NGI program.  Major Gray is a Command and General Staff College graduate with General Officer recommendation for Battalion-Level command with Senior Service College follow on. Major Gray’s exceptional and selfless contribution to the missile defense community has made and continues to make the highest contributions to our nation.


Mr. Gupta is currently serving as the Deputy, Directed Energy Project Office (DEPO).  His leadership has enabled the Army to leverage existing DE technologies and integrate them into Army platforms, resulting in the delivery of rapid prototypes with residual combat capability.  Mr. Gupta masterfully balanced the execution of multiple programs ensuring Army Warfighters are equipped to defeat the escalating threats that only Air Defense platforms can address.  Mr. Gupta oversaw the progress of three key, strategic DEPO efforts ensuring they remain on track throughout their development.  DEPO will deliver to the Army three first-of-their-kind combat-capable DE systems to address near-peer threats:  1) the DE Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) equipped with a 50kW-class laser in FY22; 2) the Indirect Fire Protection Capability-High Energy Laser (IFPC-HEL) with a 300kW-class laser in FY24; and 3) the IFPC-High Power Microwave (IFPC-HPM) in FY24.


Mr. Larry Hadwin made significant and lasting contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch across multiple programs. He currently serves as the Lead Performance Engineer for PATRIOT system performance and analysis in the Integrated Fires Mission Command (IFMC) Project Office within the Program Executive Office (PEO) Missiles and Space. He is responsible for determining the optimal PATRIOT system settings for defeating a wide variety of threats, using high fidelity simulation to confirm and quantify PATRIOT performance utilizing those setting and publish the results in the PATRIOT performance notebook. His tireless support and unwavering commitment to the Warfighter are critical to the success of the PATRIOT system He is a key contributor to the development of the Army’s backbone for offensive and defensive fires integration and mission command to defeat per threats in Multi Domain Operations. His career has embodied the spirit dignity, sense of sacrifice and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Ms. Christine Harbison is the Northrop Grumman Vice President for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers, Missile Defense (C4MD) Business Unit in Huntsville, Alabama.  Over a distinguished career in the U.S. Defense Industry, Ms. Harbison has made long term contributions to the defense of the Nation, to our Armed Forces, and to the U.S. Army and the Air Defense Artillery Branch.  During her over thirty year career, Ms. Harbison has successfully performed in multiple roles in leading industry research, development, and acquisition of command, control systems and advanced sensors and radars for the Raytheon and Northrop Grumman Corporations.  In her current role, Ms. Harbison is responsible for leading and managing Northrop Grumman’s portfolio of U.S. Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) systems and modernization programs.  These include the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS), the Forward Area and Missile Defense (FAAD)/Counter Rocket Air and Missile Defense (CRAM) Command and Control (C2), Air and Missile Defense Work Station (AMDWS), and Joint Tactical Air Ground System (JTAGS) programs.  During her tenure, Ms. Harbison’s exceptional leadership and management oversight of these programs produced a number of significant accomplishments that have contributed immensely to U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense modernization.  Since 2019, the IBCS program has successfully completed development and operational testing enabling the program to recently be approved by the Department of Defense for Milestone C, Low Rate Initial Production in January 2021.  Her C4MD Business Unit has also provided global CRAM operations and sustainment support of deployed U.S. Army forces in the Middle East, and successfully completed JTAGS Spiral 2 development, operational testing and system deployment to Korea in 2020.  Prior to this role, Mr. Harbison served as Northrop Grumman’s Vice President for the Advance Sensors Business Unit where she was responsible for development and production of the U.S. Marine Corps GATOR radar.


Mr. Haynes has served as an Industrial Specialist, Program Integrator, and the Director of Engineering & Manufacturing (E&M) within the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) since May 2004, providing oversight of numerous Air Defense Artillery (ADA) firing platforms, munitions, and command and control systems over a 17 year period. His leadership and contract administration of ADA capabilities and suppliers for major procurement programs has been crucial in the continued sustainment and future development of the ADA portfolio. Mr. Haynes and his team continue to make significant contributions to the ADA portfolio by providing contract administration and product acceptance support to PEO Missiles and Space, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), as well as major industry partners. Sam currently supervises seven multi-functional Integrated Program Support Teams (IPTs) that provide critical independent analysis on contract administration and product acceptance procedures to the GMD system, Targets and Countermeasures (TCP), Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System hardware, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) software, Modeling and Simulation Contract for Truth Modeling and Elements Representations (MASC-T) and Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) seekers.


Dr. Horne’s contributions to the engineering science behind our most complex integrated air & missile defense (IAMD) systems spans over 24 years of systems engineering (SE) analysis, requirements development, design support, integration and tests. In the mid-2000’s as the IAMD Raytheon requirements lead, she led a Lockheed Martin/Raytheon Joint Venture in support of the government IAMD Project Office to successfully define and codify the IAMD system architecture requirements in the Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System (DOORS) database. From 2010-2012, Dr. Horne served as the Chief Engineer for AMD Capability for Raytheon, and led a team of 140 engineers from program start-up through critical design review of the technical baseline to integrate the PATRIOT and the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor systems with the Integrated Battle Command System.  As Chief Engineer for Missile Defense National Team System Engineering from 2012-2015, Dr. Horne led 160 Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and General Dynamics engineers in the development of SE products for MDA’s Director of Engineering.  Throughout this period, her team spearheaded development of the technical requirements baseline for multiple programs including: the European Phased Adaptive Approach Phase 3, the ground-based interceptor’s Redesigned Kill Vehicle, and the Discrimination Improvements for Homeland Defense, which provides ground-based missile defense operators highly accurate midcourse tracking and discrimination of ballistic missile threats. Dr. Horne served as a Missile Defense Engineering Fellow from 2016-2019 where she developed operational concepts, performance analysis and system level trades to defeat hypersonic weapons. Dr. Horne is currently the Technical Director for Integrated MD Solutions for Raytheon Technologies, where she leads the development of IAMD solutions for Homeland CMD.


Ms. Deb Jenssen has distinguished herself with outstanding contributions to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch over the last two decades in Government, industry, and the military. In her current role as the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Directorate for Test’s (DT) Special Projects Lead, Ms. Jenssen is responsible for developing and implementing organizational management initiatives that ensure continued, efficient operations for the Missile Defense System (MDS) Test Program in support of the Warfighter. Since joining MDA in 2008, Ms. Jenssen has served in numerous technical and managerial roles providing outstanding contributions to MDS development. These roles include providing engineering support for Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) flight tests to execute long-term planning with ranges supporting complex test scenarios; leading teams of Government and contractor personnel to develop test designs for GMD and MDA sensors as part of MDA’s Integrated Master Test Plan process; and leading teams to execute MDA DT internal controls, reporting to legislative branch inquiries, and MDS test policy development. Due to her outstanding management and rapid execution, MDA had policies and processes in place to execute safe deployment for numerous tests, including FTP-27, GTI-21 Sprint 1, and GTI-21 Sprint 2, despite the pandemic environment. These tests directly supported delivery of critical capabilities to the ADA Warfighters defending our Nation, deployed forces, and international partners from missile attacks.


James Johnson distinguishing himself with outstanding contributions to the United States Army Air Defense Artillery Branch as the Missile Defense Agency’s United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) / Korea Deputy Division Chief for Wargames and Exercises. In this role, James contributed immensely to the mission of Air and Missile Defenders forward stationed in USINDOPACOM and the Republic of Korea by overseeing modeling and simulation (M&S) supporting five annual training exercises that enhanced readiness and tactics, techniques, and procedures. James took the lead in enhancing Korea peninsula readiness by successfully demonstrating the first fully integrated hardware-in-the-loop Missile Defense System (MDS) training exercise for the 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade during Air Defense Exercise 2019-2. This enabled the Warfighter to conduct operationally realistic netted air battles using high-fidelity threat models from six operationally deployed locations throughout the peninsula. Recently, James exhibited exemplary innovation leading a team that successfully executed MDA’s first supported Tier II exercise since the onset of the pandemic. This event, Combined Command Post Training 2020-2 ensured Combined Forces Command staff and component readiness in maintaining the Republic of Korea-US alliance in the defense of Korea. Under James’ leadership, his team provided fully remote support with minimal modification from Warfighters’ perspectives. James’ leadership and dedication to the success of Korean Theater exercises greatly enhanced Air Defense Artillery warfighter readiness and MDS mission capability to “fight tonight.”


Dr. Frank (Jeff) Keller dedicated himself to advancing communications in a space environment utilizing advanced sensor technology to keep our nation, our air defenders and allies safe from ballistic and non-ballistic missile threats.  Dr. Keller serves as a Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Civilian, Chief Engineer (NH-4), where his contributions were establishing the Nanosat Testbed Initiative (NTI) using CubeSats for advancing communication technology for kill vehicles and satellite constellations in a proliferated low earth orbit. His current role is Technology Maturation Chief Engineer for the Missile Defense Agency. Dr. Keller distinguishes himself as a brilliant technical expert and extraordinary leader in the cutting edge areas of communication technology for space and kill vehicle applications for the Missile Defense System and other Department of Defense (DoD) organizations. Dr. Keller led the NTI team resulting in the successful launch of two CubeSats in 2021 marking the beginning of a series of on-orbit demonstrations harnessing the potential of CubeSats to perform technology maturation experiments in the relevant environment of space. It also represents the first use of CubeSats by the Missile Defense Agency for technology development. Dr. Keller’s vision for the on-orbit NTI experiments led to ad-hoc networked operations leveraging communications payloads centered on software defined radios with High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryption (HAIPE)-Like capability.  Secure HAIPE communications supports and advances emerging systems ahead of evolving threats for the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) mission set. Dr. Keller aligned a MDA and Air Force Research Lab partnership focusing on demonstrating ad-hoc mesh-networking behaviors across multiple nodes in multiple domains (path-agnostic communications) and evaluating alternative Positioning Navigation and Timing (PNT) as a by-product of ranging from the ground nodes.


David King is currently the Vice-President of Warfighter Readiness in the AMD and C4ISR Sector of Blue Halo. In this role he is responsible for the discovery and implementation of new technologies in the realm of air and missile defense training, directed energy testing, stinger surrogate missiles, and counter unmanned aerial systems. David began his career in 1982 in the Army.  He spent eight years in the Air Defense Artillery as a 22N, Nike Hercules Missile and Launcher Repairer and later 24H, Hawk Fire Control Repairer. He then worked for Electronic Associates Inc. and later AMTEC Corp. at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL, on a wide range of projects including the Sensor Vision III Real-Time IR Scene Generator, JAVELIN, STINGER, CHAPARRAL BAT, AIT, and THAAD HWIL simulations. Dave’s clear mark on air defense has been in his development of unique training systems for service members.  He personally led Aegis technologies in the development of advanced trainers and simulators that proliferate both in the Army and Marine air defense communities.  Specifically, he stood up a Simulation Development Group that would go on to develop the Improved Moving Target Simulator (IMTS) which is replacing all the older Stinger Moving Target Simulators (MTS) around the globe.  His also led the team to develop Virtual Stinger Training Systems utilizing networked oculus devices in a robust, battlefield conditions which allows Soldiers and Marines to train anywhere in the world in realistic and adaptive environments.  To date he has fielded 81 Virtual Stinger Training systems and multiple IMTSs across the DoD. Dave has also developed modeling and simulations devices and architectures for the air defense and missile defense community.


COL Lozano made significant and lasting contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch across multiple programs. He currently serves as the Project Manager for the Integrated Fires / Rapid Capabilities (IF/RCO) Project Office within PEO Missiles and Space. Col Frank Lozano served as the PM for the Lower Tier Project Office (LTPO) from July 2017 to July 2020. As the LTPO PM he was responsible for expanding capabilities against current and emerging threats with the PATRIOT missile systems. He led initiatives to integrate PATRIOT with the Army’s Integrated Battle Command System and integrate the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement Interceptor into the Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. His tireless support and unwavering commitment to the Warfighter are critical to the success of the Air and Missile Defense system capability growth for the US and coalition warfighters. He is a key contributor to the development of the Army’s backbone for offensive and defensive fires integration and mission command to defeat peer threats in Multi Domain Operations.


Mr. Wade Makin has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to national defense and the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch throughout his career of more than 40 years supporting air defense. He currently serves as the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Flight Test Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Target Test Director (TTD), where he demonstrated leadership, extraordinary initiative, and consistent overall excellence in planning and executing the successful ICBM target launches for Flight Test Aegis Weapon System (FTM)-44 and Flight Test Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Weapon System (FTG)-11. These tests represent two of MDA’s most complex flight tests to date and historic achievements for MDA and the Department of Defense, successfully demonstrating strategic capabilities to deter adversaries and further development of weapon systems for delivery to the Warfighter.  Each test required years of planning, coordination, and significant infrastructure upgrades.  He leveraged his extensive air defense experience and led and managed a diverse Government and industry team of more than 200 personnel deployed to sites worldwide, demonstrating outstanding teamwork, technical expertise, sound engineering judgement, and exceptional problem solving skills. Mr. Makin performed as the TTD for FTM-44, enabling MDA to meet a National Defense Authorization Act mandate and demonstrate first-time Aegis and Standard Missile-3 Block IIA intercept of an ICBM. Prior to his service with MDA, Mr. Makin worked for and with the U.S. Army and installed, operated, maintained, and trained personnel on Nike-Hercules Air Defense Systems.  He was responsible for the overall operation of radar receivers, antennas, signal processors, control circuits, and electrical power plants. Throughout his career, Mr. Wade Makin’s accomplishments highlight significant contributions to the ADA Branch.  In addition to his achievements, he models MDA’s core values of integrity, professionalism, and dedication to the mission.


Mr. Mann serves as the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) lead Program Integrator for the Army’s Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) Program. As the Program Integrator for IAMD, Tom provides essential government oversight through all phases of IAMD program development. Tom’s expertise and thorough understanding of the IAMD components has been critical for the integration of current and future Air & Missile Defense (AMD) sensors and weapons into a common integrated fire control capability with a distributed “plug-and-fight’ network architecture. This architecture is essential in providing extended range and non-line-of-sight engagements across the full spectrum of AMD threats. Tom’s constant vigilance and surveillance of production activities, identification of problem areas and coordination with the program office and buying activity have enabled the program to remain on schedule and below projected cost while ensuring that Air Defenders are provided top quality equipment to enhance their lethal capabilities. In addition to IAMD, Tom has served as a Program Integrator and lead DCMA Engineer for the Targets and Countermeasures Program (TCP), Objective Simulation Framework (OSF), the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Program, the Patriot Advanced Capabilities (PAC-3) program and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) program. Mr. Mann’s attention to detail and diligent oversight has ensured that the government is receiving the highest quality equipment for the Air & Missile Defense and the Field Artillery Community.


COL McLeod is currently serving as the DE-MSHORAD Project Manager (PM) for RCCTO’s Directed Energy Project Office.  COL McLeod is an exemplary member of the RCCTO who has advanced the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery portfolios through a variety of positions.  His contributions as a Soldier, Leader and Acquisition Corps professional have had a positive impact on both branches. From 2004 to 2020, COL McLeod has served Field Artillery and Air Defense Soldiers in roles of increasing responsibility while assigned to Program Executive Office (PEO) Missiles and Space, the Missile Defense Agency, and PEO Simulations, Training and Instrumentation.  His key roles have included Assistant Product Manager for the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System and Patriot PAC-3, Product Manager responsible for integrating Command and Control for Integrated Ballistic Defense Systems, and Project Manager for Army Training Devices allowing Army systems to conduct live and virtual force-on-force training. As the DE-MSHORAD PM, COL McLeod is managing the rapid development of a critical weapon system for Air Defense Artillery Soldiers.  COL McLeod’s mission is to scale existing technologies and deliver rapid prototypes with needed combat capability.  DE-MSHORAD will offer a significant defensive capability against unmanned aerial systems; rotary- and fixed-wing threats; and rocket, artillery and mortar threats.  Throughout his career, COL McLeod has sought key positions in which he can best contribute to Soldiers by providing them the systems needed to successfully execute their mission.  COL McLeod’s contributions are a commendable reflection upon the United States Army and the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery branches.


Ms. Miller is a Contracting Officer (KO) for the Iron Dome System and the Maneuver Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system.  She is also ACC-RSA Contracting Representative for Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Cross-Functional Team (CFT), Fort Sill.  As KO for the Iron Dome, she developed an acquisition strategy and utilized a unique statute (10 U.S.C. 2373) to exempt the requirement from the Federal Acquisition Regulation and procure the system directly from the Israeli Government; thus, expediting the acquisition process and obtaining the system in an accelerated schedule to support operational testing at WSMR.  As KO for the M-SHORAD, she developed an acquisition strategy to transition the prototype from an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Agreement to an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) production contract that required the approval of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.  She awarded a Letter Contract to meet the M-SHORAD fielding schedule.  Both of these acquisitions are CFT programs and based upon Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Directed Requirements with high levels of visibility.  These systems are critical to the United States AMD future force structure.   Without the development of these unique acquisition approaches, award of these contract actions would have been significantly delayed resulting in the unavailability of the Iron Dome and M-SHORAD systems.  She earned her BSBA, Procurement Management from University of Alabama in Huntsville.  She is DAWIA Level III Certified Acquisition.  She earned Civilian Service Commendation Medal.


Lieutenant Colonel Raymond H. Morgan, United States Army (Retired), distinguished himself through exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the United States Army and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) from June 2014 to June 2017, concluding 21 years of exemplary military service. His career culminated in his centrally-selected, battalion command-level, key critical acquisition position as Product Manager, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Missile Product Office, MDA. During his tenure, numerous THAAD Interceptors and operational THAAD Batteries were developed, produced, and delivered to the United States Army and a U.S foreign partner nation, greatly enhancing the capability of the Warfighter. LTC (R) Morgan continues to serve the Warfighter in a civilian capacity.  He currently serves as the Director for Acquisition Management for the THAAD Project Office within MDA.  As the senior matrixed acquisition functional employee, he provides expertise to the project office on all acquisition-related activities by advising the THAAD Project Managers on implementing sound acquisition strategies, policies, and processes (per respective MDA Directives, Manuals, and Procedures) on a daily basis.  Within a year, he has identified THAAD alternative acquisition courses of action and strategies that are responsive to emerging and real-time programmatic risk.  He led the acquisition effort in developing an Acquisition Strategy for demonstrating enhanced capability for the THAAD Weapon system; developed Interceptor Request for Proposal; and, worked diligently to receive MDA Director’s approval of the Acquisition Decision Memorandum and associated Acquisition Plan, which will allow the procurement of additional interceptors in order to provide continued support to the Warfighter.


Melissa’s engineering and program leadership career spans 24yrs, including 15yrs at Raytheon Technologies (RTX), where she has made significant contributions to AN/TPY-2/ Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Patriot, Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) and Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. While serving as the RTX Program Manager for the THAAD program, Melissa oversaw the RTX efforts to rapidly deploy THAAD/Patriot interoperability enhancements in support of an urgent material release in response to a US Forces Korea (USFK) Joint Emergent Operational Needs Statement. These enhancements in combination with the Patriot Launch on Remote (LOR) upgrade, also part of the JEONS, increase Patriot’s defended area with longer range, higher altitude engagements and preserves THAAD interceptors for high value threats. As the JLENS IPT lead for Engineering Services Management and later as the Deputy PM, Melissa’s engineering teams have led the assessments, analysis, and tests to validate the system’s strategic and operational utility to provide 360° surveillance of low flying cruise missile threats and fire control quality data to enable beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) engagements of these threats.   Melissa’s leadership during critical system flight tests at the Utah Test & Training Range directly contributed to the successful BLOS detection, classification, and intercept of cruise missile targets via link 16 with the Army/PAC-3 missile; the Air Force/AMRAAM and the Navy/Standard Missile-6 via Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC). Melissa currently serves as the RTX Program Director for the Next Generation Interceptor.


Mr. George Nadler has served as a pillar in the Air Defense Artillery Community as the lead Army Capability Developer for Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I), additionally Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR), Actionable Infrared Data Exploitation and Fires Center of Excellence (CoE) capabilities integration. His expertise has been instrumental in developing and employing assured missile warning to Geographic Combatant Commanders, a critical Warfighter capability. Mr. Nadler has served as the Space and Missile Defense Subject Matter Expert supporting OSD, JROC, HQDA, and SMDC-directed JTAGS P3I requirement development. He has been involved in countless conferences and working groups with the JTAGS Product Office (JPO), Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), and Headquarters Department of the Army to ensure a thorough understanding of operational requirements which were incorporated into the missile warning program in order to provide the right missile warning capability to the Warfighter. Mr. Nadler’s positive contributions have directly impacted thousands Air Defense Soldiers over the past 16 years that have been a part of the JTAGS/Missile Warning program. His DOTMLPFP integration efforts over the years have resulted in an improved missile warning system as well as better training and facilities for the JTAGS Soldiers that are deployed world-wide to support this critical mission 24/7/365. Additionally, his outreach across the Department of Defense (DoD) has been critical to defining US Army Assured Missile Warning Requirements. Mr. Nadler has engaged with DoD and US Army senior leaders on numerous occasions about the essential role missile warning capability provides to Army Warfighters.


Ms. Judy Nevers currently leads, plans, integrates, and executes MDA support for Combatant Command (CCMD) Missile Defense System wargames and exercises supporting the ADA mission.  Her efforts directly enable the warfighter to effectively validate tactics, techniques, and procedures to employ and maintain current missile defense systems as well as participate in the development of future capabilities. Ms. Nevers excelled in support of MDA Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications; Targets and Countermeasures; and Directorate for Test.  As the Director for Business Financial Management and Acting Deputy Director for Advanced Technology, Ms. Nevers led development of standardized management tools that were responsible for aligning MDA’s architecture and ballistic missile defense roadmap with the national technology portfolio of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.  Ms. Nevers as the Deputy Director for Targets Test Execution, spearheaded development of the target execution budget baseline, working with stakeholders to ensure delivery of target requirements within budget.  She led integration and production of two target vehicles that were successfully used during flight test events while ensuring the prime contractor met technical and cost performance goals.  Using her expert knowledge of analytical and evaluative methods and techniques, such as qualitative and quantitative analysis, she assessed program effectiveness and provided alternative solutions to address issues.  Her efforts to formulate plans from a variety of inputs supported design, testing and execution of complex missile defense weapon systems designed to defend the homeland, our deployed forces, and our international allies.


Mr. Gary Nirschl distinguishes himself in support of the Air Defense Artillery (ADA) branch by ensuring that all U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Batteries were operational at all times despite constant cybersecurity threats.  Mr. Nirschl is the THAAD Information System Security Manager and works directly with deployed THAAD Battery commanders and personnel, including the U.S. Army THAAD Instruction Division at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to ensure all cybersecurity and related operational requirements are met.  Mr. Nirschl leads an expert team of six core personnel and contractor support elements to oversee all cybersecurity infrastructure and network defense updates to prevent any downtime from the ever-present adversary and nefarious activities, including identifying cybersecurity hardware and software that needs updating.  He ensures that 100 percent of all mandatory Authority to Operate approvals are on time, despite numerous technical hurdles.  He plays an extremely important role in being the key interface between the U.S. Army and Missile Defense Agency (MDA) on numerous matters, including reporting directly to THAAD Project Manager and key leadership to ensure the no-fail mission of the MDA Missile Defense System.  He is responsible for cybersecurity preparation for every THAAD Weapon System test, including all flight tests, ground tests, Cooperative Vulnerability Penetration Assessments, Adversarial Assessments, and Control Validation Tests.  He has been recognized on numerous occasions by the THAAD Project Manager and Deputy Project Managers, THAAD Chief Engineer, THAAD Product Managers and Directors, and deserves elevated recognition for his outstanding and exemplary support to the Warfighter and ADA branch.


Mr. Sunil Patel has distinguished himself as an outstanding innovator and leader for the Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery for over 13 years. In his current role as the Senior Program Manager, Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Strategic Initiatives, Sunil is responsible for the development and program execution of numerous activities that advance the warfighter capabilities for the Air Defense and Field Artillery forces. These include development of a missile communications device that enables 360-degree engagement capability, integration of 5th Generation aircraft into Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) forces, and a Joint Fires capability that leverages airborne sensor capabilities to enable simultaneous defensive and offensive Artillery fires. Sunil has a long, distinguished history of contributions to the Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery. He was the lead systems architect for an IAMD Tactical Planner that was used for multiple USCENTCOM multinational IAMD operational exercises. He was the principal investigator for the IAMD Battle Management portfolio where he supported numerous technology demonstrations and exercises in support of the US Army Air and Missile Defense. He was the program technical lead for development of a US ally IAMD Weapons Engagement Manger capability. He was the program manager for the applied research Leap Ahead Missile Technology (LAMT) responsible for the research and development of advanced missile components and subsystems including missile guidance and control, thermal management, advanced energetics and advanced propulsion and missile controls. He was also the lead program manager for development of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) requirements for integration with the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS).


Mr. Peterson made significant and lasting contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch across multiple programs. He currently serves as the lead performance engineer for the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) performance and analysis for the Short and Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense (SHIELD) Project Office within the PEO Missiles and Space. His tireless support and unwavering commitment to the Warfighter were critical to the success of thePAC-3 MSE performance. He plays a key role in developing advanced fire control techniques and algorithms to ensure PAC-3 MSE maintains capability overmatch against the evolving threat. He has been a key contributor to the development of the Army’s backbone for offensive and defensive fires integration and mission command to defeat peer threats in Multi Domain Operations. Mr. Peterson’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of sacrifice and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Craig Reed has distinguished himself with exceptional contributions to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) branch in his current role as Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director for Ground Test and throughout his 17-year career developing our Nation’s missile defense capabilities. He is currently responsible for the planning, management, integration, and execution of Missile Defense System (MDS) ground tests, including integrated testing using hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) assets, and flight test risk reduction testing using HWIL assets. These tests provide one-of-a-kind data enabling assessment and fielding of critical missile defense capabilities, including for Army Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Patriot weapon systems. While overseeing a robust, successful ground test program, Mr. Reed recently led significant ground test laboratory, personnel, and test procedure modifications to ensure compliance with CDC COVID-19 guidelines and continuity of operations. He led these efforts while restructuring the near-term ground test schedule to accommodate a temporary pause in testing due to the onset of the pandemic. His leadership resulted in the safe and efficient completion of two ground test events in the midst of these austere conditions (GTI-21 Sprint 1 and GTI-21 Sprint 2). These ground test events provided data to support delivery of critical THAAD and AN/TPY-2 capabilities for Army Warfighters in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.

Prior to his service as Director for Ground Test, Mr. Reed served as Deputy Director for MDA’s Directorate for Test Design and Analysis. In this role, he led planning of an executable MDS test program based on engineering analysis of test requirements to produce an Integrated Master Test Plan (IMTP). The IMTP is one of MDA’s most critical annual products developed in partnership with DoD stakeholders and delivered to Congress in synchronization with the budget. As MDA’s lead for IMTP development, Mr. Reed presented technical and programmatic briefings to senior leaders across the DoD. Prior to serving within MDA, he worked as a Joint Analysis Team Lead for the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), providing system analysis and reporting for missile defense flight test events. He started his career as an SMDC intern while attending Auburn University.


Mr. Sheltrown currently serves as the Project Lead and Deputy Director for Warfighter Support, Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications Program (C2BMC) Office, Missile Defense Agency, responsible for Warfighter systems integration and training for all missile defense communications deployments that directly support Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) communications as well as their required detailed defense design planning with the combatant commanders in support of operational and contingency plan mission execution. He has resolved a myriad of Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) technical challenges supporting the combatant commands (CCMD) in all the operational theaters around the world.  Mr. Sheltrown has consistently led and supported a wide variety of Air Defense integration efforts onto the theater, regional and strategic missile defense networks.  He developed detailed plans and oversaw all logistics to ensure that Warfighters have the command and control capabilities that they need to execute active defense, for the ADA mission.  Mr. Sheltrown’s major contributions to the ADA Branch in the field of Air and Missile Defense are well known throughout the ADA and joint missile defense community. Mr. Sheltrown continues to be a pillar to promote current and future Army Air Defense capabilities especially today, as the combatant commanders move to a more joint all domain construct in the homeland defense network and architectures. Most notably, his efforts in leading the first ever operational THAAD deployments to the Northern, European, and Central Commands’ areas of responsibility have greatly expanded CCMD terminal defense capabilities.  As the lead for all Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence aspects, which include tactics, techniques and procedures, development and incorporating past lessons learned, communications architectures and defense design planning, he has been crucial to the success of these four deployments globally, ensuring the highest state of readiness and system availability for these units to have achieved their mission successes.


Over the past six years Major Simpson has significantly contributed to the promotion of the Air Defense Artillery branch among all he has come in contact with. His service as a Senior ADA SR ADA OC/T at the Mission Command Training Program enhanced the readiness of 10 active duty and National Guard Brigade Combat Teams as they prepared for CTC rotations and overseas deployments. His proficiency in advise and assist skills easily allowed the transfer of knowledge on AMD operations to include ADAM best practices, CAL/DAL planning techniques, Army Airspace Management, MDMP inputs and ADA employment guidelines to less experienced ADA Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers at the division and below levels. Major Simpson’s most recent experience as the Eighth Army Air and Missile Defense Chief was most influential and noteworthy. He was responsible for planning, coordinating air and theater ballistic missile defense capabilities and operations in support of the 8th Army mission of protecting and if necessary defeating North Korean missile attacks. He served as an integral planner for the first deployment of a THAAD battery to South Korea.

MR. TOBY STAUCH (Posthumous)

Mr. Toby Stauch brings 21 Years of Program Management experience; with 11 years as a Defense Civilian making significant contributions to Air & Missile Defense community in the areas of Modeling and Simulation, Targets and Countermeasures, Command, Control and Battle Management.   He is a dedicated leader demonstrating competence with integrity and character. Toby’s numerous contributions to the Army Air Defense Artillery branch over his distinguished 21 year career include serving as the Deputy Director of Acquisition for the Missile Defense Agency from 2020 to 2021, approving multiple acquisitions within the Missile Defense System up to $500 Million which directly support the Army Air Defense Warfighter Mission through protection of the homeland and our international partners (examples include products within the Army Ground Based Midcourse Defense program, Army Ground Sensors and the Army Terminal Area Air Defense Program and other missile defense products as well as establishing the Analysis Cell at the Army Missile Research & Development Command (AMRDEC) facilities resulting in cost savings of over 40% to the Government for validation of Models and Simulations of Army Air Defense Sensors. Mr. Stauch holds a B.S. Business Administration from Faulkner University as well as a M.S.M.  in Acquisition and Contract Management from the Florida Institute of Technology.


Mr. Rob Taylor has a sustained record of dedication to the Air Defense Artillery Branch and larger Missile Defense Community for 40-years both in and out of uniform.  Rob’s initial exposure to the Air Defense Artillery Branch was while serving as the Commander of an Aegis Ship.  During Rob’s Navy career he has held key leadership positions to include: Commander, Destroyer Squadron 60, Commanding Officer, USS OLDENDORF and Deputy Surface Ships for the Navy Staff. Rob started his career with Industry in 2008 working on Littoral Combat Ship and Aegis programs.  Furthermore, Rob has served in multiple roles with Lockheed Martin on multiple Missile Defense programs to include: Aegis BMD; C2BMC; THAAD; and the Long Range Discrimination Radar.  Rob has been recognized as a thought leader in advancing and optimizing Weapon System capabilities, integrating capabilities across BMD systems, improving sustainment and reliability, while striving to provide the best products to the Warfighter. Rob has made a significant and lasting impact on both the Air Defense Artillery Branch and Missile Defense Community. He has earned numerous United States Navy and Lockheed Martin Special Recognition and Excellence Awards and has demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character and professional competence. He was also key in the development of THAAD-MSE Integration efforts focused on maximizing a layered defense in support of the Warfighter.


Mr. Jim Ussery has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) mission throughout his 27-year career supporting missile defense including his current role as Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director for Flight Test. Since joining MDA in 2009, Mr. Ussery led numerous missile defense tests of Army air defense assets, including the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Patriot weapon systems. He is currently responsible for the planning and execution of all flight tests conducted by MDA in support of the Missile Defense System Test Program and the ADA mission. Mr. Ussery has displayed the utmost professionalism and leadership while navigating extraordinary challenges since the onset of the COVID pandemic, enabling numerous critical flight tests despite the unprecedented circumstances and delivering singularly impactful results. Under his leadership, MDA and the Army recently conducted FTP-27, which validated interoperability of the Patriot and THAAD weapon systems, a critical capability to the Missile Defense System (MDS) and ADA warfighters defending against threats to our Nation, deployed forces, and allies. Mr. Ussery is currently engaged in detailed planning and execution activities for TH CTV-01a and FTT-21, which are planned to demonstrate the THAAD weapon system’s capability to fire and control PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptors using the new TH 4.0 software (TH CTV-01a) and then successfully engage a short-range ballistic missile target (FTT-21). The successful THAAD MSE intercept of a live target and delivery of TH 4.0 software provides a vital capability that expands the engageable battlespace and provides our Army Warfighters greater flexibility in executing their missions. Mr. Ussery previously served as Deputy Director for MDA’s Directorate for Ground Test where he supervised the planning, management, integration, and execution of MDS ground tests supporting capability assessment and delivery for the Warfighter. Previous to his work with MDA, Mr. Ussery held numerous industry roles, including Director of Engineering and Analysis for L-3 Communications. In this position, he served as the lead engineer for THAAD system testing and facilitated inclusion of Army U.S. Pacific Command personnel in all THAAD missions at the Pacific Missile Range Facility. He also served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force in various aviation and air defense roles, departing as a Captain in 1993.


Ms. Wilkerson made significant and lasting contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch across multiple programs. She currently serves as Deputy Project Manager (Acting) for the Integrated Fires Mission Command Project Office with the PEO Missiles and Space. Ms. Wilkerson previously served as the IFMC Program Operation Director, responsible for overseeing all acquisition planning, program integration and personnel management of multiple programs, including: IBCS, PATRIOT, Joint Tactical Ground Station, Rocket Artillery and Mortar Warn, Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control and Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System. Her tireless support and unwavering commitment to the Warfighter were critical to the success of the December 2020 IBCS Milestone C Defense Acquisition Board. She has been a key contribution to the development of the Army’s backbone for offensive and defensive fires integration and mission command to defeat peer threats in Multi-Domain Operations.


LTC Wilkins is the Army board-select Product Manager for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Interceptor since June 2020.  His leadership of his Team of military officers, Government civilians, and contractors have significantly contributed to the development, fielding, and sustainment of enhanced Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities for the Air and Missile Defense Warfighter. LTC Wilkins’ Team fielded the Interceptor component of a Joint Emergent Operational Need Statement capability for U. S. Forces Korea in 2020, in response to a critical need identified by INDOPACOM.  This effort included THAAD remote launch, as well as Patriot Launch on THAAD.  LTC Wilkins and his Team orchestrated the replacement of inoperable missiles in theater, in an unprecedented environment, amid highly-restrictive conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Leveraging his technical expertise, LTC Wilkins managed the recovery of Interceptor deliveries which had been paused due to the unavailability of a significant Interceptor component.  As a result, THAAD resumed Missile deliveries in October 2020, and delivered 105 Interceptors through September 2021.  At present, LTC Wilkins’ Team has delivered over 400 THAAD Interceptors for the U.S. Army THAAD Batteries, and another 192 for our Foreign Military Sales customers. LTC Wilkins was instrumental in THAAD receiving a Full Production Decision approval for THAAD Interceptors from the Office of the Secretary of Defense in October 2020.  This approval increased the authorization for U.S. Interceptors from 554 to 910.


Mr. Kevin Williams has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) branch in his current role as Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director for Test Resources and throughout his 30-year career supporting U.S. Army aviation and air defense. He is currently responsible for the planning, procurement, sustainment, modernization, and management of test infrastructure used to support flight tests (including range facilities, fixed and mobile sensors and instrumentation, and test communications networks) in support of the MDS Test Program and ADA mission. Under Mr. Williams’ leadership, MDA implemented numerous range infrastructure upgrades that enabled safe execution of FTG-11, the first operational flight test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system and the first salvo engagement of an intercontinental ballistic missile target. Mr. Williams led his team to integrate range operations and infrastructure and deployed MDA teams and instrumentation to successfully execute this test and collect data supporting the vital ADA mission. Mr. Williams’ diligence and dedication enabled the rapid site build at Reagan Test Site for the AN/TPY-2 radar and THAAD launcher as well as comprehensive deployment shore support for Warfighter operators and the MDA team, leading to the first successful THAAD remote launch and intercept. Mr. Williams led the efforts to drive greater operational realism into execution of these tests, providing an invaluable training opportunity for ADA Warfighters. Prior to his service in numerous roles with MDA, Mr. Williams was Assistant Product Manager for Patriot Testing under the U.S. Army Program Executive Office Missiles and Space. In this role, he was responsible for planning and executing tests of key Patriot system upgrades directly supporting deployed ADA Warfighters. He also served active duty in the U.S. Army in numerous aviation and air defense roles, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2012.

Ancient Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(North Alabama Chapter of the U.S. Field Artillery Association)


Commissioned as an Artilleryman in May of 1992, COL (Ret) Eric Rannow has always demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism and mission accomplishment. Eric spent his lieutenant years stationed at Fort Hood with the 1st Cavalry Division in 1-82 FA. Here he served as a Company Fire Support Officer (FSO) supporting the 1st BDE.  Eric continued doing great things in the Dragon Battalion, serving as a Fire Direction Officer and Heavy Platoon Leader in Charlie Battery, 1-82 FA. Eric served his captain years at Fort Drum with the 10th Mountain Division. CPT Rannow was the Aviation Brigade FSO before taking command of Alpha Battery, 2-15 FA. Under his direction, A/2-15 FA was regarded as the best battery in the DIVARTY, earning top FDC and Gun-line certification scores, always with an eye toward safety. While commanding Alpha Battery, CPT Rannow was inducted into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara on 24 June 1999.  In the early 2000 timeframe, CPT Rannow transitioned to the Army Acquisition Corps serving in a variety of critical assignments over the years. Two noteworthy acquisition assignments include Centralized Selection List (CSL) command positions at the battalion and brigade levels. Both of these command assignments significantly contributed to the success of the Fires Community.

COL (Ret) Rannow’s CSL Battalion Command equivalent assignment was as the Product Manager for Sets, Kits, Outfits, & Tools (PM SKOT). For 36 months, LTC Rannow commanded an 800 person team, managing 250 different products with $1.4B portfolio budget across the POM. PM SKOT provides maintenance-enabling capabilities to the Army. From trailers to tanks and HMMWV’s to howitzers, anytime Soldiers turned wrenches in the motor pool, PM SKOT provided the hardware enabling Operational Readiness rates. As the PM, LTC Rannow routinely deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan to ensure the highest level of ordinance support to the Warfighter. Finally in 2013 under Eric’s leadership, PM SKOT received the Do D’s award for Value Engineering (VE) Excellence for exceeding the office’s VE goal by 300% and saving the Army $14M in FY2012.

COL (Ret) Rannow’s Brigade Command equivalent assignment was at White Sands Missile Range where he commanded the Army Test Center. During this 36 month assignment with the Army Test & Evaluation Command (ATEC), COL Rannow commanded White Sands Test Center (WSTC) where he was responsible for a 3,200 square mile Major Range and Test Base Facility, employing over 1,600 personnel, and posting an annual budget of over $400M. Eric was also charged with maintaining/sustaining over $128B in test instrumentation and facilities. White Sands is on the critical path for the Department of Defense’s most lethal weapon systems. During Eric’s three years in command, WSTC safely conducted 2,537 kinetic test events and hosted 3,900 training events for Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine customers. Noteworthy indirect Army systems tested at White Sands during this timeframe included: Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), Tail Control GMLR, Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) proximity fuse & Service Life Extension efforts, Palletized Field Artillery Launcher (PFAL), as well as Patriot, Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD), Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC) and Mobile Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD). In addition to developmental testing, WSTC routinely conducted stockpile reliability testing for the Army’s inventory of rocket and missile systems.

COL (Ret) Rannow’s final assignment was to Redstone Arsenal as the Military Deputy with Combat Capabilities Development Command’s Aviation & Missile Center (AvMC). For the last year with AvMC, Eric directly supported both the Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) and Air Missile Defense (AMD) Fires Cross Functional Teams (CFT). This CFT support includes Research, Development, Test & Engineering efforts designed to deliver game changing technologies to the Fires Community. These emerging capacities shall enable Multi-Domain Operations and keep Field Artillery the King of Battle.

Honorable Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(North Alabama Chapter of the U.S. Field Artillery Association)


Ms. Adams, continuing a 22-year career, is currently serving as the Protocol Officer to LTG L. Neil Thurgood, Director for Hypersonics, Directed Energy, Space and Rapid Acquisition, Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). Ms. Adams supports an organization which reports to a Board of Directors led by the Secretary of the Army, and includes the Army’s senior leadership personnel.  Ms. Adams, in Kilo Battery, 2d Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment, 4th Division, United States Marine Corps, was the first woman to successfully serve as a First Sergeant in an active duty Field Artillery battalion. As assigned, Ms. Adams supported 29 field artillery drills, 4 annual training exercises, and a weapons and tactics course across seven states. As the First Sergeant, she provided consistent expert advice to the Battery Commander and worked tirelessly to maintain accountability and welfare and improve the morale and administrative readiness of the battery. Her engaged leadership during that time fostered greater teamwork and efficiency within the staff, including improvements in administrative matters, Field Supply and Maintenance Analysis Office inspection readiness, professional military education for both Active Duty and Reserve personnel, site security, and personal and family readiness. Ms. Adams’ pinnacle achievement was the supervision of several non-standard training events including: an Annual Training Exercise; Exercise Iron Rage at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; in conjunction with the Annual Training Exercise, HIRAIN live-fire training; an Annual Training Exercise; an Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) live-fire testing conducted at White Sands Missile Range; and a HIRAIN live-fire raid exercise conducted between Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and Dugway Proving Ground, Utah.  Ms. Adams’ tireless, dedicated commitment to the Field Artillery communities have definitely made her worthy of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Ms. Bridges has 19 years of Federal Service, and currently serves as the Director of Business Management in the Mid-Range Capability Project Office at the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. Paige started her civil service career as a GS-01 Summer Hire, and then became an Acquisition Analyst at the Precision Fires Rocket and Missile Systems (PFRMS) Project Office (later named Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM)). As she progressed through her impressive career, Paige accumulated many accomplishments, including leading the acquisition of numerous critical artillery rocket and missile systems. She was also instrumental in reviving the MLRS and HIMARS Fleet Expansion, bringing ATACMS Service Life Extension Program back to production, and executing Alternative Warhead, GMLRS, to achieve Milestone C for Full Rate Production.  Ms. Bridges was part of the original PrSM Integrated Product Team and led the first Other Transaction Authority (OTA) execution and award for PFRMS/STORM.  Ms. Bridges became the Acquisition Division Chief and lead a team of 14 Acquisition Professionals planning and executing five ACAT I programs.  Ms. Bridges was a linchpin definitizing eight Undefinitzed Contract Actions (UCAs) in a two-year timeframe.  During her PFRMS/STORM acquisition career, from 2007-2022, Ms. Bridges supported over 200 different contracts with a cumulative value exceeding $20B.  Her numerous achievements certainly make her a worthy member of the Order of St. Barbara.


Ms. Cooper is the Lead Systems Engineer and Acting Chief Engineer for RCCTO’s Mid-Range Capability Project Office (MRCPO).  Ms. Cooper is a consummate professional who has advanced the Field Artillery portfolio of capability supporting “Redlegs” through a variety of positions.  Her demonstrated excellence and contributions as an engineer, technical leader, and program professional have had a significant positive impact on the branch.  She has shaped operations for generations to come by buttressing existing capabilities and being at the tip of the spear developing new fires technologies.  In her current role as Lead Systems Engineer and Acting Chief Engineer for the MRCPO, Ms. Cooper leads the charge in establishing the technical foundation for this capability slated for fielding in FY23.  Upon being hand-selected for this role, she immediately took charge and interfaced seamlessly with multiple stakeholders from the Fires Center of Excellence, the U.S. Navy’s Tomahawk and Aegis Weapons System program offices, and the Strategic Capabilities Office to synchronize technical solutions for Army requirements.  She was instrumental in establishing a strong partnership with her program’s industry partner, Lockheed Martin.  Such a partnership will prove critical as her team seeks to rapidly develop, test and field cutting edge technologies to Soldiers.  As a direct result of her efforts, the program was able to get on contract in a remarkable 120 days from program initiation, ensuring the program remain on schedule at the outset.  She currently continues to lead multiple Integrated Product Teams and Working Groups to further establish the technical solutions needed to meet the Nation’s Mid-Range Capability requirements in support of Multi-Domain Operations.


Ms. Crummie has dedicated her 27-year distinguished career in support of software development and fielding for both the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery systems within the Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space (PEO MS).  She has served at every level, from software development team lead to assistant program executive officer for software development.  Currently, she leads the Software Division in the Systems Engineering Directorate at the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office, PEO MS.  Under her leadership, STORM continues to develop and provide both launcher fire control and missile guidance.  Her Software Division controls software for all project office systems and munitions to include the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) and Precision Strike Missile System (PrSM).  Ms. Crummie’s pinnacle achievement was the supervision of the unprecedented Version 8 Fire Control Software (FCS) development and fielding for the MLRS and HIMARS Field Artillery launchers.  Version 8 was the first U.S. Government (USG) FCS Suite to be fully developed, tested and fielded for any major weapon system – an enormous milestone for the USG and U.S. Army.  In 2019, Ms. Crummie’s efforts resulted in the software full material release.  Ms. Crummie’s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities have made her a worthy candidate for the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Her contributions have supported key Modernization developments for Army weapon systems and ensured the Warfighter will continue to be best equipped on the battlefield.


Since July 2017, Mr. Duncan has served as the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles Project Office Deputy Product Director for the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM).  As the PrSM Deputy Product Director, Mr. Duncan guided the program through a competitive contracting environment, while adjusting for funding challenges and accelerating missile deliveries to meet warfighter requirements. Jeremiah coordinated a multitude of program acquisition activities, including program planning and financial management, responses to Army level program tasks, developing and staffing contracting actions, and leading support for Integrated Product Teams. Jamie’s efforts culminated with the PrSM team’s successful completion of three Army System Acquisition Review Councils within one fiscal year. His labors included presentations to Army leaders which led to approval to advance the program forward at “record speed.” Jamie’s engagement with PrSM’s prime contractor and supporting project office engineers and logisticians resulted in multiple successful flight tests, at ranges, speeds, and accuracies beyond any other Army Field Artillery missiles. Prior to his current position, Jamie served as an Assistant Product Manager for the Precision Guided Missiles and Rockets Product Office, as a program analyst at the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space, and as an interim Department of the Army System Coordinator (DASC). With over fifteen years of government service, Mr. Duncan’s acquisition expertise has directly contributed to, and enhanced the Field Artillery community, ultimately leading to an unmatched, lethal long-range precision fires capability for Army warfighters. Due to his meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery enterprise, Mr. Jeremiah Duncan is highly worthy of becoming a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Eubank is currently the Technical Director for the Army’s Mid-Range Capability Project Office, under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. In this role, Mitch skillfully leads an engineer team to establish the technical baseline for the Army’s #2 modernization priority composed of launchers and a Battery Operations Center capable of firing the Navy’s SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles.  He leads collaboration between the Strategic Capabilities Office, Navy program offices, and the prime contractor to create a common launcher suitable for multiple service use.  His arduous efforts ensured the federation of four command and control systems to enable mission processing with the national-level Cruise Missile Support Activity as well as with the Multi-Domain Task Force supporting Multi-Domain Operations.  Mitch is a superb professional who, through a variety of jobs, has advanced other Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery portfolios to fruition.  Previous assignments include being a Transporter Erector Launcher Chief Engineer for the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) program, an Army number one modernization priority.  As Chief Engineer, he diligently sought soldier inputs during the design process and incorporated their comments into the final product’s design, greatly increasing user friendliness.  Mr. Eubank also professionally coordinated and chaired multiple design reviews keeping the LRHW program on schedule. He also served as the U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation and Missile Center (CCDC AvMC) Prototype Integration Facility Lead Engineer for the Multi-Mission Launcher development. Mr. Eubank managed the implementation of numerous modifications to the M1157/M1095 in the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles and Trailers required to support the new Air Defense launcher system. A linchpin in virtually every organization in which he has been, Mr. Eubank is definitely worthy of Order of St. Barbara membership.


Mr. Gary Hallinan distinguished himself while serving as the Field Artillery Launchers Product Director from June 2018-July 2020. He expertly led the expansion, recapitalization and overhaul efforts for the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).  Mr. Hallinan assumed command of the FAL Product Office at a historic time. The Department of Defense had just released its National Defense Strategy 2018, committing to expand the MLRS and HIMARS fleets.  Mr. Hallinan spearheaded the U.S. Army’s demands from operational and programmatic perspectives. His diligent efforts to execute these extensive expansions directly supported the Army’s top priority Long Range Precision Fire initiatives, contributing to critical launcher capabilities.  Mr. Hallinan’s strategic focus and adept program management led to successful MLRS and HIMARS contract awards of nearly $1.339B, procuring 191 launchers. His steadfast expertise, and scrutiny of all program aspects and sincere mentorship of the workforce played a key role in each weapon’s required hardware and software functions. Mr. Hallinan’s persistent efforts recently led to the delivery of the first M270A2 by way of a risk reduction program.  Due to his tenacity and expertise, the U.S. Army will be able to overcome obsolescence through the Common Fire Control System, a system that will ensure launcher systems safely execute fire missions as well as provide commonality between launchers and other weapon systems.  Mr. Hallinan’s extensive efforts not only yielded reduced costs and improved sustainability for launcher systems but also contributed to the enduring success of the Field Artillery community through 2050.  Due to his meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery community and the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles Project Office, Mr. Gary Hallinan is highly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Huhlein been the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office Deputy Project Manager, Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space (PEO MS) since 2018.  Mr. Huhlein strongly supports the STORM Project Manager’s vision for planning, programming, budgeting, and life cycle management of the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) family of launchers and munitions.  Mr. Huhlein’s diligent and tenacious efforts supporting the Army’s top priority, Long Range Precision Fires, contributed greatly to critical launcher and munition capability delivery success.  He streamlined the objectives of STORM’s eight product managers and directors, efficiently meeting Army Modernization demands. His strategic focus and adept leadership have sustained two STORM development program success.  Brad has provided expert guidance for the Systems Engineering Directorate software development, Performance Management Directorate flight tests and mission schedules, Logistics Directorate maintenance requirements, and Business Management Directorate contract and acquisition actions.    Simultaneous working 69 Active FMS cases totaling $4.5B, putting 677 MLRS and HIMARS launchers in the hands of 21 FMS and Partners nations, and selling 8,642 munitions worldwide, Mr. Huhlein has profoundly grasped and invested in the critical value that international partners have provided to the Field Artillery community, as well as national and global security organ.  Mr. Huhlein’s steadfast expertise and intense scrutiny of all aspects of the program have allowed the STORM Project Office to accomplish its mission and deliver the best, most reliable weapon systems to the Warfighter. Due to his exceptional contributions to the Field Artillery community, Mr. Huhlein is indeed worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


For more than two years, Ms. Khong has served the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office as the Cyber Security and Information Assurance branch chief within the Software Division of the Systems Engineering Directorate.  She has been instrumental in defining the cyber requirements across all STORM products.  Ms. Khong has expertly provided critical assessments for the engineering solutions and verification of compliance with Department of Defense instructions.  She has adhered to the risk management framework to ensure the STORM Field Artillery launchers and munitions have active authority to operate in place.  Her efforts support many of the Army’s mainstay weapon systems on the battlefield.  Her cyber security knowledge has been invaluable and heavily relied upon throughout the development of the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) program, one of the Army’s top priorities.  Ms. Khong’s role has required strategic coordination with government and industry partners as well as Army leadership, such as the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and Chief Information Office (CIO) G6.  Ms. Khong has been a fundamental asset to the STORM Project Office, the Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space (PEO MS), and the greater Field Artillery community.  She has demonstrated her knowledge and skillset in prior roles, serving at the Close Combat Weapon System (CCWS) Project Office at PEO MS.  Ms. Khong’s contributions have secured and continue to ensure the delivery of critical capabilities to the Warfighter.  Her efforts have supported Modernization of U.S. Army weapon systems – a key strategy for the Department of Defense and vital to defend our nation and allies against emerging threats.  Due to her commitment in support of the Field Artillery community and dedication to the STORM Project Office, Ms. Nhuchi Khong is worthy of becoming a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


With over 34 years of Government civilian service, Ms. Painter’s expertise and contributions to the Field Artillery community, in the areas of technological advancement and software development, have ensured current munition capability, and her efforts continue to help define future munition developments.  Her work has established lasting impacts and solidified the delivery processes of critical launcher and munition weapon systems to Field Artillery men and women on the battlefield.

Ms. Painter has performed commendably for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office, serving as the primary subject matter expert for numerous GMLRS programs since 2015.  Her expertise and leadership have proved crucial in the recent GMLRS development programs and lab demonstrations.  Ms. Painter spearheaded the demonstration of new warhead capabilities, enhanced lethality options, advanced Assured Position Navigation and Timing options, and extended range options.  Furthermore, Ms. Painter leads the software group within the Technology Development Directorate, which is responsible for production and maintenance of the GMLRS Operational Flight Software and the U.S. Government simulation/Hardware in the Loop facility.  Prior to direct support at the STORM Project Office, Ms. Painter superbly worked at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation and Missile Center.  During her tenure she served as a subject matter expert, lead systems engineer, software test lead, hardware test coordinator, and program manager for various Science and Technology programs to include the Fiber Optic Guided Missile, Long Range Fiber Optic Guided Missile, Compact Kinetic Energy Missile, Low Cost Precision Kill Missile, Extended Area Protection System, and Small Organic Precision Munition.


Ms. Salter is the Lead Program Integrator for the Long Range Hypersonics Weapon (LRHW), All Up Round + Canister (AUR+C) Project Office, Army Hypersonics Program Office (AHPO) under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).  Alice provided superb programmatic leadership through all AUR+C required DOD acquisition documentation development efforts and milestone events.  Alice led program coordination for Urgent Materiel Releases, Program Management Reviews, and routinely provided programmatic focused flag officer level presentations.  Ms. Salter was key at interfacing and developing the AUR+C Acquisition Support & Operations Support Integrated Master Schedule.  As the Principal Engineer for the Multi-Mission Launcher, Alice was responsible for program integration and missile defense system operations across 19 AMRDEC functional areas, using 15 contracts. Serving as a single business interface between all AMRDEC directorates and the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 — Intercept Product Office, she expertly managed numerous business professionals.  Ms. Salter, as Senior Engineer, developed midrange to long term planning for the Science and Technology tactical missile systems and component technologies at AMRDEC.  Alice superbly served as the Program Director for the Defense Systems and Deputy Program Manager of the Integrated Test and Analysis Contract.  She also performed as the Close Combat Weapon Systems Directorate Director.  As the Task Manager and Lead Systems Development Engineer of the TOW ITAS, Alice developed its functional concept.  Due to her meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities, Ms. Alice Salter is truly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Sapach is the Platform software, Tools and C41 Branch Lead for the Systems Engineering Software Division of the Strategic and Operational Rocket and Missile Systems (STORM) Project Office.  Mr. Sapach has worked Field Artillery launcher fire control software for over 12 years. Dan’s expertise in command and control utilizing the Advance Field Artillery Tactical Data System software ensures software and communications are working properly in both the M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers. Mr. Sapach’s efforts were instrumental in successfully developing and fielding the Army’s first internally developed fire control software suite (Version 8.0) for the M142 HIMARS launcher. Currently, he is leading software development efforts for the Common Fire Control System (CFCS) that will combine software suites for both the M142 HIMARS and the M270 MLRS launcher systems into a single, unified fire control hardware and software suite.  Because of his meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery community, and especially to the STORM Project Office, Mr. Sapach is truly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Well known throughout the Department of Defense as one of the top contracting professionals, Ms. Spivey is the Division Chief of the Redstone Arsenal Army Contracting Command, Air Defense and Missile (AMD) team, providing support to the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space (PEO M&S).   Vicky provides superb leadership and guidance to 38 personnel, supporting weapon systems platforms with an estimated contract value of $10B.  Ms. Spivey also leads the PEO M&S AMD Modernization contract requirements supporting the Army Futures Command.  She maintains close coordination with Army Futures Command leadership, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Department of the Army level staff, industry, and other organizations as required while ensuring the Director for Missiles and Space and other Army Contracting Command-Redstone Arsenal (ACC-RSA) leaders are fully cognizant of all her critical activities.  Hardware Low Rate Initial Production/Full Rate Production (LRIP/FRP) in a contract that was awarded for the hardware requirements for the Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS), and a contribution that supported the Iron Dome procurement which was the Army’s first Air Defense weapon system from Israel to support Combatant Commander’s immediate need.  Due to the meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities, Ms. Spivey is highly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


LTC Stewart is the Command and Control (C2) Product Manager for the Long Range Hypersonics Weapon (LRHW) Integration Project Office, Army Hypersonics Program Office (AHPO) under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office.  As such, he is responsible for the research, development, prototyping, testing, evaluation and transition of the LRHW Battery Operations Center as well as the integration of the LRHW system into the Joint Mission Planning architecture. LTC Stewart is paving the way for the nation’s first hypersonic weapon system as well as creating the nation’s first strategic level Hypersonic Weapon C2.  Early in his career, LTC Stewart served as a platoon leader, platoon executive officer, and squadron logistics officer in the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade at Ft. Bragg.  While stationed there, he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to provide close air support to soldiers in combat.  After completion of Aviation Captain’s Career Course, Chris returned to the 82nd CAB.  Serving as the 82nd CAB’s primary Operations Planner, LTC Stewart planned numerous Defense Support to Civilian Authorities missions and the CAB’s deployment to Regional Command South in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Here, he was selected to command B Troop, 1-17 Cavalry Regiment, leading his unit in close air support.  LTC Stewart’s acquisition assignments include Scout Aircraft Division Chief for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command; Capability Manager for Reconnaissance and Attack Aircraft; Assistant Product Manager for the Joint Air-to-Ground missile; Assistant Product Manager for the Hellfire missile; Executive Officer for the Program Executive Office Missiles and Space; Department of the Army Systems Coordinator for Air Launched Munitions; and the Acquisition Advisor to the Under Secretary of the Army. In these roles he provided knowledge, leadership, and Warfighter experience to numerous organizations that support U.S. Army Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery personnel.  His meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities, especially the AHPO, are evidence that LTC Christopher Raaen Stewart is definitely worthy of being an Honorable Order of Saint Barbara member.


Mr. Welch has a long history of supporting both the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities. Mr. Welch is the Deputy Project Manager for Long Range Hypersonics Weapon Integration Project Office within the Army Hypersonics Project Office.  He played a critical role in establishing and staffing this new project office from the ground up by personally overseeing the hiring actions of multiple Subject Matter Experts.  His contributions to the initial weapon development process were numerous and significant as he helped formulate the initial requests for proposals and white papers from industry to build the various system components.  As the Integration Deputy Project Manager, Mr. Welch is responsible for executing all project activities required for the successful development of the Long Range Hypersonics Weapon Command and Control and Launcher systems as well as the overall systems integration and fielding for the entire weapon system. From 2000-2002, Mr. Welch served as an Electrical Engineer with the Expeditionary Warfare Group, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division.  In this position he aided the Air Defense Artillery community by playing an integral role through several major system modifications for the USMC Avenger system.  He designed a proof-of-concept system utilizing Avenger components for an Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile launched off a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle.  From 2002 to 2014, Mr. Welch served the Program Executive Office Missiles and Space as a Project Lead in the Prototype Integration Facility. In this role he supported the Air Defense Artillery community by serving as the Patriot Launcher Station Test Set Project Lead.  From 2017 to 2019, he served as the Deputy Program Director and Technical Director for the Multi-Mission Launcher (MML) office.  In this role, he supported the MML Program Director in all aspects of program management throughout all phases of the acquisition life cycle.