Announcing the 2023 ADAA Space Camp Scholarship Program

This year the Huntsville Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) has teamed up with the Air, Space & Missile Defense Association (ASMDA) to offer Space Camp Scholarships! Please visit to download an application and for more information. Note that this program is different than previous ADAA programs – for instance, this year it is only open to children ages 9-11, and will be for a specific Space Camp class from Sunday, 2 July 2023 to Friday, 7 July 2023. The instructions require you to be a member of ASMDA – if you are an ADAA member ($20 or $25 to join, please see the Join ADAA page), then please state that on the application and you do not have to join ASMDA also. Note that applications must be received by the deadline: 1700 hours on Monday, 1 May 2023.