2023 Ancient and Order of Saint Barbara Awards

July 29, 2023
Co-Hosted by the
Huntsville Air Defense Artillery Association and the
North Alabama Chapter of the
 U.S. Field Artillery Association

Ancient Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(Huntsville – Redstone Arsenal Chapter of the Air Defense Artillery Association)


Ms. Laura M. DeSimone

Ms. Laura M. DeSimone, has made extraordinary contributions to the missile defense and Air Defense Artillery (ADA) mission.  Throughout her career of over 32 years, she has served as a Technical Program Manager, a DoD Weapon System Explosive Safety expert, and most recently, for the past 11 years in a variety of Executive-level positions at the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to include Program Executive for Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD), Director of Acquisition, and in her current assignment as Executive Director, MDA. 

As the MDA Executive Director, Ms. DeSimone, along with VADM Jon A. Hill, MDA Director, leads MDA’s global mission to develop, deliver, and sustain layered capabilities to defend deployed forces, the United States, allies, and friends against missile attacks in all phases of flight.  She serves as Agency’s senior civilian, providing executive oversight and leadership for MDA’s entire 10K+ civilian, military & contractor workforce, and $10+B portfolio of programs and warfighter operational support.  This includes responsibility to develop and deliver the integrated Missile Defense System and its Homeland and Regional Defense elements such as the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. 

Under Ms. DeSimone’s leadership, MDA has developed and delivered significant warfighting capability. She has been a driving force behind both programmatic and technical achievements to include delivery of Patriot and THAAD interoperability, programming for 8th US THAAD Battery, negotiation of synergy-buy THAAD strategy resulting in lower THAAD interceptor unit cost, resolution of critical THAAD logistics issues in both CENTCOM and INDOPACOM theaters, Service Life Extension Program for Ground-Based Interceptors, and acquisition strategy for the Next Generation Interceptor. 

As the Program Executive, Aegis BMD, Ms. DeSimone led MDA to several important milestones including the stand-up of the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Test Center (AAMDC), the first firing of a Standard Missile (SM) from the AAMDC, the first Navy Destroyer raid engagement of AAW and ballistic missile targets in IAMD priority mode, and development of the acquisition strategy for the Agency’s first multiple-year procurement – SM-3 Block IB.

Ms. DeSimone was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2008.  In her first SES assignment she served as the Executive Director, Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity and the Deputy for Weapons Safety, Naval Sea Systems Command.  In this position, Ms. DeSimone was the Department of Navy (DoN) senior authority on all technical, scientific, and engineering methodologies associated with weapon and explosives safety afloat and ashore. Additionally, Ms. DeSimone was Chair, DoN Weapon Systems Explosives Safety Review Board, the Navy’s independent oversight for safety compliance of all Navy and Marine Corps military munitions, ordnance items, explosive systems, weapon systems, and combat systems.  During this time, Ms. DeSimone guided the safe deployment of dozens of munitions variants and served as the Sr. Advisor to the Deputy J8, Joint Staff on all joint service weapons and munitions.

Ms. DeSimone was at the forefront of DoD’s groundbreaking efforts in the mid-1990s and early 2000s to develop extended range, precision munitions to greatly improve both the accuracy and range of US Naval gunnery and Army/Marine Corps battlefield artillery.  Under Ms. DeSimone’s direct leadership as the Technical Program Manager, the Navy’s 5” Extended Range Guided Munition (ERGM) achieved the extraordinary milestone of the first ever US demonstration of a gun-fired, rocket-assisted, GPS/INS guided munition reaching +40nmi with less than 20m CEP (Circular Error Probability).  This historic achievement in precision munitions development led to the advent of the Army’s 155mm Excalibur program which is now a combat-proven staple in the Army and Marine Corps arsenal.  During Excalibur’s development, based on her extensive knowledge of precision munitions, Ms. DeSimone was invited by the Army to serve as the Navy’s sole representative on the Army’s Excalibur Critical Design Review (CDR) Panel.

From 1990 to 1996, Ms. DeSimone held a variety of engineering positions in development and acquisition of Navy and Marine Corps weapon systems.  Ms. DeSimone holds a B.S. in Physics from Ursinus College and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University.  Ms. DeSimone has been recognized with the Presidential Rank Award (Meritorious), Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service Award, Navy Superior Civilian Service Award, and Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award (two awards).  Throughout all her assignments, Ms. DeSimone has truly embodied the spirit, integrity, sense of sacrifice, and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara and made invaluable contributions to the ADA and missile defense missions.


BG Christine A. Beeler

BG Christine A. Beeler has made extraordinary contributions to the missile defense and Air Defense Artillery (ADA) mission throughout her 32-year career. She has served exceptional as a Logistics Officer, Assistant Product Manager, Professor and Course Director, Executive Officer to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement (DASA(P)), and most recently as the Commanding General of Army Contracting Command (ACC) to include all ACC subcommands.  She leads ACC’s global mission delivering the power of Army contracting to win – every day, anywhere, every time.  This includes responsibility to Ft Sill Fires Center of Excellence, Redstone Arsenal’s Program Executive Office Missiles & Space (PEO MS), and Picatinny Arsenal’s Joint Program Executive Office Armaments & Ammunition (JPEO A&A). 

Air and Missile Defense is one of the Army’s top modernization priorities and is critical to winning in a fight against a” Great Power” adversary.  Systems critical to the United States AMD future force structure are Iron Dome System and the Maneuver Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) system.  ACC-RSA staff developed an acquisition strategy and utilized a unique statute (10 U.S.C. 2373) to exempt the requirement from the Federal Acquisition Regulation and procure the Iron Dome system directly from the Israeli Government; thus, expediting the acquisition process and obtaining the system in an accelerated schedule to support operational testing at WSMR.  ACC-RSA staff developed an acquisition strategy to transition the M-SHORAD prototype from an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Agreement to an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) production contract that required the approval of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.  Both of these acquisitions are CFT programs and based upon Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Directed Requirements with high levels of visibility. 

Located at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the Long-Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team leads a comprehensive modernization effort to deliver cutting-edge surface-to-surface fires systems that will significantly increase range and effects over currently fielded US and adversary systems. The CFT, working closely with Army and industry partners, is driving solutions for the next generation of field artillery systems across all echelons: strategic, operational and tactical.  Air and Missile Defense is one of the Army’s top modernization priorities and is critical to winning in a fight against a” Great Power” adversary. The AMD force must retain the ability to defeat the full range of air and missile threats. The Army will achieve its objectives through its AMD modernization strategy – to rapidly integrate and synchronize the requirements development process, acquisition process and resources to deliver AMD capabilities to the warfighter faster.

In fiscal year 2021, despite a global pandemic, ACC-NJ personnel awarded 616 contract actions that equated to $1.39B in support of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Armaments Center at Picatinny Arsenal alone.  The Joint Program Executive Office Armaments & Ammunition (JPEO A&A) is an innovative and empowered team committed to rapidly fielding dominating capabilities to the Soldier. The JPEO is responsible for development, procurement and fielding lethal armaments and ammunition, providing Joint Warfighters and Allied Partners overmatch capabilities. 

Several of the demonstrations under BG Beeler’s command are part of the Army’s modernization priorities. Examples include the precision sniper rifle, which supports the Soldier Lethality priority; Extended Range Cannon Artillery, XM1299 and XM1155 integration, which supports the Long-Range Precision Fires priority, and an Armament and Protection System XM915 Fire Control Aviation (advanced rotorcraft demo), which supports the Future Vertical Lift priority. 

BG Beeler was a distinguished military graduate and commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Ordnance Corps through the Army ROTC program at Boston University.  Her advanced education includes Master of Arts in Administration and Management from Bowie State University, Master of Public Administration in Environmental Management from Jacksonville State University, and Master of Business Administration from Webster University. Her military education includes a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.  She is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. BG Beeler was a 1994 inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.

Throughout every assignment, BG Beeler has truly embodied the spirit, integrity, sense of sacrifice, and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara and made invaluable contributions to ADA, FA, and missile defense mission. She is most deserving of induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Jeffrey S. (Scott) Larkin

Mr. Jeffrey S. (Scott) Larkin is the Director for the Congressional Affairs Office, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC), Redstone Arsenal, AL. He is directly responsible actions associated with the coordination and execution of all congressional activities related to USASMDC and JFCC-IMD.  

During his 26-year tenure at USASMDC, Mr. Larkin was instrumental in securing annual budgets totaling over $14B directly pertaining to a myriad of Space and Missile Defense programs and operations.  His tireless efforts ensured the Command had necessary resources to complete no-fail mission requirements.  Additionally, he used his vast network connections and budgetary expertise to ensure Congressional advocates provided generous space and missile defense funding totaling over $10 billion, enabling the Army and the Command to further the Army’s Missile Defense and Space capabilities in the defense of the Nation.

Throughout his tenure at USASMDC, Mr. Larkin has worked with OCLL and Congressional advocates to insert language into more than twenty annual National Defense Authorization and Appropriations Acts to complete much-needed Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization projects for the Army, and at locations where the USASMDC Commander serves as the Senior Commander including Fort Greely, Alaska and Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands.  Mr. Larkin’s Congressional intervention and oversight continues to have a positive impact on the daily air and missile defense missions of USASMDC, including the 49th Missile Defense Battalion Ground Based Midcourse Defense mission in Alaska, and Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site’s support to space and missile defense research, tests, and operations. Moreover, Mr. Larkin ensured Congressional Staff and Members received timely and accurate information during hearings, Congressional Delegation visits across the globe, and during Senior Leader testimony about critical air defense missions in SMDC like the Defense of Guam, Homeland Cruise Missile Defense, Hypersonic Defense, Directed-Energy Air Defense, and other SMDC-unique programs.

Abroad, Mr. Larkin served in both program and budget analysis positions at the U.S. Army’s VII Corps in Stuttgart, Germany.  Additionally, during Operation Desert Shield/Storm, he deployed to Southwest Asia to serve as the Corp’s Comptroller Forward.  Senior Army leaders consistently sought guidance from for his superior budgetary knowledge and capabilities.  

Mr. Larkin is a graduate of the Advanced Resource Management Course, the Army’s Management Staff College, the Army’s Comptrollership Program, and the U.S. Army War College.  In 1984, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Columbus State University, a master’s degree in Business Management from Syracuse University in 1996, and a master’s degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College in 2002.  He is the recipient of many awards to include the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, the Superior Civilian Service Award, and the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service.  Additionally, Mr. Larkin is a previous recipient of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.

Mr. Larkin was a tremendous asset to USASMDC, the Missile Defense community, and the Department of the Army. He is most worthy of induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara


Mr. Matthew (Matt) Quinn

Mr. Matthew (Matt) Quinn is a Lifetime Member of the Air Defense Artillery Association and is currently assigned as the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD) Director of Operations (J3) at Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado. JFCC IMD conducts synchronization of global missile defense plans and operations and advocates for missile defense capabilities in order to dissuade and deter ballistic missile attacks. Should deterrence fail, USSTRATCOM will optimize the deployment and employment of global ballistic missile defense in support of warfighters in Combatant Commands and recommend employment of strike forces to defeat limited ballistic missile attacks in order to defend the United States, our deployed forces, friends and allies.

As the JFCC IMD Director of Operations, Mr. Quinn oversees the Missile Defense Operations Center and provides daily status reports on the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) to the Commanding General, Deputy Commander, other senior leaders, and various stakeholders. He trains and synchronizes the efforts of Operations Center personnel across multiple directorates to ensure maximum readiness of the BMDS, as well as, accurate and timely reporting of missile events around the globe.

Mr. Quinn represents the operational perspectives of multiple Combatant Commanders on system upgrades to the BMDS at Material Developer Program Change Boards. He also represents the warfighter community at daily synchronization meetings to assess impacts of change to system capabilities and oversees Warfighter Operational Acceptance assessments. Mr. Quinn coordinates with material developers and ensures warfighter understanding of capabilities and limitations so they have the ability to safely and effectively operate the BMDS.

Mr. Quinn was born and raised in Buffalo, New York, and entered the Army as a commissioned officer after graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1987.

During his 20 years on active duty, Mr. Quinn held positions from the tactical to strategic levels, culminating as the Chief of Future Operations for JFCC IMD.  Prior to his final posting, he was assigned as the Theater Missile Defense Officer for NATO’s Northern Region, Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany.  He served as the Operations Officer and Executive Officer, 3d Battalion, 2d Air Defense Artillery, 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Bliss, Texas.  Prior to attending the Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Mr. Quinn served as an Operations Research Systems Analyst with the Directorate of Combat Developments at Fort Bliss.

Mr. Quinn is married to the former Holly Erbert of Houston, Texas.  They have four children, Sarah, Stephen, Jack and Hannah.

Mr. Quinn is a life member of the ADAA and inductee in the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His numerous contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch over his long, distinguished career make him most worthy of induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Stan Sherrod

Mr. Stan Sherrod has supported the Department of Defense (DoD) and Program Executive Office (PEO) Missiles and Space communities in many different capacities over his 37-year career. He currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Software, Simulation, and Systems Engineering (S3I) Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) in the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) as part of Army Futures Command. Since his original appointment as a mechanical engineer 37 years ago, Mr. Sherrod has served in key assignments and positions to advance the warfighting capabilities within the Department of Defense (DoD) and PEO Missiles and Space communities. In his current role as Deputy Director, Mr. Sherrod is responsible for leading an organization of over 8000 government and contractor personnel with expertise in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, test equipment development and support, simulation, test and evaluation, quality engineering and management, configuration and data management, systems engineering and management, cyber security, prototype design, fabrication and integration operations while managing a budget of more than two billion dollars.

Under his leadership, Mr. Sherrod has successfully executed and transitioned numerous Missile and Air Defense Technology Programs of Record across the acquisition life cycle resulting in critical technologies being fielded to support the soldier. Additionally, he has supported in a leadership role several Source Selection efforts for Air Defense Artillery programs as well as leading independent technical reviews of program issues as a recognized subject matter expert.

Formerly serving as the Deputy Project Manager of Lower Tier Project Office (LTPO), then the largest Project Office in PEO Missiles and Space, he oversaw the PATRIOT weapons system, which is one of the most complex systems in the Army. There were over 300 personnel under this effort, and Mr. Sherrod managed the budgeting, procurement, planning, and execution. He interacted with the highest levels of the Army and DoD and flawlessly executed communication with eleven international partners.

Mr. Sherrod is no stranger to leadership and taking projects head-on throughout his career. He has shown outstanding leadership and been an integral team member for some of the Army’s most combat proven weapons systems for the last 37 years. He was involved in the PATRIOT recapitalization at its conception, spearheading the coordination throughout all participating organizations Army-wide, including creating the Master Schedule to track all critical tasks and progress. He oversaw the initiation of the PATRIOT recapitalization program at the Letterkenny Depot, which resulted in increased readiness for the United States PATRIOT program on an international stage. He was a founding member of PEO Missiles and Space’s Initiatives Team and Lean Sigma Six (LSS) committee. As such, he evaluated and selected projects appropriate for LSS Implementation and was selected as the representative to the Redstone-level initiative to establish the Life Cycle Management Command.

Mr. Sherrod’s efforts over the course of his career have been instrumental in the development, production, integration, testing, delivery, and sustainment of multiple Army systems providing modernization and readiness to the Air Defense Artillery Warfighter while simultaneously ensuring the welfare of our workforce. His technical expertise and leadership display a pattern of excellence. He is a 2000 inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara and is worthy of induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.


Honorable Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(Huntsville – Redstone Arsenal Chapter of the Air Defense Artillery Association)


Ms. Evelyn Armour

Evelyn Armour is the Division Chief, for the PAC-3 team at the Army Contracting Command-Redstone Arsenal providing direct support to the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space. Ms. Armour is well known throughout the Department of Defense as one of the top contracting professionals in the acquisition community.

Ms. Armour has over 30 years of contracting experience and is a dedicated leader with commitment to the Warfighter and support to the Air Defense Artillery mission.  Ms. Armour has provided the necessary leadership and guidance to her division as they executed in just FY22 over 410 contractual actions, obligated over $2.9B in contracts of which $802M was for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases and maintains a contractual portfolio of over $20B.

Ms. Armour’s current contracting portfolio consists of four major weapon systems ACAT1 programs (PAC-3, PATRIOT, LTAMDS and Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC).  All of these products in her contractual portfolio are an important U.S. Army warfighter requirement to meet mission support. Her speed to contract award mentality is reflective in her management style of her three teams of twenty-eight employees that execute complex/difficult, high dollar projects for these four major weapon systems. Ms. Armour actively contributes as a team member/leader, provides insight and recommends changes or solutions to problems with the approach of her can do attitude. Ms. Armour’s team looks to her contracting knowledge and guidance for support and the major weapon systems platforms looks to her as the contracting business advisor.

Ms. Armour’s support to several major programs within the Air and Missile Defense community has been exemplary and she is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Evelyn’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Brian Baker

Mr. Brian Baker has distinguished himself as an outstanding innovator and leader for the Air Defense Artillery with over 30 years of experience at Lockheed Martin. In his current role as the Chief Engineer and Director for Lower Tier Integrated Air and Missile Defense (LTIAMD), Brian is responsible for technical leadership of all PAC-3 Production, Evolutionary Development, Sustainment and International programs.

Brian has a long, distinguished history of contributions to the Air Defense Artillery. He has led and worked numerous engineering program assignments to include Chief Engineer for LTIAMD Development, PAC-3 Evolutionary Development and the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) development program. Brian has also contributed to Air Defense capabilities of our international partners as Chief Engineer for the Emirates Air Defense Ground Environment – Transformation (EADGE-T) Command and Control system program during its transition from development into national command and control operations for the United Arab Emirates.

Brian has made a significant and lasting impact on the Air Defense Artillery. He has earned numerous Lockheed Martin Special Recognition, Excellence and Achievement Awards and has demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, and professional competence. He is most deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Travis Baker

Mr. Travis Baker has distinguished himself as an outstanding innovator and leader for the Air Defense Artillery with over 25 years of experience at Lockheed Martin. In his current role as the Chief Engineer and Director for the Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Line of Business (LOB), Travis is responsible for technical leadership of all PAC-3, THAAD and adjacent programs.

Travis has a long, distinguished history of contributions to the Air Defense Artillery. Prior to his current role, Travis was the Lower Tier IAMD Chief Engineer, responsible for technical execution of all PAC-3 program areas. Previously, he held chief engineering roles for PAC-3 Development Programs in the Hardware Development, Performance Improvement, Flight Test, and Special Programs areas. He has further experience as a Program Lead Engineer in PAC-3 Evolutionary Development, responsible for capture and technical execution of numerous programs.

Travis has made a significant and lasting impact on the Air Defense Artillery. He has earned numerous Lockheed Martin Special Recognition, Excellence and Achievement Awards and has demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, and professional competence. He is most deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Christopher M. Boily

Mr. Boily currently serves as the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Quality Assurance Director overseeing Army’s Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) Program, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) programs.

As the Quality Director for IAMD, Mr. Boily provides essential government oversight through all phases of IAMD program development. Chris’ expertise and thorough understanding of the IAMD components has been critical for the integration of current and future Air & Missile Defense (AMD) sensors and weapons into a common integrated fire control capability with a distributed “plug-and-fight’ network architecture. This architecture has been critical in providing extended range and non-line-of-sight engagements across the full spectrum of AMD threats. Mr. Boily’s constant surveillance of production activities, identification of problem areas, coordination with the program office and buying activity have enabled the program to remain on schedule and below projected cost while ensuring that Air Defenders are provided top quality equipment to enhance their lethal capabilities. In addition to IAMD, Mr. Boily has served as the lead quality assurance representative for THAAD, GMD, and the Patriot Advanced Capabilities (PAC-3) program. Mr. Boily’s attention to detail and diligent oversight has ensured that the government is receiving the highest quality equipment for Air & Missile Defense and the Field Artillery Community.

Mr. Boily’s support to several major programs within the Air and Missile Defense community has been exemplary and is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Christopher’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Ms. Holly Shea-Garrison Boyett

Ms. Holly Shea-Garrison Boyett has contributed immeasurably to the Air Defense Artillery Branch over the last several years and is worthy of this great honor as a recipient of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Ms. Boyett worked on defense planning software that is now part of the Patriot Battery Command Post and was one of the first software leads to begin working on what became the Integrated Battle Command System.

She was instrumental in getting AIAMD Increment 2 program through a Milestone B, and served as the lead SW engineer on a team that developed software code for IBCS to support integration of AIM-9X and Longbow Hellfire in successful live target-intercept flight tests at White Sands Missile Range. Holly served as the Software Chief in the Cruise Missile Defense (CMDS) Project Office helping to develop and improve software in IFPC, M-SHORAD, Sentinel and Stinger based system. She joined the IFRCO team to lead efforts in architecture and software systems engineering and provided engineering direction and guidance to the LTAMDS, IFPC, and IBCS to ensure development, integration, and test activities met requirements and system of systems test needs. Holly has been instrumental in making progress toward more efficient and effective integration of sensor and weapon components into an Integrated Fires architecture.

She is a recognized subject matter expert within the PEO on the development of advanced software capabilities that span across sensor/weapon/mission command components and was recognized by both MG Rasch and BG Lozano as a key technical expert to consult on issues associated with LTAMDS and IFPC integration. She worked diligently to establish the Portfolio level engineering at IFRCO to provide overarching systems of systems requirements, development, integration, and test guidelines. Holly collaborated with the Integrated Fires (IF) Chief Engineer to establish the Portfolio Steering Group to establish a Capabilities Roadmap to layout the Integrated Fires capabilities for the year, and she established the working group required collaboration and coordination between each PEO MS Project Office engineering groups, ACMs, CDID, and CFT.

Ms. Boyett’s dedicated, diligent and conscientious efforts have made tremendous impacts on the critical software engineering efforts and directly led to the success of the Cruise Missile Defense Program. She is tremendously gifted and deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


COL Mark Cobos

COL Mark Cobos is currently serving as the Deputy Commander for United States Strategic Command’s Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD), Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado. In his role as the Deputy Commander at JFCC IMD, Colonel Cobos synchronizes global missile defense planning in support of the coordinating authority, conducts global missile defense operations support, advocates for and recommends acceptance of missile defense capabilities, and executes joint and combined global missile defense training and education for CDRUSSTRATCOM, in support of the CCMDs, the Services, and appropriate U.S. Government agencies, to deter adversaries, assure allies and defend the United States, deployed forces, allies and partners against missile attacks

COL Cobos was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. He commissioned as an engineer officer after graduating from the United States Military Academy in 2000, and became an Army space operations officer in 2008. COL Cobos has deployed in support of Operation Joint Forge (Bosnia); Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq, x3); and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).

COL Cobos commanded the 1st Space Battalion, the Army’s only active-duty battalion focused on fighting in, from, and through space. He also commanded a space control detachment in 2009 and an engineer company in 3rd Infantry Division while deployed to western Iraq from 2007-2008.

COL Cobos recently served as the J35, Chief of Future Operations, at United States Space Command. He previously served in the Joint Staff J5 where he led Joint Staff efforts to establish U.S Space Command. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recognized COL Cobos’ contributions by selecting him as the 2018 Joint Staff Action Officer of the Year.

His contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch are most worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Timothy J. Cole

Mr. Timothy J. Cole distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in service to the U.S. Government from August 2009 to present day.  His service to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) for the last 13 years culminated in his centrally-selected, battalion command-level, key critical acquisition position as Director of Contracts, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Project Office within MDA. 

In this position, Mr. Cole has directly supported and been responsible for the Acquisition Category (ACAT) I THAAD Interceptor Product Office contracting efforts supporting the development and production of THAAD Interceptors for the Weapon System.  As THAAD Director of Contracts, Mr. Cole has supported the Air Defense Artillery Warfighters by continuing to improve the THAAD Weapon System and ensuring cost-effective procurement and fielding of required artillery.  During his tenure, a large number of THAAD Interceptors have been developed, produced, and delivered to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines, greatly enhancing the capability of the Warfighter in defense of the U.S. and its partners and allies.  Mr. Cole provides a high level of expertise to the THAAD Project Office on all acquisition-related activities by advising the THAAD Project Manager (Army COL) and two Product Managers (Army LTCs) on implementation of sound contracting strategies, policies, and processes (per respective MDA Directives, Manuals, and Procedures) on a daily basis.  The contracting expertise Mr. Cole provides for the Project Office specific to Air Defense Artillery is incalculable. 

Mr. Cole’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Tim’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Ms. Kelly D. Cook

Mrs. Kelly D. Cook has provided more than 30 years of engineering support to the Air & Missile Defense community. Early in her career at Nichols Research as a scientist/engineer, she modeled infrared signatures for Theater Ballistic Missile threats.  Since 2000, she has been at Sparta, now Parsons, as a lead engineer on the Missiles & Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) threat modeling capability called ITASE, or Integrated Threat Analysis and Simulation Environment. ITASE provides threat systems-of-systems modeling & simulation across land, air, sea, and space domains for the intelligence community to evaluate complex scenarios, including examinations of anti-access/area-denial and contested and degraded environments. Her roles on ITASE have included software development, integration, installation at numerous government sites, testing, troubleshooting and analyst support.

Mrs. Cook is a native of North Alabama and holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama – Huntsville (UAH). Her significant contributions to the ADA mission span a career of selfless service, integrity, and professionalism, making her a worthy inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Corry B. Cox

Mr. Cox is currently serving as the Deputy Director, Directed Energy Project Office (DEPO).  His leadership enabled the Army to leverage existing Directed Energy (DE) technologies and integrate them into Army existing platforms, resulting in the delivery of rapid prototypes with residual combat capability to the Warfighter. Mr. Cox masterfully balanced the execution of multiple Science and Technology programs and prototyping efforts to ensure the U.S. Army and the Joint Warfighting community possess overmatch capabilities which the Air Defense Artillery Branch must address. 

Mr. Cox oversaw the progress of three key, strategic DEPO efforts ensuring they remain on track throughout their development. DEPO will deliver to the Army four first-of-their-kind combat-capable DE systems to address near-peer threats:  1) the Palletized-High Energy Laser (P-HEL) 10kW-class laser delivery in FY22 and the P-HEL 20kW-class laser in FY23; 2) the DE Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) equipped with a 50kW-class laser in FY23; 3) the Indirect Fire Protection Capability-High Energy Laser (IFPC-HEL) with a 300kW-class laser in FY24; and 4) the IFPC-High Power Microwave (IFPC-HPM) in FY24.

As testimony to his dedication to serving Air Defense Artillery Soldiers:

The RCCTO delivered and deployed the P-HEL 10kW-class weapon system in support of a Combatant Commander’s priorities for Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft System protection in September 2022.

In the winter of 2022, the RCCTO will deliver four DE M-SHORAD Prototypes to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and the 4-60th Air Defense Artillery Battalion.

IFPC-HEL will protect fixed and semi-fixed sites from UAS; rotary and fixed-wing aircraft; and RAM threats. The program is on track to execute a tech demonstration of a 300kW-class laser system in FY22 and deliver a prototype platoon in FY24.

IFPC-HPM is intended for Counter-UAS (particularly groups and swarms). The Army is partnering with the Air Force, Navy, and Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office to deliver a prototype platoon in FY24.

Mr. Cox’s dedication to mission success and selfless service to delivering capabilities to the Warfighter reflect great credit upon himself, the Air Defense Artillery Community and the United States Army. He is hands down, more than worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Kevin L. Creekmore

Mr. Kevin L. Creekmore is the Director for the Test Directorate, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC) Technical Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL. He is directly responsible for leading all test planning, target development, and test execution activities for our Targets organization; providing a suite of threat representative, low-cost Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM) targets for use in missile defense testing.   The threat targets built and executed by Mr. Creekmore’s organization are utilized for the developmental and operational testing for several systems to include LTAMDS, Patriot and THAAD.  His teams routinely travel to remote locations nationally for DoD sponsored tests and internationally under FMS sales for foreign customers in order to provide economical representative targets for the testing of missile defense systems and assets.  Mr. Creekmore has directly supported the development of ballistic missile targets in numerous capacities since 2013.

Prior to supporting the development of targets for missile defense systems, Mr. Creekmore supported USASMDC in various engineering positions since 1994 with the majority of his time serving as a supervisory Electronics Engineer for the Technical Center. Mr. Creekmore received the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Army Government Civilian Tester of the Year, Under Secretary for Defense – Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Spotlight Award, Air, Space, and Missile Defense Association Technical Achievement Award, and Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award. Mr. Creekmore earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and a Master of Science in Program Management from The Naval Post Graduate School.


Mr. Eric Cyree

Eric Cyree is a SETA contractor working for the IFMC Project Office in support of PEO Missiles and Space. He has dedicated the last 20 years of his career to the lethality and modernization of the Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch. He has held positions at various levels in support of missions both domestic and abroad. His work ethic and integrity are unparalleled and his drive to provide technical and practical solutions facing the ADA Branch today are unmatched.

As a contractor in 2005, Mr. Cyree accepted a position at Northrop Grumman supporting various ADA programs. Mr. Cyree provided quality instruction to various ADA units over the next few years. With more than 3000 hours on the platform as an instructor, Eric was awarded a Master Air Defense Instructor Certificate in 2011. As an instructor Mr. Cyree held an average soldier evaluation rating of 4.95 out of 5 for the entire time he was on the platform.

In 2009, Mr. Cyree became a systems engineer supporting multiple Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases. Over the next 6 years, Eric would provide engineering, fielding, and training support to Air Defense units in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Australia. In 2011, Eric was named the Counter Rockets, Artillery, and Mortars (C-RAM) Australian lead in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. As the Australian Theater lead, Mr. Cyree was given multiple awards from the Australian 16th Air Land Regiment (ALR). His contributions to that program can still be seen today.

Today Mr. Cyree is still carrying the torch for the Air Defense Community as one of the top system integrators and subject matter experts (SME) for the Integrated Fires Mission Command (IFMC) team. Mr. Cyree has spent much of his time supporting the 3/6 and 3/43 test battalions located at Ft. Bliss, Texas and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Mr. Cyree has been critical to the many successes of the Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS). Mr. Cyree has written numerous white papers and has served in many roles on this program over the last 7 years. His technical expertise has been recognized by his peers and superiors. He has sat on the IBCS Gray Beard Counsel for years and has provided technical support to both contractors, Soldiers, and community members alike. His accomplishments are numerous and his contributions to the ADAA have certainly been instrumental in many of the successes of the branch today. He has dedicated himself to the betterment of the ADAA both foreign and domestic. Mr. Cyree is certainly deserving of this nomination, and he will certainly continue to serve in a manner in which is honorable to himself those he supports.


Dr. David Denhard

Dr. Denhard is the Science and Technology (S&T) Director, Innovation, Science and Technology, Missile Defense Agency, Schriever SFB, Colorado and has made extraordinary contributions in the field of Air and Missile Defense as both a warfighter and as an engineer for more than 36 years.  As S&T Director, he is responsible for planning and executing the Agency’s advanced technology portfolio. He leads assessment of state-of-the-art technologies for applicability to missile defense system (MDS) technology needs that will enable planned future MDS architectures, developing the technology base to improve the MDS, and guiding the Agency’s Small Business and University efforts for science and technology. Dr. Denhard is responsible for identifying and maturing key technologies across the missile defense kill chain, and developing coordinated technology roadmaps supporting air and missile defense in coordination with OSD, COCOMS, and Services. Dr. Denhard’s efforts serve all of the COCOMS in synchronizing development and fielding of key missile defense technologies and capabilities to support the warfighter in the field.

Dr. Denhard served as the MDA liaison to the Joint Hypersonic Technologies Office (JHTO), where he shares lessons learned from MDA studies and investments with peers across the DOD community.  As JHTO liaison, Dr. Denhard developed and maintained a high level of expertise in systems across the kill chain from initial threat detection, to tracking and classification, and finally to engagement management and threat intercept.  His expertise in air and missile defense systems improved capability development initiatives across the DOD.

Dr. Denhard previously served for 26 years as an officer in the United States Air Force.

Dr. Denhard’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Russell E. Fortenberry

Mr. Russell E. Fortenberry is a tremendous contributor to the Air Defense Artillery community and has played a significant and key role in the development of Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) for the United States Army. As the Director, Rapid Capabilities Office within the Integrated Fires Rapid Capabilities Office, Mr. Fortenberry has been the leading voice and advocate for C-sUAS systems, and an important figure within the US Government’s effort in the C-sUAS enterprise. He manages the Army’s $700M non-Program of Record C-sUAS effort, which includes the Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Integrated Defeat System (M-LIDS), C-sUAS Fixed Site Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Integrated Defeat System (FS-LIDS), Radiant Warn Deployment Package (RWDP), Ku-band Radio Frequency Radar (KuRFs), and numerous C-sUAS mission profile systems. Russ developed stakeholder analysis and engaged with Headquarters, United States Department of the Army (HQDA), Deputy Chief of Staff-G3 (HQDA DCS-G3), HQDA DCS-G8, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) (ASA(ALT)), Joint Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office (JCO), Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO), Army Materiel Command (AMC) and other higher headquarters organizations.

Mr. Fortenberry Implemented processes and procedures to support RCO portfolio with complete oversight of all functions as they relate to the oversight of development, acquisition, fielding, sustainment and retirement of the applicable weapon systems, and was responsible for Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) CC-0558 and Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) for C-sUAS and Operational Needs Statement (ONS) Sense and Warn. Russ led the Tiger Team for Capability Development Document (CDD) Increment 1 for C-sUAS Program of Record (PoR) adjudication with 176 comments to Fires Center of Excellence (FCOE), and the lead PEO MS & IF/RCO for C-sUAS Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC) and products for Acquisition Strategy Panel (ASP).

Most importantly, Russell Fortenberry is widely recognized as the go-to single individual to answer any questions on the Army’s C-sUAS efforts to the highest levels of the United States Army and U.S. Department of Defense. Russ is currently serving as Acting Deputy for the PM Integrated Fires Rapid Capabilities Office. He is supremely deserving of this distinction and would be a worthy recipient to the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Dr. Shari Feth

Dr. Shari Feth has made extraordinary contributions in the field of Air and Missile Defense as both an engineer and as a science executive for more than 35 years. Her broad range of contributions span missile defense, air defense, sensor systems, tests, as well as research and development. She has been with the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) since 2004 and currently serves as the Director for Innovation, Science and Technology. Under her leadership, the Agency’s efforts to evolve technologies for integration into the Missile Defense System have resulted in collaborations across the DOD, the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), Academia and other Government Agencies.  As part of this effort, she continues to provide vital direction on the development of MDA’s Science & Technology roadmaps. These roadmaps identify critical capability gaps in air and missile defense as well as inform complex budget decisions necessary to deliver credible defense power to the Warfighter. Dr. Feth is recognized as a technical authority across the Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense (Research & Engineering) (OUSD(R&E), Federally Funded Research & Development Centers (FFRDC), and DoD COCOMS in the areas of hypersonic defense, directed energy, artificial intelligence, component technology, additive manufacturing, modeling and simulation, and advanced sensors, among other technology development initiatives.

Her previous positions include: Program Executive, Advanced Technology where she was responsible for developing the technologies that form the basis for MDA’s Next Generation Interceptor and Glide Phase Interceptor projects; and, Director Science and Technology, where she coordinated science and technology efforts across the Agency and aligned investments with established and vetted priorities. As the Science & Technology executive for MDA, Dr. Feth was responsible for identifying and maturing key technologies across the kill chain, from threat detection, through tracking and classification, to engagement management and intercept.

Dr. Feth’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Her career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Charles Garner

Mr. Charles Garner has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch in his current role as the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Deputy Director for Wargames and Exercises and over the last two decades supporting MDA and ADA.  He currently leads, plans, integrates, and executes MDA support for combatant command Missile Defense System (MDS) wargames and exercises.  This includes managing a $35 million budget to support the Joint Execution Life Cycle (JELC) for over 35 events worldwide each year.  These events enable our Army Soldiers to effectively validate tactics, techniques, and procedures to employ and maintain current missile defense systems and participate in the development of future capabilities.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, he implemented innovative solutions to support remote, cyber-compliant, virtual and constructive JELC events, ensuring uninterrupted support and operational readiness for our Warfighters. 

Until recently, Mr. Garner supervised all aspects of MDA’s interface to our U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. European Command, and U.S. Central Command Warfighters.  In this role, he led a combined team from across DoD to meet the USCENTCOM Commander’s urgent direction to relocate a critical missile defense asset during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Mr. Garner demonstrated outstanding leadership and resilience as he navigated multiple exceptions to policy at the 4-star and SecDef level to meet this urgent need despite the unprecedented circumstances.  He led a combined team of stakeholders across the Agency and an array of Warfighter organizations, including USCENTCOM, U.S. Army Central, Space and Missile Defense Command, Army Capability Manager for Strategic Missile Defense, 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Department of the Army Management Office-Fires, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense, various OSD offices, and the 12th Missile Defense Battery.  This team overcame tremendous obstacles while deployed in a foreign environment to execute all analysis and logistics activities necessary to rapidly move this key missile defense capability to the new Site 4c.  Mr. Garner’s leadership and dedication culminated the fielding of a vital capability to our Soldiers ahead of schedule.

Mr. Charles Garner’s significant contributions to the ADA mission span a career of selfless service, integrity, and professionalism, making him a worthy inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Jason B. Gjesvold

Jason Gjesvold has demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral standard, displayed extraordinary competence and technical expertise, and provided exemplary leadership, in positions of increasing responsibility, in support of the US Army, the Missile Defense Agency, and our International partners. 

As the new Lockheed Martin Director of THAAD Development Programs, Jason is already leading the development of all THAAD hardware and software capabilities to provide enhanced system performance and integration capabilities to the air defense force.  Jason is leading a team of hundreds of multi-functional engineers across the United States with the common purpose of providing enhanced capabilities to US and International air defenders.  His impeccable character and integrity sets the example for his entire team and is recognized by his  Government partners. Jason’s efforts and selfless commitment to excellence is already driving increased velocity in the development and fielding of critical capabilities such as THAAD-Missile Segment Enhancement Integration and THAAD Remoted Launcher for our warfighters. 

As the Senior Program Manager and then acting Director of the strategic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) THAAD Program, Jason’s leadership exemplified the ideals of Honorable Order of St. Barbara.  Jason was instrumental in helping the Missile Defense Agency and the Royal Saudi Arabia Air Defense Force (RSADF) define program requirements to optimize the defense of the Kingdom.  His extraordinary leadership, coupled with his technical and programmatic expertise, was the driving force the initial successes of the development, production, and sustainment efforts for the large and complex KSA THAAD program.  Jason led by personal example, continually sacrificed his personal time to ensure the success of the program,  which inspired the entire Government and Industry team.  His strategic vision, initiative, and detailed planning helped the Missile Defense Agency develop additional capabilities which will benefit the US, KSA, and International THAAD partners for years to come. 

Jason’s personal contribution have made a profoundly positive impact on currently fielded air and missile defense capabilities, as well as numerous emerging capabilities, which will benefit our air and missile defense warfighters for decades to come.  Jason’s extraordinary contributions to the Air Defense Artillery community make him an exemplary recipient of the Honorable Order of St. Barbara.   


Mr. Shawn P. Gresham

Mr. Shawn P. Gresham is supremely qualified to receive the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara award.  He has demonstrated selfless service, professional excellence, and unquestionable integrity during his 40 years of military and civilian service to the Nation, the United States Army, and Air and Missile Defense

Mr. Gresham, as a Department of the Army Civilian, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service as the as the U.S. Army Centrally Selected Project Manager (Colonel/GS-15), X-Band Radar Program Office, Missile Defense Agency, from June 2020 to August 2023. Mr. Gresham’s superior leadership led to unprecedented warfighting capability advancements and mission support accomplishments in the Army Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance (AN/TPY-2 Radar) program which contributed tremendously to Army Air and Missile Defense. 

Mr. Gresham expertly led all facets of AN/TPY-2 Radar development, production, operations, and sustainment missions both U.S. and Foreign Military Sales, for Forward-Based Mode (FBM) and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) AN/TPY-2 Radars.  Key highlights of his tenure as Project Manager include: significant warfighting capability enhancements in radar software to track advanced threats; upgrades to the system’s architecture to quickly process increasing amounts of radar data; and direct warfighting support to forward deployed THAAD and Missile Defense Batteries including a strategic relocation of a FBM AN/TPY-2, a first-ever rapid emplacement and execution of AN/TPY-2 space domain awareness, delivery of THAAD Joint Emergent Operational Needs Statement (JEONS) capabilities, as well as the first-ever successful combat engagements of the THAAD weapon system executed by our United Arab Emirates FMS partners. In short, Mr. Gresham’s skilled leadership and ceaseless determination have been key to advancing the U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense mission.

Mr. Gresham’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Ms. Rachel Hamilton

Ms. Rachel Hamilton has distinguished herself as an outstanding contributor to the Air Defense Artillery for over 20 years and represents the kind of member within the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara that past, present and future members will be most proud.  Rachel currently serves as Lockheed Martin’s THAAD Senior Program Manager for Integrated and Follow On Programs.  In this capacity, she is responsible for the research and development of integration capabilities for the THAAD Weapon System and continued evolution of THAAD and MSE to incrementally increase capability.  

Ms. Rachel Hamilton holds an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and a graduate degree from the University of Texas at Arlington, both in aerospace engineering.  She has a long and distinguished history of contributions to the Air Defense Artillery with a relentless focus on the Air Defense Artillery mission and our Soldiers.  In addition to her work on the THAAD program, Ms. Hamilton served as the PAC-3 Software Program Manager and PAC-3 Engineering Services Program Manager.  In these roles, Ms. Hamilton was responsible for coordination of development towards single software product releases to the field in support of multiple PAC-3 missile configurations. 

Rachel’s leadership in driving technical excellence, execution and innovation using collaborative teams has produced effective change for the Air Defense Artillery and has strategically positioned our Air Defense Artillery forces and enterprise to meet today’s challenges and tomorrow’s threat environment.  Her work directly led to multiple successful flight tests and three Urgent Material Releases to the Army’s Air Defense Artillery force in fulfillment of the USFK JEONS requiring THAAD and MSE integration. 

For over 20 years, Ms. Rachel Hamilton has made significant and lasting impacts on the Air Defense Artillery community. She is most deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. David Hoople

Mr. David Hoople has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to the United States Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch as the Missile Defense Agency’s United States Indo-Pacific Command / Japan Deputy Division Chief for Wargames and Exercises.  In this role, he supervises the program planning, cost, and schedule of a $2.8 million portfolio providing complex Missile Defense System (MDS) modeling and simulation (M&S) for five annual training exercises that support our forward stationed Air and Missile Defenders in the USINDOPACOM area of responsibility (AOR).  These events enhance our Soldiers’ readiness and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) and directly improve the USINDOPACOM Commander’s capability to successfully execute the MDS mission.  With the recent inclusion of Defense of Guam equities, the USINDOPACOM AOR continues to grow in complexity and scope, and Mr. Hoople’s leadership is crucial to MDA’s continued successful support to the Warfighter.

Mr. Hoople also serves as lead MDA contributor to the U.S.-Japan Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case legally binding Japan Joint Staff funds to MDA to provide realistic MDS scenario M&S support to four geographically dispersed Japanese Air Self Defense Force Patriot battalions during exercise RESILIENT SHIELD.  This is an annual exercise designed to ensure Japanese and U.S. forces are well-practiced in executing U.S. naval TTPs against potential regional threats.  As lead MDA contributor to the FMS case and Mission Director for all Japan-related exercises,

Mr. Hoople is the Agency’s resident expert on MDS M&S support to Japan and has built rapport with our foreign partner supporting continued favorable partnership. 

Prior to his civilian service, Mr. Hoople excelled in support of the Department of Defense through his 30 years of service in the U.S. Navy.  During his three-year active-duty tour at MDA, Mr. Hoople served as USNORTHCOM and USINDOPACOM Exercise Branch Chief where he managed a $6.7 million budget and directed MDA, Combatant Command (CCMD), and OSD efforts to support exercises that enhance our Army’s “fight tonight” readiness.  He co-chaired the development of Global Defender Exercise, a fully integrated theater and global exercise.  This is the most complex MDS exercise supported by MDA to date and considered one of the Army’s premier training events. 

Mr. Hoople’s career highlights significant contributions to the ADA branch spanning 35 years of selfless service, integrity, and professionalism, making him a worthy inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Kurtis Jetsel

Kurtis Jetsel is currently the Director of Program Management at Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control responsible for the portfolio of PAC-3 post-Production activities and efforts. This role is to ensure PAC-3 Missile Segment components are available and ready to support the USG and FMS war fighters. 

Kurtis has been with Lockheed Martin for over 38 years and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor of Business Administration. During this tenure, he has held various positions and been responsible for the development, testing, manufacturing, sustainment, and fielding of the most advanced hit-to-kill interceptors to defeat various air and missile defense threats. Early in his dedicated career of contribution to the Air Defense Artillery community, he spent 6 years worked closely with the Soldiers at White Sands Missile Range in support of development and operational testing.  He supported troops at Ft. Bliss in M902 launcher loading/reloading training.  Over the last few years, Kurtis was responsible for the production of the PAC-3 missile and ground equipment and oversaw the missile production rate increases from 240 to now close to 500 MSE/year. Today he leads an organization charged with ensuring PAC-3 Air Defense Artillery assets are operational and available to protect and save lives world-wide.

Kurtis has worked tirelessly over his career at Lockheed Martin to serve the Air Defense Artillery Soldiers by ensuring they were equipped with the most advanced terminal interceptor and associated ground equipment so they could stay ready to meet their mission of defending the critical assets for both the US and our partners and allies.


Colonel Andrew S. Lunoff

Colonel Andrew S. Lunoff made significant contributions to the Air Defense Artillery Branch and the Army while serving in various positions of increasing responsibility within his military career. In his current assignment as the Project Manager, Short & Intermediate Effectors for Layered Defense (SHIELD), Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space, COL Lunoff successfully accelerated the Army’s effort to deliver Air Defense capability to warfighters in support of Multi-Domain Operations.

His contributions include overseeing the development and fielding of the Iron Dome Defense System – Army (IDDS-A), which provides the Army Interim Cruise Missile Defense System capability; execution of a Middle Tier Acquisition Rapid Prototyping program which is developing an Enduring Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2; and fielding of the Maneuver Short Range Air Defense Increment 1 capability which fulfills an urgent need for an air and missile defense to maneuvering forces. Additionally, COL Lunoff is overseeing the PAC-2 and PAC-3 Patriot Missile System Enhanced (MSE) obsolescence mitigation programs and has successfully overseen efforts to increase production capacity to meet operational requirements.

He is also ensuring the viability of legacy Army air defense systems under his management with oversight of the Avenger Modification-Service Life Extension Program, Stinger Block I Missile Service Life Extension Program, and new Stinger missile production as well as overseeing the development of the Next Generation Short Range Interceptor.

COL Lunoff’ s career accomplishments embody the spirit, dignity, sense of sacrifice, and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara. He is most worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


LTC(P) Adam M. Miller

LTC(P) Adam Miller serves with the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) Directed Energy Project Office (DEPO). Formed at a critical time in or nation’s history, the RCCTO rapidly develops experimental prototypes of strategic importance to meet Combatant Commander (COCOM) warfight5ing needs. To operate successfully and deliver on time, the RCCTO needed an organizational structure containing personnel with unique and special skillsets to deliver the requirements set by our nation’s leaders. This innovative approach is indicative of the outside the box problem solvi ng approach that LTC(P) Miller routinely demonstrates.

LTC(P) Miller is currently serving as the Product Manager for the Palletized-High Energy Laser (P-HEL) 10kW-class and 20kW-class systems, and the Army Multi-Purpose High Energy Laser (AMP-HEL) within the DEPO. His leadership and acquisition acumen enabled the Army to leverage current Directed Energy (DE) technologies and integrate them into existing Army platforms, resulting in the rapid deliver of prototypes with residual combat capability to meet the COCOM Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft System (C-sUAS) requirements. LTC(P) Miller masterfully architected a plan to deliver the P-HEL laser weapon system within 14 months of contract award. This was the first weapon system in the RCCTO delivered to Soldiers and deployed to a COCOM’s theater of operation in support of an Air Defense warfighting mission.

LTC(P) Miller’s advance of DE weapon systems within the Air and Missile Defense enterprise has been exemplary and is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His entire career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Colonel Brian M. Moore

COL Moore is a 1993 Distinguished Military Graduate of Purdue University, and was commissioned as a Military Intelligence officer.  He served in a variety of Military Intelligence positions in 11th and 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiments and 8th Army Headquarters before transferring to the Space Operations career field.  COL Moore then performed key assignments as Combat Developments Officer, Branch Chief, and Division Chief in US Army Space and Missile Defense Command; Space Strategy Officer in Headquarters, Department of the Army; Chief, Space and Technical Operations for XVIII Airborne Corps; Deputy Director Space Forces in US Air Forces – Central Command; Director J3/7 for Joint Functional Component Command – Space; Director J35 of Joint Force Space Component Command; and Deputy Chief of Staff G3 of USASMDC.  He has served overseas in the Republic of Korea; in Bosnia-Herzegovina for Operation Joint Guard; in Iraq for Operation New Dawn; in Qatar for Operation Enduring Freedom; and supported Haiti relief during Operation Unified Response from Fort Bragg.  COL Moore has advanced degrees from the Central Michigan University (2001), Naval Postgraduate School (2003), Naval War College (2016), and is a member of the Purdue University ROTC Hall of Fame (2022).

As a Combat Developments Officer, Branch Chief, and Division Chief in US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, then LTC Moore established and led a new organization charged with executing the SMDC responsibilities as the Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Integrator for the Army; a mission assigned by the Chief of Staff of the Army to the USASMDC Commanding General.  While serving in this broadening assignment, then LTC Moore built key processes and relationships to unify the Army’s approach to achieving unity of effort and informing how the Army builds and manages AMD forces.  

COL Moore was then selected as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (G3) of US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.  As the senior operations officer of a command in 24 locations across 11 time zones, he oversaw an exceptionally broad portfolio of missile defense and space forces supporting geographic combatant commands across the world – including capabilities providing and supporting missile early warning as well as assigned forces directly responsible for Homeland missile defense.  While US Space Command prepared for establishment, COL Moore developed operational approaches that balanced SMDC’s assigned missions as Army Service Component Command for US Space Command and US Strategic Command with its longstanding command relationship with US Northern Command for homeland missile defense.  Much of COL Moore’s role included training and certifying air and missile defenders assigned to the 100th GMD BDE and 49th GMD Battalion; deploying and redeploying units associated with missile early warning; managing command training, readiness, and exercise programs; tracking and directing current operations; force protection; validating and prioritizing competing command requirements; and providing strategic and operational guidance within the command, to HQ Department of the Army, and several other joint and Service commands. 

Colonel Brian Moore assumed duties as the Deputy Director, US Army Space and Missile Defense Center of Excellence in July 2020 and has been serving as the Acting Director since November of 2021.  COL Moore is directly responsible for the integration of the capability development, sustainment, and fielding of space and missile defense capabilities at the strategic and operational level.

Colonel Moore’s contributions directly supporting air and missile defense are immeasurable and worthy of honoring with the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Michael Morales

Michael Morales is currently the Program Manager at Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control responsible for the development and integration of the US Army’s Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) ensuring there is a seamless integration of PAC-3 family of interceptors into the Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense future architecture. 

Michael has been with Lockheed Martin for over 22 years and is a graduate of Texas Tech University (BS in Computer Science) and Southern Methodist University (MS in System Engineering).  During this time, he has held various positions and been responsible for the research and development of various technologies that have contributed to the Air Defense Artillery community and the fielding of the most advanced hit-to-kill interceptors to defeat various air and missile defense threats.  Over the last few years, Michael was instrumental on the concept development of a Lower Tier Future Interceptor that is being designed as a concept to address the most advanced threats include hypersonic threats in the terminal phase.  This work has contributed to facilitating a better understanding for the US Army and the Missile Defense Agency on advanced technologies to address future threats and what can be feasibly achieved at the speed of relevance to keep the warfighter technologically ahead of the adversary’s threat capabilities. 

Michael has worked tirelessly over his career at Lockheed Martin to manage various programs that have resulted in the development and fielding of the most advanced terminal phase effectors to provide Air Defense Artillery Soldiers with the necessary lethality to protect critical assets for both the US and our partners and allies. He is well deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Ms. Theresa Moxley

Ms. Theresa Moxley is the Program Director for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) program within Northrop Grumman (NG). The GMD System is the nation’s operational defense against attack by long-range ballistic missiles.  As a strategic partner with Boeing on the GMD Development and Sustainment Contract, NG is responsible for the operations, maintenance, and continued development of Ground System elements including Fire Control, Communications, and Interceptor Launch Systems.  As Program Director, Ms. Moxley is responsible for the execution of the NG contract, which is valued at more than $2.4B, employing 900 staff members including subcontractors geographically dispersed over ten locations. The DSC contract continues Northrop Grumman’s history of over 20 years of support for the GMD System protecting our great nation.

Prior to her current role, Ms. Moxley served in several leadership positions on the legacy GMD Program including Ground Systems Director, Deputy Program Manager for Operations & Sustainment and Systems Engineer.  Her work on GMD dates to back to 2001.  Ms. Moxley also supported the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) program upon its initial award in 2010.  Ms. Moxley is a graduate of the University of Alabama with a Bachelors Degree in Aerospace Engineering.  She is a native of the small town of Childersburg in central Alabama and currently resides in Madison, AL with her Family.

Ms. Moxley’s support to several major programs within the Air and Missile Defense enterprise has been exemplary and is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Her career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Brock Owens

Mr. Brock Owens distinguished himself as Deputy Product Manager, Ground Weapons Product Office within the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Project Office setting the standard for Agency acquisition excellence with the coordination and integration of the THAAD Weapon System.  In this role, Mr. Owens provided continuous support to a highly-skilled, multifunctional technical team of military service members, civilian employees, and contractor personnel for a short-notice deployment to the INDOPACOM Theater.  Under Mr. Owens’ leadership and programmatic expertise, the team successfully conducted the first Launch on Remote (RLK) ballistic missile test while fulfilling a Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON) capability request integrating THAAD and Patriot missile defense networks.  During this period, Mr. Owens displayed dedicated leadership and support to a Systems Engineering Team Lead and Chief Engineer in the development of the THAAD RLK as a rapid prototype response to a JEON requirement.  The RLK was fielded to the U.S. Army in 2020, adding a much-needed capability to the Warfighter.  Mr. Owens also worked with key personnel in 2016 in the deployment of the first permanent THAAD Battery to Guam, and the initial deployment to the Republic of Korea in 2017.   Mr. Owens’ dedication to the Army Air Defense Community has helped to improve the THAAD Weapon System with multiple retrofits and reliability updates, improving system use and modernizing legacy equipment.  Mr. Brock Owens’ contributions to the Air and Missile Defense community will serve the Nation and the Army for years, and are in keeping with the finest traditions of civilian service. 

Mr. Owen’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. Richard Paladino

Mr. Richard Paladino has made extraordinary contributions in the field of Air and Missile Defense as an engineer for more than 30 years.  Richard Paladino is the Program Manager for Concept Exploration and Performance Assessment in the Innovation, Science & Technology office at the Missile Defense Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama developing unique classified capabilities in direct support of the warfighter. As the Program Manager, he is responsible for managing a large portfolio of air and missile defense programs ranging across multiple classification levels from Left of Launch applications thought right of launch.  He oversees future weapon system Modeling, Simulation, Software and Analysis (MSSA) capabilities by performing assessments, fielding sensor assets for data collection during flight tests, and developing requirements, plans and reports to ensure the successful achievement of program objectives. His efforts support all of the COCOMS in the synchronization and implementation of key technologies and capabilities in support of the warfighter.

Mr. Paladino has over 30 years of experience in managing, developing, and testing software and simulation programs for government and industry, along with 18 years of experience managing government development and acquisition programs in direct support of air and missile defense.  His ability to strategically view the threat environment and translate threat capabilities into US technology efforts including the use of Acritical Intelligence in weapon system development and flight test operations continue to advance the Missile Defense System leaping ahead of the threat.    

Mr. Paladino’s breadth of work and knowledge on behalf of the Air and Missile Defense warfighter is exemplary and worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His career has embodied the spirit, dignity and sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


LTC Ernesto Perez

LTC Ernesto Perez’s assignments in Army Acquisition have afforded him the opportunity to make significant contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch.  He currently serves as the Product Manager for Integrated Fires Mission Command Product Office, responsible for engineering and production for both the Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) major end items, the Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System (AMDPCS), and the Rocket, Artillery, Mortar Warning (RAM Warn) system.  IBCS is the Army’s top modernization priority within the Air & Missile Defense portfolio because of its highly advanced “Any Sensor, Best Shooter” capability and open system architecture that facilitates future technology insertions as part of the “plug and fight” operational construct. 

LTC Perez’s leadership has been indispensable to delivery of this transformational capability to the 3-43 Air Defense Artillery Battalion as the IBCS First Unit Equipped, participating in Initial Operational Test & Evaluation and soon to be designated the Army’s IBCS Initial Operational Capability.  AMDPCS is a critical component to both the Air Defense Artillery joint kill chain as well as Maneuver Short Range Air Defense and National Capital Region Integrated Air Defense System missions. 

Prior to his assignment to Redstone Arsenal, LTC Perez served with distinction as the Assistant TRADOC Capability Manager Heavy Brigade Combat Team, Assistant Product Manager Tactical Communications and Protective Systems as well as in the Personnel Airdrop Systems Program Executive Office. LTC ensured not only Air Defense but every Soldier on the battlefield was equipped and ready to fight tonight. Prior to serving as an Acquisition officer, LTC Perez served with distinction as a paratrooper in the 173rd Airborne Brigade where he earned his Parachutist Badge w/ Combat jump device.

LTC Perez’s distinguished career accomplishments and personal sacrifices embody the spirit, dignity, and commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara. He is most worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Anthony “Tony” Rainoldi

Mr. Anthony “Tony” Rainoldi has contributed immeasurably to the Air Defense Artillery Branch over the last several years and is worthy of this great honor as a recipient of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.

As the Branch Chief for the Air and Missile Defense (AMD) System of Systems, US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation, Missile Center (CCDC AvMC), Tony was instrumental in leading several initiatives directly influencing the Air Defense enterprise, including the Accelerated Integration to Counter Emerging Threats (AICET) Program and the Advanced Threat Working Group for Integrated Air and Missile Defense. Tony led an integrated product team in the development of requirements and execution of performance analyses of advanced fire control prototypes for integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) mission command systems, and he served as the principal investigator for the IAMD-driven science and technology (S&T) research into advanced fire control methodologies and technologies. This included research into containment-based fire control and the use of operationalized Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in the fire control loop.

Since January of 2021, Mr. Rainoldi was dual-hatted as the Chief Engineer for Integrated Fires for the Integrated fires Rapid Capability Office (IFRCO), and served as the Integrated Fires Director for IFRCO. He established the Integrated Fires (IF) Engineering Process to coordinate and synchronize system of systems development, integration, and testing across the Air and Missile Defense program offices, and further established the IF Steering Group to manage the Integrated Fires capability roadmap. Additionally, Tony established the PEO modeling and simulation strategy to ensure that the Program Offices plan for the appropriate simulations to support integration, test, and performance evaluations.

Mr. Rainoldi’s dedicated, diligent and conscientious efforts have made tremendous impacts on the engineering of cutting-edge Air Defense initiatives, and he has contributed directly to the success of the Integrated Fires effort’s to advance the C-UAS effort. He is tremendously gifted and deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Ian Reynolds

Mr. Ian Reynolds is the Northrop Grumman Vice President for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers, Missile Defense (C4MD) Business Unit in Huntsville, Alabama.  Over a distinguished career in the U.S. Defense Industry, Mr. Reynolds has made long term contributions to the defense of the Nation, to our Armed Forces, and to the U.S. Army and the Air Defense Artillery Branch.  During his over 25-year career in the Defense industry, Mr. Reynolds successfully performed in multiple roles in leading industry research, development, and acquisition of defense capabilities inclusive of Air and Missile Defense command, control systems and advanced sensors and radars for the Northrop Grumman Corporation. 

In his current role, Mr. Reynolds is responsible for leading and managing Northrop Grumman’s portfolio of U.S. Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) systems and modernization programs.  These include the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS), the Forward Area Air Defense (FAAD)/Counter Rocket Air and Missile Defense (CRAM) Command and Control (C2), Air and Missile Defense Workstation (AMDWS), and Joint Tactical Air Ground System (JTAGS) programs.  During his tenure, Mr. Reynolds exceptional leadership and stewardship of these programs produced several significant accomplishments that have contributed immensely to U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense modernization.  His C4MD Business Unit has also provided global CRAM operations and sustainment support of deployed U.S. Army forces and successfully completed JTAGS Spiral 3 development and Follow-Development Test and Evaluation (FOTE) in 2022.  Mr. Reynolds also oversees Northrop Grumman execution of an IBCS Foreign Military Sales program for Poland which is in production and on track to deliver a battalion of IBCS major equipment items to enable a Base Operational Capability for Poland by late 2023. 

Mr. Reynold’s support to several major programs within the Air and Missile Defense community has been exemplary and is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Master Sergeant Manuel Romo

MSG Romo is exceptionally qualified to receive the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His 19 years of Service to the Nation has been a model of strong moral character and undeniable integrity. He has contributed significantly to the promotion of both the Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery branches in numerous challenging assignments to including: Patriot Fire Control Platoon Sergeant, Recruiter, Artillery Meteorological Section Chief, MLRS Section Chief, and MLRS Gunner. MSG Romo currently serves as the Military Equal Opportunity Advisor for U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command.

As a member of the Field Artillery Branch, MSG Romo served one combat tour in Iraq and one combat tour in Afghanistan, with the 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Infantry Division. During his deployment to Iraq in 2009, he served as a Battle NCO for the 2-29 FA Operations team. On his 2012 deployment to Afghanistan, MSG Romo served as the Base Defense Operations Center NCOIC, assisting his Commander in designing and executing the base defense plan at FOB Frontenac, Kandahar Province. As a member of the Air Defense Artillery Branch, MSG Romo deployed twice, both times as a Platoon Sergeant, with Charlie Battery, 1-7 ADA, 108th Brigade. His first ADA deployment was to the United Arab Emirates where he served as the Fire Control Platoon Sergeant and Primary Missile Movement Officer, supervising the movement of live interceptors throughout the operational environment. On his most recent deployment to Bahrain, he continued to serve as the Battery Fire Control Platoon Sergeant and was responsible for the combat readiness for Patriot engagement operations in addition to training, teaching, coaching and mentoring his platoon in an operationally deployed location on constant alert state.

In his current role, MSG Romo is the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Military Equal Opportunity Advisor responsible for advising the Commanding General, Command Sergeant Major and Commanders at all echelons on matters of Equal Opportunity and ensures all personnel assigned to SMDC are aware of MEO programs, complaint procedures, and acts as the MEO link to unit readiness, cohesion, and success on the battlefield.


Mr. Martin “Whitt” Walker

Mr. Walker distinguished himself through exemplary service and made major contributions to the field of Air and Missile Defense throughout his career spanning from 1994 to present.  Mr. Walker has undergraduate and graduate degrees in geology and engineering geology.  Beginning his professional career in the private sector, Mr. Walker gained valuable experience working in the geotechnical, environmental, and geology fields of study.  He eventually left private industry and entered government service supporting the Missile Defense Agency.  Recognizing Mr. Walker’s high standard of integrity and moral character as well as an outstanding degree of competence, Mr. Walker was placed in a crucial role managing initial site investigations for the former European Interceptor and European Midcourse Radar sites that were to be located in Poland and the Czech Republic as well as the Aegis Ashore deployed sites currently located in Poland and Romania.  Mr. Walker’s contributions in no small part helped both the foreign Ministries and the United States determine the most suitable areas in which to construct these critical national defense strategic capabilities.

Whitt currently serves as the Mission Support Project Manager for Military Construction supporting the Aegis Ashore Program Office of the Missile Defense Agency.  The Agency has a mission to deploy a regional missile defense capability in Europe pursuant to the European Phased Adaptive Approach initiative.  Mr. Walker provided outstanding leadership during the development of the Aegis Ashore program to ensure full and effective integration of facility requirements supporting the Aegis Combat System deployments in Deveselu, Romania, and Redzikowo, Poland.  Mr. Walker led a team of subject matter experts who worked in direct coordination with the U.S. Navy, EUCOM, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lockheed Martin, the Host Nations, and members of the Engineering Design firm to integrate a shipboard weapons system into a land-based facility.  The successful deployment of the Aegis Weapon System in Deveselu, Romania was the culmination of a massive undertaking to bring a proven shipboard weapon system to shore and is a signature achievement for the defense of the United States and its allies. 

Contributing to over $400M of Military Construction towards the advancement of air and missile defense, Mr. Walker was instrumental in helping to define and implement strategic direction with a positive impact to deployed missile defense capabilities in defense of the United States and its allies and is deserving to be inducted into the Honorable Order of St. Barbara.


Lieutenant Colonel Chad B. Watts

LTC Chad B. Watts’ assignments in Army Acquisition have afforded him the opportunity to make significant contributions to the Air Defense Artillery branch. He currently serves as the Product Manager for Air & Missile Defense Mission Command, responsible for Mission Command & Control software development for both the Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) and the Forward Area Air Defense Command & Control (FAAD C2) system. IBCS is the Army’s top modernization priority within the Air & Missile Defense portfolio because of its highly advanced “Any Sensor, Best Shooter” capability and open system architecture that facilitates future technology insertions as part of the “plug and fight” operational construct.

LTC Watts’ leadership has been indispensable to delivery of this transformational capability to the 3-43 Air Defense Artillery Battalion as the IBCS First Unit Equipped, participating in Initial Operational Test & Evaluation and soon to be designated the Army’s IBCS Initial Operational Capability. FAAD C2 is a critical component to both the Maneuver Short Range Air Defense and National Capital Region Integrated Air Defense System missions including Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Directed Energy technologies in development by the Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. His previous assignments include: Product Director for the Hypersonic Thermal Protection System, Military Deputy for Missile Science & Technology, Combat Capabilities Development Command, Aviation and Missile Center, Deputy Product Manager for STRIKE-X, Assistant Product Manager and Acting Deputy Product Manager for the Integrated Battle Command System Modernization, and Assistant Product Manager for Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-Intercept.

LTC Watts has over 21 years of combined active service as both enlisted and officer with three combat tours in Iraq, is an Army Parachutist, and has received numerous awards and decorations for his service including three Bronze Star Medals. His many contributions to the Air Defense Artillery community make him worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Ms. Christy Webley

I nominate Christy Webley for the Honorable Order of St Barbara for her lifetime of contributions to the Air Defense Artillery.  Christy began work at AEgis Technologies in 2008 which became BlueHalo in 2018.   Christy has performed several roles at BlueHalo from bid and proposal, marketing, and publications to her current role as the Vice President, Integrated Mission Solutions for the Defense Sector of BlueHalo located in Huntsville, Alabama. Christy’s contributions to Air Defense began when she helped lead the company’s effort develop a product line of embedded and classroom flight trainers for Small Unmanned Air Systems (SUAS) which would aid Air Defenders in defense missions against these platforms.  Shen then lead a team that developed 3D models and content of all U.S., allies, and adversary vehicles and aircraft.  These models are now the standard used in all U.S. virtual reality training and exercises for Air Defense and Field Artillery trainers and warfighters. 

In 2019, Christy assisted in the development and proposal for the Virtual Stinger Trainer, and her efforts helped BlueHalo win that competition.   Today her team has delivered nearly one hundred Virtual Stinger Trainers to the Army and Marines and has numerous international sales pending.  In parallel she led her team in upgrading the Improved Moving Target Simulators (IMTS) across all the U.S. Services.  These tools have been particularly valuable in Ukraine helping our allies in their fight against the Russians, and each of these systems continues to be in high demand due to their ease of use and expert class training environment they afford Soldiers, Marines, and allies. 

 Christy credits her work ethic and patriotism to growing up in a large family on a ranch in South Dakota. Her passion for people and problem solving have been the driving forces in her career at all stages. She is well deserving of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Joseph F. Wethington

Mr. Joe Wethington serves as the Northrop Grumman Supplier Management Team lead for the WISLA IBCS Foreign Military Sales program for Poland.  Over an exceptional career, spanning 33 years, in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Defense Industry, Mr. Wethington has made significant, long-term contributions to the U.S. Army and the Air Defense Artillery Branch through both his Army Air Defense service and in multiple roles in the U.S. Defense Industry. 

Mr. Wethington joined the U.S. Army in 1989 and initially served as a crew member and later a squad leader for the Chaparral Air Defense weapon system.  Later in his Army career, he transitioned to become an Air Defense Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator/Maintainer and served in multiple roles and assignments enabling Air Defense operations and force modernization to include work on Forward Area Air Defense, Air and Missile Defense Workstation, and Air Defense Air Management (ADAM) systems and programs.  Mr. Wethington joined Northrop Grumman in 2003 and over the course of his nearly 20-year tenure, has served in multiple roles on Air Defense modernization programs that Northrop Grumman has developed and delivered to the Army.  The breadth of his work and accomplishments includes leadership and program management roles for system components on the Army’s Command Post Program (CPP) ADAM Cell, Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS), and the WISLA IBCS FMS.  In addition to his contributions to the Air Defense Artillery, Mr. Wethington continues to serve and support veterans through his Chairmanship of the Northrop Grumman VERITAS Employee Research Group where his volunteer leadership has been responsible for numerous initiatives which have positively benefited the lives of veterans in the Huntsville and Tennessee Valley area.   

In total, Mr. Wethington’s outstanding service to the U.S. Army and many contributions to the Air Defense Artillery Branch strongly merit his consideration for selection and induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. 


Mr. Jason Alan Williams

Mr. Williams has selflessly served national missile defense for 20 years, displaying the requisite characteristics of integrity and moral character, starting in 2008 with the MDA and prior with the United States (U.S.) Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC) since 2003. Mr. Williams holds a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (2010) and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering cum laude (2005) both from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Mr. Williams is currently the Chief Systems Engineer for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Joint Program Office. In this role, Mr. Williams is responsible for leading a staff of over 100 personnel with responsibility for a budget of $170M while serving as the GMD principal to define, implement, and maintain a disciplined and integrated systems engineering process. He leads systems engineering activities with a focus on developing and integrating quality, timely, and affordable capabilities and products. Mr. Williams began his professional career working at USASMDC on the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) propulsion system where he led the integrated product team including the propulsion development and testing for the USASMDC MKV program. Upon coming to the MDA, Mr. Williams leveraged his test experience to contribute to the MDA test mission. He served as test director for multiple missions, led key activities to enhance the MDA test capability, performed key engineering activities and supervised engineering teams for testing designs, system performance, and requirements verification. Mr. Williams also supported U.S. policy initiatives to enhance the U.S.-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) coalition architecture and, by request of the MDA Director, planned, designed, and tested the initial concept for the U.S.-NATO U.S. European Command missile defense architecture.

Prior to his current position as GMD Chief Systems Engineer, Mr. Williams served in multiple GMD positions of increasing responsibility, including Deputy Chief Engineer for the Redesigned Kill Vehicle program, where he implemented robust engineering controls and principles enabling a reliable, maintainable, testable, and sustainable payload delivery.

Mr. Williams’ consistent, high level of competency and demonstrated significant contributions to the Nation’s missile defense mission prove him an ideal candidate for induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Sean Williamson

Mr. Sean Williamson, Deputy Project Manager for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Project Office has distinguished himself in service to our national defense by enhancing the development, integration and fielding of the latest upgrades to the THAAD Weapon System.  In this position, Mr. Williamson is responsible for the planning, oversight and execution of all cost, schedule, and performance efforts related to the $17.1B Acquisition Category (ACAT) I THAAD Program.  Mr. Williamson supports the Air Defense Artillery Warfighters by improving the THAAD Weapon System, ensuring cost-effective procurement and fielding of required artillery.  To date, his Team has delivered over 500 THAAD Interceptors for U.S. Army THAAD Batteries, and 192 for our Foreign Military Sales customers.  Additionally, Mr. Williamson’s strategic management was instrumental in the THAAD Project Office receiving a Full Production Decision approval for THAAD Interceptors from the Office of the Secretary of Defense in October 2020.  This approval increased the authorization for U.S. Interceptors from 554 to 910.  Mr. Williamson’s leadership led to the successful development and fielding of the THAAD 4.0 Build, the largest enhancement to the THAAD Weapon System, which adds a Patriot Launcher to a THAAD Battery, creating a two-layer weapon system with the ability to select THAAD or Missile Segment Enhanced Interceptors in support of dynamic defense requirements.    Mr. Williamson’s contributions to the Air and Missile Defense community will serve the Nation and the Army for years, and are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service. 

Mr. Williamson’s exceptionally meritorious service and accomplishments in support of missile defense are worthy of consideration for induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Nathaniel P. Wilson

Mr. Wilson currently serves as the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Quality Assurance Supervisor overseeing the Patriot Advanced Capabilities (PAC-3) and Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) programs.

As the Quality Supervisor for PAC-3, Mr. Wilson provides essential government oversight through all phases of PAC-3 program development. Nate’s expertise and thorough understanding of the PAC-3 components has been critical for the integration of current and future PAC-3 seeker integration into the complete weapon system. The seeker is critical in providing extended range and non-line-of-sight engagements across the full spectrum of PAC-3 threats. Mr. Wilson’s constant surveillance of production activities, identification of problem areas, coordination with the program office and buying activity have enabled the program to remain on schedule while ensuring that Air Defenders are provided top quality equipment to enhance their lethal capabilities. In addition to PAC-3, Mr. Wilson has served as the lead quality assurance representative for the GMD program.  Mr. Wilson’s attention to detail and diligent oversight has ensured that the government is receiving the highest quality equipment for Air & Missile Defense and the Field Artillery Community.

Mr. Wilson’s support to several major programs within the Air and Missile Defense community has been exemplary and is most worthy of recognition by award of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Nate’s career has embodied the spirit, dignity, sense of commitment epitomized by Saint Barbara.


Mr. John Wright

Mr. John Wright has distinguished himself with outstanding contributions to national defense and the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Branch throughout his 19-year career with the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). He currently serves as MDA’s Deputy for Test Support, where he manages recruiting and hiring actions for the 1500+ member Test Team, fiscal resources, contracts, and acquisition efforts supporting a comprehensive Test Program to demonstrate and field integrated, effective Missile Defense System capabilities to our Army Warfighters.  He recently led the efforts to restructure the Test organization that successfully executed Flight Test THAAD Weapon System (FTT)-21. FTT-21 verified the THAAD Weapon System using TH 4.0 software can compute Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) firing solutions, communicate with an M903 Launcher, control two MSE interceptors in flight, and intercept a short-range ballistic missile target. This gives our Soldiers the capability to use the right missile for the right threat at the right time, enabling them to address current threat environments with an enhanced, layered defense.

Mr. Wright’s oversight was essential to the success of MDA’s $73M program to replace the aging High Altitude Observatory (HALO) aircraft used to provide critical optical in-flight data collection during all flight tests.  In FY2022, he supervised the purchase and delivery of three Gulfstream 550 aircraft with the contract award to equip the aircraft with next-generation sensors. The new HALOs will double aircraft on-station time to support more complex flight tests, provide cost avoidance by preventing flight test delays due to equipment failures, and significantly enhance hypersonic collection capability.  Most importantly, they will enable MDA to collect data during THAAD and Patriot weapon system testing to deliver improved missile defense capabilities to the ADA Warfighters defending our Nation and allies.

Previously, Mr. Wright served as the Executive Officer to the Deputy Director for Test, where he supported the administration, planning, programming, budgeting, management, and execution of multiple historic tests supporting the ADA mission.  These tests included the first operational flight test of the GMD system and first salvo engagement of a threat-representative intercontinental ballistic missile target by two GBIs (FTG-11) and the first flight test demonstrating engagement firing of a SM-3 Block IIA against an intercontinental ballistic missile threat-representative target (FTM-44). 

Prior to his service with MDA, Mr. Wright served 22 years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force.  His 40+ year career of service to our Nation and significant contributions to the ADA mission make him a worthy inductee into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Ancient Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(North Alabama Chapter of the U.S. Field Artillery Association)


Mr. J. Gary Hallinan

Mr. J. Gary Hallinan currently serves as the Project Manager for the Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Project Office under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). Mr. Hallinan demonstrates the highest standards of professionalism and commitment to the Field Artillery branch. Mr. Hallinan has served the branch in multiple acquisition leadership roles of increasing responsibility to develop and deliver Fires capabilities for the Army.

Mr. Hallinan brings over 30 years of tactical, technical, and acquisition leadership experience, to build and direct highly capable and adaptive teams to achieve the results needed to meet the demands of today’s Army. His keen understanding of the technical complexities of these combat systems, ability to clearly communicate programmatic and technical direction, and skills to motivate and encourage the workforce make him a worthy recipient for this prestigious award.

The FY20 Strategic Fires Study identified a critical gap in our nation’s defense and the Army was tasked to develop a mid-range capability to deliver no later than 4QFY23. Mr. Hallinan was hand selected, based on his prior success and experience leading Field Artillery launcher programs, to lead the development of the Army’s MRC Typhon Weapon System program, one of the Army’s highest-priority modernization efforts. The Typhon Weapon System is a Fires platform equipped with the Navy’s SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles fired from a containerized Navy Vertical Launch System. The Battery Operation Center federates Army and Navy command and control systems required to enable mission processing with the national-level Cruise Missile Support Activity, as well as with the Multi-Domain Task Force, crucial for the success of MRC. Mr. Hallinan rapidly established key and enduring relationships with multiple stakeholders from the Navy, United States Marine Corps (USMC), and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), gathering the knowledge, agreements, and resources necessary to create this joint capability. Under his leadership, the combined teams evaluated existing prototypes and leveraged years of Navy system experience to complete multiple design reviews, culminating with a critical design in less than a year. Mr. Hallinan championed an innovative approach to include Soldiers and Sailors throughout the system design phases. These Soldier/SaiIor-Centered Design Events provided critical feedback to speed the user informed development of this prototype system destined for imminent operational use. Currently, the program is completing fabrication of the first battery and delivers to Soldiers in December 2022 in support of New Equipment Training and flight test. On all fronts, Mr. Hallinan’s leadership and presence have had a positive influence, bringing the best out of his team and those supporting the program.

Prior to becoming the MRC Project Manager, Mr. Hallinan served as the Product Director for the Army’s Field Artillery Launchers program. With the Army’s transition from Counter Insurgency Operations, the need for additional launcher platforms became critical to support Long Range Precision Fires modernization efforts. Mr. Hallinan was responsible for the restart of production for the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and expanded production of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). Mr. Hallinan’s leadership resulted in establishing a program to resurrect decommissioned M270s from the Red River Army Depot, upgrading them along with existing M270A1s to the M270A2 variant, putting the Army on course to increase the MLRS fleet from 225 to 385. At the same time, he reestablished production for M 142 HIMARS, servicing a burgeoning Foreign Military Sales market and expanding the fleet by 56 launchers. Through his extensive leadership and acquisition experience, Mr. Hallinan led his team to develop and execute acquisition strategies and rapidly established contracts to restart these production and modernization efforts. He established systems to use designated funding in a timely manner, building and maintaining rapport with OSD and Congress, ensuring the consistent funding required to realize these efforts. During his tenure, Mr. Hallinan also led the design and development of the Palletized Field Artillery Launcher (PFAL) initiative with OSD. The PFAL concept incorporated the MLRS launcher capability into a trailer-mounted platform, an analogous design that served to inform the Army’s MRC concept. This, along with many other system upgrades, would not have been possible without Mr. Hallinan’s wisdom, leadership, and technical experience.

Mr. Hallinan also served as the Deputy Product Manager for the Field Artillery Launchers program supporting the production and modification of HIMARS and MLRS launchers to expand the capability of these venerable systems. Under his leadership, the product office conducted five total package fielding events of HIMARS for Army and USMC Active and National Guard  battalions. He also led the modification of both HIMARS and MLRS M270A1 launchers to include the Increased Crew Protection/lmproved Armored Cab, Driver’s Vision Enhancement, and Long Range Communications. These improvements increased Soldier survivability, safety, and expanded the reach of these systems on the battlefield. His leadership as the Deputy Product Manager inspired the Field Artillery Launchers team to perform at the high level required to deliver these capabilities.

For his extensive contributions to the Field Artillery community through his leadership in developing and fielding critical Fires capabilities, Mr. Gary Hallinan is highly worthy of induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.


COL Ian W. Humphrey

COL Humphrey is a natural leader of the highest caliber who continually exhibits tactical brilliance. COL Humphrey has been a leader within the Field Artillery community for more than 25 years. His influence and direct contributions to the Field Artillery branch will influence how fires are applied and used for many years to come.

COL Humphrey is the current Project Manager for Integration at the Army Hypersonic Project Office (AHPO), Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). He was hand-selected by the three-star RCCTO Director for his expertise in building teams and leading them to success in short order. COL Humphrey and his team designed, built, and fielded the ground support equipment for the U.S. Army’s first Long Range Hypersonic Weapon Battery in just two years. This capability is now in the hands of Soldiers, thanks to COL Humphrey’s work in a high priority modernization program for the Army and Department of Defense. COL Humphrey is currently preparing the Battery to participate in recurring combined flight test campaigns with the Navy. Contributions to the Air Defense Artillery are also a part of COL Humphrey’s career. As the 05 Centralized Selection List (CSL) Commander for the Missile Defense Agency, he oversaw future enhancements to the Leadership and Control system for the country’s Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) defense.

COL Humphrey’s first three assignments were with the 4th Battalion, 11th Field Artillery, located in Fort Wainwright, Alaska. He served as Aviation Fire Support Officer successfully integrating fire support maximizing the combat power of aviation; Battery Fire Direction Officer, computing technical solutions for joint fires in support of mission-based operations; and fire support officer, delivering tactical effects for indirect fires in support of the commander’s scheme of maneuver. COL Humphrey was an integral part of the extremely effective deployment in support of a counter-drug campaign in Los Angeles, California, as well as a rotation to the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana.

COL Humphrey was assigned to the 3-13th Field Artillery, Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He served in a critical role as the Assistant Battalion Operations Officer. After being selected to command Charlie Battery, 3-13 FA, he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) where he commanded Delta Battery, 1-39 FA as part of the 3rd Infantry Division Artillery. He executed the mission by firing over 241 rockets during the march to Baghdad. For this service to our nation, he received the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.

COL Humphrey is not only an outstanding leader within the Field Artillery community, but he is also a steadfast supporter and advocate for the branch. He actively serves as a mentor and voice for the branch, and participates in several senior leader forums such as Association of the United States Army (AUSA), and several forums on social media. For his optimism and excellent ability to create successful teams at echelon, COL Humphrey is well-respected by both his superiors and peers alike. For his honorable service to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities in general, and the AHPO, COL Humphrey deserved to be recognized as a distinguished member of the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara. By bolstering current capabilities and supporting new initiatives, COL Humphrey’s leadership has shaped operations for future generations.

His military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster (OLC), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal with four OLC, Army Commendation Medal with one OLC, Army Staff Identification Badge, Parachutist Badge, and the Combat Action Badge. COL Humphrey was also awarded the Honorable Order of St. Barbara Medal and the Order of St. Maurice Medal.

COL James C. Mills

COL Mills is the Deputy Director for the Army Hypersonics Project Office (AHPO), under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).  COL Mills demonstrates the highest standard of professionalism and commitment to the Field Artillery branch.  He served in multiple acquisition roles as a senior leader to successfully develop and deliver critical Fires capabilities for the Army.  COL Mills brings over 31 years of tactical, technical, and acquisition leadership experience, to build and direct highly capable and adaptive teams and achieve the results needed to meet the demands of today’s Army.  His keen understanding of the technical complexities of these combat systems, ability to clearly communicate programmatic and technical direction, and skills to motivate and encourage the workforce make him a worthy recipient of the distinct recognition of membership in the Ancient Order of St. Barbara.

COL Mills currently serves as the Deputy Director for the Army Hypersonics Project Office at the Army RCCTO, the Army’s #1 modernization priority in the Long Range Precision Fires portfolio.  His technical expertise and leadership were key in managing a team comprising of 115 military, civilian, and contractor personnel and synchronizing their efforts to successfully develop, prototype and test the Long Range Hypersonic Weapons (LRHW) system.  COL Mills solidified the future of this capability by setting the conditions by which the transition of LRHW from prototype under RCCTO management, to a program of record with Program Executive Office Missiles and Space would take place. His leadership served to align efforts for personnel, resources, and the acquisition strategy needed to ensure a seamless transition of responsibility and continued production of battery and munitions for years to come.

As the AHPO Project Manager for the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (CHGB), COL Mills’ extraordinary leadership and project management skills made a profound impact on the future of Fires for the U.S. Army and our National defense. He built the Army’s first hypersonic glide body industrial base, composed of nearly 20 commercial partners and three government laboratories, through his collaborative leadership, ability to communicate this new Fires capability to multiple stakeholders, and commitment to the mission.  COL Mills crafted the industrial base criteria in consultation with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Missile Defense Agency. The CHGB is a vital part of the $2.75 billion Long Range Hypersonic Weapon System (LRHW) and $1.15 billion Conventional Prompt Strike programs of the Army and Navy, respectively.  COL Mills created a mission-first team mentality while shifting CHGB and Thermal Protection System production from two government facilities to the industrial base in order to deliver a credible hypersonic weapon battery by FY23.  Based on his efforts, the CHGB industrial base remains on track to increase production of these strategic assets meeting the demands for this game-changing capability.  COL Mills made the most lasting contribution to the Field Artillery as the Project Manager for the Precision Fires Rocket and Missile System (now Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office.  During his tenure, COL Mills started the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) program, another key element of the Army’s #1 modernization priority Long Range Precision Fires portfolio, overseeing its development through the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase culminating in a successful first flight test.  COL Mills was crucial in directing both the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System-Extended Range (GMLRS-ER) program and the GMLRS-Alternate Warhead (AW) programs, which improved existing Army Missile systems with enhanced capability and lethality.  In 2017, GMLRS-AW fielded to combat forces and instantly fulfilled operational gaps for area effects.  In addition, he spearheaded the initiative to enhance GMLRS missile production by a factor of 10, increasing production from 1,000 to over 10,000 missiles per year to fulfill the operational demand for long-range precision-fire munitions. Ultimately, he oversaw the development and testing of the M270A2 model of the MLRS launcher and the restarted production of the M142 HIMARS.  Both efforts provided additional quantities and more capable missile launching platforms to Soldiers and Marines.

His extensive contributions to the Field Artillery community, including his magnificent leadership skills in developing and fielding critical Fires capabilities, make COL James Mills highly worthy of membership in the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.


COL Guy Yelverton Ill

COL Guy Yelverton demonstrates the highest standards of professionalism and a lifetime commitment to the Field Artillery branch.  COL Yelverton served the Field Artillery not only as a leader from platoon to battery but also as an advocate for the continued modernization of Field Artillery systems through his career.

COL Guy Yelverton Ill is currently serving as the Project Manager for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (PM STORM).  In this capacity, he led over a 300 military, civilian, and contractor acquisition professionals in the modernization and sustainment enterprise of the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Family of Munitions.  This included the development and fielding of the Extended Range Guided MLRS (GMLRS), the M270A2 MLRS tracked vehicle, the restart of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) Increment 1 (Base Missile) and Increment 2 (Multi-Domain Missile), GMLRS Enhanced Alternative Warhead, and multiple smaller programs supporting the Field Artillery Rocket Formation.

Prior to his transition to the Acquisition Corps, COL Yelverton’s tenure as a line officer highlighted how his service to the Field Artillery began.  He led multiple Field Artillery organizations to success from leading teams, platoons, and batteries in support of the 1st Cavalry Division and 2nd Infantry Division. His exemplary leadership and mentorship enabled his battery, Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery, to be recognized as the runner-up for the 2002 Henry Knox Award.

After his transition to the Acquisition Corps, COL Yelverton continued to support the Field Artillery in various roles, to include serving as the Assistant Product Manager for Soldier Precision Targeting Systems, Department of the Army Systems Coordinator for the Program Executive Officer, Missiles and Space, and as the Special Assistant and Acquisition Advisor to the Army Vice Chief of Staff. Throughout these assignments, he provided valuable leadership to his team and advice to Army Senior leaders who had direct impact to both fielded Field Artillery systems and those under development.

During his three plus years at the helm of PM STORM starting in 2019, COL Yelverton also led an unprecedented increase in production capacity directed by the Department of Defense in light of the increased expenditure of GMLRS and Army Tactical Missile Systems during the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in 2017.  This included ensuring the increased capacity to produce the GMLRS to quickly replenish expenditures and maintain a sustained production line to meet the increased Army Acquisition Objective.  He and his team also restarted the M142 HIMARS production line in support of the Army’s requirement to expand the Field Artillery Rocket and Missile formation with the reestablishment of a Field Artillery Brigade in Europe and the establishment of three Multi-Domain Task Forces in the U.S. IndoPacific Command and U.S. European Command Areas of Responsibility.

COL Yelverton led his organization to develop and acquire the Field Artillery’s first new missile since the M31 GMLRS Unitary missile fielding in 2005. He leveraged his vast knowledge of the acquisition process to ensure the PrSM program maintained momentum during the development process resulting in the demonstration of the Army’s longest missile flight in modern times, well beyond its 400 KM requirement.  Additionally, his sustain leadership postured the program to begin the development of a Multi-Domain capable system that can engage targets both on land and at sea.

Throughout 26 years of service, spanning multiple positions and locations throughout the globe and the Army, COL Yelverton excelled as a leader, advocate, and guide for the Field Artillery.  His service not only ensured the high caliber of future Field Artillery Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers, but also postured the Field Artillery to remain relevant and a critical component in the modern battlefield. His is a true Redleg and a worthy member of the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara.

Additional COL Guy Yelverton III biographical information:

Guy’s exemplary service in support of the Field Artillery has been paramount to the successes not just for our Army and our Nation but for our Allies and Partners as well.  COL Yelverton is now in his fourth year as the Project Manager for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles.  During his tenure, he led over a thousand military, civilian, and contractor personnel in the modernization and sustainment enterprise of the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) family of munitions. This included the development and fielding of the extended range Guided MLRS (GMLRS), the M270A2 MLRS tracked vehicle, the restart of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), the Precision Strike Missile, and other smaller efforts supporting the Army’s rocket formation.

Guy’s leadership was instrumental during the past year as the United States supported Ukraine’s defense of its sovereignty against Russian aggression.  He led his team in meeting or exceeding Presidential Drawdown tasks to support deployment of HIMARS and GMLRS systems into Ukraine as well as training Ukrainian military personnel to operate our systems with great success. He maintained this high standard of support while ensuring his team continued to succeed in their day-to-day operations leading the development, fielding, and sustainment of the Field Artillery’s Rocket and Missile Force.


Honorable Order of St. Barbara Awardees
(North Alabama Chapter of the U.S. Field Artillery Association)


Mr. Robert Hunter Blackwell

Mr. Hunter Blackwell is superbly qualified to join the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  His many years of service to the Nation as a Government Civilian has been exemplary and is a model of selfless service.  As an Engineer in the Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC), his technical expertise in the field of Rockets and Missiles is unparalleled.  He has contributed significantly to the Field Artillery’s modernization over the past two decades in numerous challenging assignments to include supporting the Precision Strike Missile modernization, the Single Warhead Area and Point (SWAP) warhead effort, and the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) Science and Technology (S&T) demonstration effort.

Hunter’s expertise and success in executing S&T programs was instrumental in helping transition efforts from S&T into the field.  His successful demonstration of the Naval Strike Missile in 2017 and 2018 resulted in the U.S. Marine Corps adopting the system as one of the munitions for their ROGUE Fires system.  The SWAP warhead effort demonstrated the ability to have a single warhead for use in GMLRS systems demonstrating to the Product Office the ability to minimize variants of GMLRS.

Mr. Blackwell is currently serving as the Acting Fires Capability Area Lead (CAL) responsible for all S&T efforts support the Field Artillery Rocket and Missile Formation.  As the Lead, he is also the S&T advisor representing AvMC to the Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) Cross Functional Team (CFT) and is responsible for advising the One-Star Director on the direction and prioritization of Rocket and Missile S&T supporting the PrSM program.  In this capacity, he led over 100 military, civilian, and contractor personnel in the Missile and Rocket modernization enterprise with and in the absence of the CAL.


Mr. Joseph M. Carroll

Mr. Carroll has supported the United States Army Field Artillery through his roles as Contracting Officer, Branch Chief, and Division Chief responsible for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) team here at the Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal providing direct support to the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space.

Mr. Carroll is well known throughout the Department of Defense as one of the top contracting professionals in the acquisition community and was previously recognized as the 2019 Secretary of the Army Contracting Professional of the Year. Mr. Carroll has provided the necessary leadership and guidance to his team as they executed over $8B in contracts since 2018 that supported the Field Artillery mission. In this position he maintains close coordination with Army leadership, Futures Command, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), DASA(P), DASA(DEC), industry and other organizations while ensuring the Director for Missiles and Space and other ACC-RSA leaders are briefed on all activities. 

Mr. Carroll is responsible for leading his team through the execution of multiple contract actions to support the STORM team’s strategic mission portfolio that compliments existing and programmed land-based rockets/munitions, artillery, and missile capabilities.  Extraordinary contributions Mr. Carroll has in his portfolio are (1) Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) full rate production and Extended Range development; (2) Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) full rate production and service life extension program; (3) Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) engineering, manufacturing and development and early operational capability production. All these products in his contractual portfolio are an important U.S. Army warfighter requirement to meet mission support.

Mr. Carroll currently leads and manages 30 contract personnel, supporting weapon systems platforms with direct leadership over approximately 600 contract actions that have obligated over $8B to date and will obligate an additional $2B during Fiscal Year 23.  Mr. Carroll also has a product portfolio of three ACAT I Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) supporting U.S. Army and Marine Corps military operations, as well as Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases.  

Because of the meritorious contributions above in the Field Artillery communities Mr. Carroll is highly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Bryan Cleve

Mr. Bryan Cleve currently serves as the Launcher Product Director for the Army Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Project Office under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).  Mr. Cleve is a consummate professional who has advanced the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery portfolio of capabilities by providing his expertise and support to Artillerymen and Warfighters in various positions. His excellent contributions as a product director, engineer, technical leader, and program professional resulted in a significant positive impact on the branch. He shaped operations for generations to come by buttressing existing capabilities and being at the tip of the spear for new Fires technologies.

As the Launcher Product Director for MRC, Mr. Cleve skillfully leads an agile team of engineers and logisticians to advance one of the Army’s highest-priority modernization efforts. He led collaborative efforts between the Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO), Navy program offices, and industry partner Lockheed Martin to create a common launcher suitable for use by multiple services, capable of firing the Navy’s SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles. In just over two years, his efforts have taken a concept from paper to prototype. Mr. Cleve and his team rapidly progressed the MRC Launcher through design and production phase in just a year, for the initial prototype battery. During the design phase, he included Field Artillery Soldiers and leaders as well as Sailors from the Navy to incorporate user feedback early in the design creating a Warfighter-informed capability. His close coordination with Navy, USMC and agency partners has created efficiencies and opportunities that have benefited all mid-range efforts. His leadership and efforts enabled the on-time production of four launchers despite numerous challenges due to national labor shortages and supply chain issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. He continues to manage launcher product improvements through Technology Insertion Points and ensures those design changes are coordinated with Joint Service partners. Through his diligent leadership, the program remains on track for delivery to Warfighters by December 2022, who will begin training on this critical capability and prepare for Joint flight test events in 3QFY23 and achieve operational capability in 4QFY23.

Prior to the MRC program, Mr. Cleve served as Acting Deputy to the Assistant Program Executive Officer (PEO) for International Programs within PEO Missiles & Space (MS) Air and Missile Defense (AMD). He assisted in the management of $2.4 billion in AMD international programs across six project offices. His consistent coordination reviews with project offices ensured the proper management of staffing, funding, agreements, technology security, and foreign disclosure. His efforts enabled the United States to equip and enable foreign partners to defend themselves and to provide stability within other regions of the world while keeping U.S. Soldiers at home.

While serving Air Defenders as the Chief Engineer for the International Systems Integration Cell, Mr. Cleve developed integration processes to ensure successful systems integration, which served as a pathfinder for the Integrated Fires and Rapid Capabilities Office. His efforts resulted in collaboration amongst multiple technical directors for international programs to improve existing schedules based on new strategies for systems integration testing. His efforts and strategies allowed PEO MS to develop Integrated Air and Missile Defense for Poland in parallel with U.S. development and prior to full fielding and Operational Test.

Because of his meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery community in general, and the MRC Project Office in particular, Mr. Bryan Cleve is highly worthy of being inducted as a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Dan Corbett

We welcome Mr. Dan Corbett, Monte Sano Research Corporation (MSRC) Chief Engineer for Missile and Rocket Science and Technology (S&T), into the ranks of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Dan’s career has spanned over 20 years as a contractor in the DEVCOM Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) as he supported the Field Artillery (FA) and Air and Missile Defense (AMD) in numerous ways. He consistently led efforts in the development of both FA and AMD Systems to include Extended Area Protection System (EAPS) and Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar, and Lower Air Defense for the Army.

Dan Corbett has served as the Chief Engineer (Contractor) for the Fires Capability Area Lead (CAL) supporting U.S. Army Rocket and Missile Modernization. His support was instrumental in helping the Fires CAL make sound engineering judgement for multiple S&T efforts to include the Tail-Controlled Guided Multiple Launched Rocket System, Low Cost Tactical Extended Range Missiles S&T that transitioned to the Precision Strike Missile program, and the spiral technologies that supported the Naval Strike Missile experiment in RIMPAC ‘ 17, the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile, and the Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher efforts. Additionally, Dan supported the Project Office engineering for the Cross Domain ATACMS Program.

Mr. Corbett led the trade studies that developed the Government Baseline Technology’s for PrSM Increment 3 – Modular Payloads, PrSM Increment 4 – Extended Range and the subsequent industry efforts. Dan provided valuable input from AvMC into the CAPE and Army G8 Sensor Fuzed Weapon Study, and the FCOE directed Direct Support Fires Technologies for the Maneuver Brigade. He is managing and leading the Monte Sano SETA Engineers across a vast span of S&T efforts in support of the U.S. Army’s #1 Modernization Priority, Long Range Precision Fires. He continues to support the FA by providing advice gained through decades of experience and expertise in Missile S&T technology and engineering efforts. His expertise in solving the challenges presented and providing feasible and practical solutions have been instrumental in the FA’s continued success in Modernizing the Rocket and Missile formations.

Mr. David W. Furtwengler

Mr. David W. Furtwengler is currently the Director of the Engineering Directorate, Chief Engineer for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office (PO).  Mr. Furtwengler has dedicated his 33-year distinguished career to providing superb engineering and leadership experience in weapon system acquisition, development, testing and fielding for both Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery systems within the Missile Defense Agency and Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space. Under his outstanding leadership as the STORM Project Office Chief Engineer, Mr. Furtwengler manages Data Management, Product Assurance, Production, System Engineering and Integration, Software, Test and Safety initiatives for all project office systems and munitions to include the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, Multiple Launch Rocket System, Precision Guided Munitions and Rockets, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System and Precision Strike Missile System. His leadership and support of the STORM Project Office mission assures quality and reliable products are being provided to the Warfighter.

Mr. Furtwengler’ s record of extraordinary achievements is marked by his consistent ability to effectively manage, plan, execute and deliver numerous engineering initiatives for STORM including:

  • Validation and inspection plans ensuring the continuous flow of technical components required to produce critically needed weapons systems. This effort has been performed during a period of supply chain shortages and increasing demand to support global contingency operations from both the U.S. Warfighter and our Allies.
  • Software revisions and upgrades: For the first time in the project office’s history, STORM conducted a virtual fielding and training event for the international Version 8 Software, delivering critical launcher and munition software to a U.S. global partner and ally.
  • Maintaining aggressive yet realistic flight and ground test schedules followed by extensive post event data analysis to assess performance and progress in providing increased battlefield capability and lethality for STORM launchers and munitions.
  • The development of future capabilities for use by our Field Artillerymen and Air Defenders to include planning for the development and use of an improved Software Blocking Strategy throughout the STORM portfolio of Weapon Systems and Advanced Position Navigating and Timing tools to aid and enhance combat operations.
  • Providing a laser focus on near and mid-term STORM engineering priorities by appointing three Chief Engineers to oversee and manage precision guided rocket and missile development, tracked and wheeled launcher development to include the autonomous launcher and development of the Precision Strike Missile which is the highest priority acquisition program in the U.S. Army.

Mr. Furtwengler’ s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities have made him worthy of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His contributions have supported key modernization developments for Army weapon systems and ensured the Warfighter will continue to be best equipped on the battlefield.


Mr. Peter Gaal

Mr. Peter Gaal is indeed congratulated for his induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Mr. Gaal is a dedicated Lockheed Martin (LM) career employee located in Grand Prairie, TX that supports the United States Government (USG). Mr. Gaal has over 29 years’ experience as a LM employee with an expansive career of ever-increasing responsibilities. In his current role as a LM Senior Manager, Mr. Gaal is directly responsible and accountable to the Strategic Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Management Office (PMO) for the cost, schedule, and technical performance of High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)/M270A1 sustainment programs with both domestic/international customers. This includes the Life Cycle Launcher Support (LCLS) Congressionally-mandated Acquisition Category (ACAT IC) Performance Based Logistics (PBL) program first established in CY 2004.

The purpose of all LCLS contracts released by the Army Contracting Command (ACC) at Redstone Arsenal, AL since inception of the program supports U.S Army and Marine Corps deployable units for the HIMARS/M270A1 platforms. To date, LCLS I — IV PBL contracts supported by LM as the prime vendor consistently yielded a Mission Readiness Rate (MRR) of above 90%. During the last 18 years, the USG has experienced outstanding customer support and satisfaction to the field user communities located in CONUS/OCONUS inclusive of CENTCOM. PEO Missiles and Space, STORM PMO formulated a relationship with the LM Team that has produced consistent results, driven opportunities for change, and results in economies of scale for reductions in overall program costs throughout the years. In large part, this is possible due to the efforts of Mr. Peter Gaal’s superb leadership style and willingness to embrace flexibility change to meet the dynamic mission set requirements of the HIMARS/M270A1 weapon systems.  At the same time, Mr. Gaal has been extremely instrumental in supporting those other related contracts providing spares to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Letterkenny Army Depot (LEAD), and Red River Army Depot (RRAD) supporting U.S. Army and USMC Overhaul and Reset contracts. USG CPARS have always resulted in Excellent Ratings for the LM LCLS Team led by Mr. Gaal.

The LCLS program provides critical Field Artillery (FA) launchers to customers with the initial HIMARS/M270A1 requirements first established in a USG Operational Requirements Document (ORD). As the LM Senior Manager supporting all phases of the acquisition life cycle, Mr. Gaal has an in-depth knowledge of the USG Performance Work Statement (PWS) and all associated Contract Data Requirements contracts. The LM Field Service Representatives (FSRs) are an integral part of the processes for the HIMARS/M270A1 platforms, Mr. Gaal works to ensure these highly specialized employees remain fully embedded with Army and Marine units in order to provide real time technical and maintenance support. The LM FSRs truly are the first line of defense in maintaining an MRR of greater than 90% as defined within the current LCLS IV PWS. From Asia to Europe to CENTCOM, LM continues to be the sole source provider for HIMARS/M270A1 helping the warfighters achieve their operational objectives for dynamic mission set assignments. The LM Grand Prairie, TX depot stock spares are shipped to the field daily facilitating a strong robust pipeline for users. LM also tracks all field returns and high/low failure items. Under the management of Mr. Gaal, program execution employs a fix forward maintenance concept designed to reduce costs and keep spare parts always available within the supply pipeline. Again, proactive intensive management by Mr. Gaal has consistently resulted in a MRR of 90% or greater since inception of the program in CY 2004. Again, this intensive managerial oversight by Mr. Gaal and his entire LM team has produced cost-effective solutions for the USG earning their organization EXCELLENT CPARs ratings throughout the duration of the HIMARS/M270A1 program.

Mr. Gaal’s responsibilities have also branched out to include oversight of several international programs each interfacing with U.S. Forces. This results in a larger community of FA partnerships in many cases that often train together on a variety of USG weapon system platforms. It is a significant accomplishment to be associated with the recent ongoing transition of HIMARS capability assets to the Ukrainian Government as part of the Pentagon directed Presidential Drawdown (PD) efforts. In this particular capacity, Mr. Gaal is the primary customer contact for all program activities where he frequently interfaces with Senior STORM PMO Leadership, LEAD POCs, ACC Redstone Arsenal AL, other USG organizations, and increasing numbers of international customers expressing an interest in the HIMARS weapon system.

Mr. Gaal started his LM career providing support to FA as a Software Engineer in 1993. His first program providing support to the USG was integrating Ground Position System (GPS) on the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) Joint Precision Strike Demonstration (JPSD). With this successful integration effort, Mr. Gaal then led the way to the expanded usage of GPS capabilities on all ATACMS and Guided MLRS (GMLRS) variants. As an example, Mr. Gaal started with an ATACMS variant Block IA which involved the fielding of a GPS capable munition to the warfighter community. He then went on to assume the role of LM Software Lead Engineer on the Block Il variant through the incorporation of the Northrop Grumman Brilliant Anti-Tank (BAT) submunition. Always poised for the next challenge, Mr. Gaal then assumed the increasing role of responsibility as the LM Software Lead Engineer on the Block Ill prototype efforts successfully integrating and flight-testing a Sandia penetrating warhead. He further was requested to consult on the software porting of the TACMS 2000 (T2K) configuration serves as the primary baseline for the current ATACMS. Additionally, Mr. Gaal has held various leadership roles in the development of the Non-Line of Sight Launch (NLOS) system. First, he started as the System Engineering Lead on the Loitering Attack Missile (LAM) program. At the conclusion of the program, he then went on to be the position of LM Co-Program Manager for the Containerized Launch Unit (CLU), palletized launcher. This involved the successful testing with the Army Evaluation Task Force Brigade that provided soldier input into the CLU design process. Mr. Gaal then ended his time on NLOS as the overall CLU Program Manager (PM) representing both LM and Raytheon in the Joint Venture LLC thereby, earning the trust of both companies while additionally representing the best interests of the USG and warfighter.

Mr. Gaal has truly made a significant and long-lasting impact on the FA community throughout his distinguished career working for LM in Grand Prairie, TX. The USG was very exceptionally rewarded through his many years of dedicated service to the LM Team, Army and Marines units, and other related federal agencies. He has earned numerous LM Special Recognition, Excellence, and Achievement Awards and demonstrated only the highest of ethical standards stemming from his professional integrity, moral character, and definitive competence on multi-platform weapon systems.


MAJ Lonnie Jordan

MAJ Lonnie Jordan is indeed welcomed into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  MAJ Jordan is the Assistant Program Manager (APM) for the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) for the Precision Guided Munitions and Rockets (PGMR) office.

MAJ Jordan has dedicated 35-years to military service and has a distinguished career serving in several leadership positions. His latest accomplishments include serving as the APM for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), Patriot Ground Support Equipment Redstone Arsenal, AL development and fielding for both the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery systems within the Program Executive Office, Missiles and Space (PEO MS). He has served at senior levels of leadership within the Army from chief executive officer to assistant program manager. Currently, he leads the ATACMS, Joint Reduced Range Rocket, Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Family of Munitions Common Test Device and Build to Print Pod efforts within PGMR with a total estimated value of $1.5B. Some of his management efforts spanned the entire PGMR portfolio encompassing product integrations efforts for all systems and munitions to include coordination with the HIMARS, MLRS, ATACMS, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) and Extended Range Guided (ERG).

MAJ Jordan’s pinnacle achievement was providing leadership coverage for the extended range GMLRS System Qualification Test Flight Test that successfully completed at White Sands Missile Range on 6 October 2022. Lonnie tirelessly worked with his industry partners ensuring the flight test did not incur further technical delays. The flight test was the first in a series of significant tests required prior to a production decision. The test provided exceptional flight performance data increased confidence in the ERG system. The Extended range GMLRS will provide an exceptional capability to the Warfighter community when fielded.

MAJ Jordan’s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities have made him a worthy member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. His contributions have supported key Modernization developments for Army weapon systems and ensured the Warfighter will continue to be the best equipped on the battlefield.


Ms. Christina Lawson

Ms. Christina Lawson is congratulated for being inducted into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Christina is the Acquisition Contract Specialist for the Field Artillery Launchers under the Strategic Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office (PO).  Ms. Lawson has played a pivotal role in the last five years as the Acquisition Contract Specialist for both the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) weapon systems. In normal times, each program would have its own contract specialist However, due to personnel shortages, Christina has worked and managed both programs for contractual efforts to enable both programs to re-enter production at the same time. From a contractual standpoint, this is a huge workload for one person to manage requiring skills, tenacity, perseverance, professionalism, and a tremendous work ethic. Ms. Lawson has been invaluable in the award of the base year contract, and three option year contracts for MLRS which amounts to over $1 ,051.6B in funding launchers.

Additionally, Christina worked closely with the International Programs team that placed the United Kingdom on contract for launchers which will be followed by more launchers in future contracts. The HIMARS contract has been equally challenging. Since 2019, the team awarded six production contracts for over $1.2B for the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, Romania, Poland, and Taiwan. Ms. Lawson was at the center of this effort, working for both MLRS, and HIMARS. Her quick response to urgent taskers, updating critical acquisition documents to account for the changing conditions, is worthy recognition in PM STORM’s mission to meet the needs of the Army and our Partner Nations.

Ms. Lawson’s dedication to her responsibilities enabled STORM POs fielding of launchers to 3-27 Field Artillery (FA), the first unit to transition to the 3×9 concept. In addition, the STORM PO is fielding to 1-3 FA, a new battalion set in place to meet changing Army requirements. The challenges presented to Ms. Lawson and her ability to quickly execute funding on contract has been outstanding, with critical actions being submitted in less than a six-month period.

Ms. Lawson’s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery communities have made her worthy for membership the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Her contributions have supported key modernization developments, re-establishment of the MLRS and HIMARS production lines to support the Army’s efforts for modernization, and to increase the size of both launcher fleets. This effort played a critical role to enable our nation to respond quickly to support the conflict in Ukraine and ensured the Warfighter will continue to be the best equipped on the battlefield.


Mr. Roger Darren McConnell

Mr. Roger Darren McConnell is supremely qualified to be inducted into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  His many years of service to the Nation as a Government Civilian has been exemplary and is a model of selfless service.  As an engineer in the Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC), his technical expertise in the field of Rockets and Missiles is unparalleled.  He has contributed significantly to the Field Artillery’s modernization over the past 25 years in numerous challenging assignments to include supporting the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) modernization, the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapons (LRHW) Science and Technology (S&T) effort, and the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) S&T demonstrations effort.

Darren’s expertise and success in executing S&T programs was instrumental in helping transition efforts from S&T into the field.  As the Deputy Product Manager for GMLRS, he successfully fielded the GMLRS Unitary to the Army and Marine Corps.  The demonstrated effectiveness of this system resulted in the development and implementation of technical performance requirements for the U.S. and Allied Forces.  The systems effectiveness was demonstrated in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from 2017-2020 and is now a critical enabler for the Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s Invasion.

Mr. McConnell is currently serving as the Deputy Fires Capability Area Lead (CAL) for Hypersonic Weapons responsible for all hypersonic-related S&T efforts that support the Field Artillery.  He is also the S&T advisor representing AvMC to the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office and advising the Three-Star Director on the direction and prioritization of Hypersonic Weapons S&T.  In this capacity, he leads more than 20 military, civilian, and contractor personnel in the Hypersonic Modernization enterprise.


Mr. Henry McElreath

Mr. Henry McElreath is indeed welcomed into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. McElreath is the Lead Test Engineer for the Army Hypersonic Project Office (AHPO) under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).  Henry plays a critical role in the Army Hypersonic Project Office, supporting the delivery of the nation’s first Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) System, one of the Army’s highest-priority modernization efforts. He is responsible for the planning and execution of all flight test campaigns, which includes parallel planning of multiple large-scale events with multiple government agencies, industry partners, and Services. These test events are crucial to determine the performance and safety parameters of the Army’s first LRHW system that will be fielded to a Field Artillery Battery in FY 2023. Mr. McElreath is also responsible for managing the multimillion-dollar budget and contract vehicles required to support the large-scale test events.

In his current role as the Lead Test Engineer for the Army’s LRHW, Mr. McElreath skillfully leads an agile team of engineers in coordinating operational exercises for the LRHW. His efforts facilitated Field Artillery soldier deployment from the Multi-Domain Task Force to conduct training exercises in parallel with LRHW flight tests. The soldiers exercised the Command and Control system to enable mission processing with the national-level Cruise Missile Support Activity, which enables the success of LRHW. His close coordination with Navy Strategic Systems Programs, Army Space and Missile Defense Command and Missile Defense Agency, creates efficiencies and opportunities that benefit all long-range efforts. Due to his hard work, the program remains on track for delivery to Warfighters by 4QFY23.

Throughout his career, Mr. McElreath held significant roles for both developmental and operational systems. As a Test Director for the Missile Defense Agency, he led large-scale, multi-participant signature U.S. Air Defense tests for Patriot, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. The tests demonstrated integrated, layered, regional missile defense capabilities in a combined live-fire operational event. The exercises provided the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen who operated the systems a unique opportunity to refine operational doctrine and tactics while increasing confidence in the execution of integrated air and missile defense plans. Mr. McElreath conducts his duties with integrity, commitment and dedication while ensuring systems are safe for Warfighters to operate.


Mr. Gary Montgomery

A Lockheed Martin (LM) Representative, Mr. Gary Montgomery is indeed worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Montgomery is a dedicated LM career employee located in Grand Prairie, TX that supports the United States Government (USG).  More specifically, Mr. Montgomery has 37 years’ experience supporting Department of Defense (DOD) customers, of which 18 years was directly dedicated to the Army’s Field Artillery (FA) STORM Project Management Office (PMO) located at Redstone Arsenal, AL.  Mr.

Montgomery serves as a primary organization contact (POC) for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)/M270A1 weapon system platforms at the LM provider vendor facility located in Grand Prairie, TX.

The STORM PMO is the USG chartered organization for the day-to-day sustainment management of the HIMARS/M270A1 weapon systems.  To this objective, the STORM PMO issued its first Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Life Cycle Launcher Logistics (LCLS) sole source contract to LM in CY 2004. The LCLS I contract’s Performance Work Statement (PWS) with associated Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs) identified the overall requirements of the USG establishing the baseline metrics, customer wait time (CWT) and turn-around-time (TAT), in order to gauge the Mission Readiness Rate (MRR) performance of the Prime Contractor, LM.  Mr. Montgomery is integral to the LCLS I PBL contract and all subsequent follow-on efforts, and since CY 2004 has been the LM POC.  Mr. Gary Montgomery continues supporting the Field Artillery (FA) HIMARS/M270A1 platform providing 2417 support to Army and Marine units located CONUS/OCONUS, to include CENTCOM. The level-of-support provided by Mr. Montgomery over the last 20+ years is first-and-foremost “Soldier focused” while at the same time facilitating a continuous supply pipeline of rotatable spares maintaining a MRR of greater than 90%. His abilities to work in parallel partnerships with internal LM staff and associated sub-vendors, STORM PMO USG POCs, and other external CONUS/OCONUS/CENTCOM customers, has proven integral to the overall programmatic successes achieved for the platforms.  Mr. Montgomery’s extensive work ethic coupled with his command-and-control programmatic approach to supply chain logistics results in being highly knowledge versed on all the equipment, support equipment (SE), test equipment (TE), authorized stockage lists (ASLs), high/low failure assets, configuration management (CM), and metrics driving the MRR.  It is “no small achievement,” with Mr. Montgomery being part of the larger LM Team.  He consistently exceeds the benchmark MRR of 90% or greater metric embedded in the PWS for the initial LCLS I contract through today’s current LCLS IV.

The STORM PMO truly values Mr. Montgomery’s “warfighter focused” support to the USG. Throughout the years, he never hesitates to make the necessary changes or corrections to processes/procedures in order to maintain supply chain continuity, meet metrics, or mitigate risk on other funding shortfalls. Mr. Montgomery’s work ethic and transparency to the USG is above reproach always demonstrating an enthusiasm for the HIMARS/M270A1 mission set throughout the course of his distinguished career. Mr. Montgomery is an organized briefing presenter and adept at answering questions from USG POCs. One of Mr. Montgomery’s crowning achievements is providing fielding support to numerous FA Battalions executed through Letterkenny Army Depot facilitation engaging in the repairs of HIMARS assets and the associated Overhaul program. Additionally, Mr. Montgomery is responsible for the implementation and development of Field Support Representatives (FSRs) for HIMARS/M270A1 units both CONUS/OCONUS including CENTCOM or other special missions/assignments as directed by the Pentagon. The LCLS receipt/issuance of depot pipeline spares and all related inventory management activities by Mr. Montgomery for the HIMARS/M270A1 PBL LCLS I-IV contracts has certainly provided continuity to the overall program for the USG. The mission readiness of the LCLS PBL contracts are directly tied to the metrics for the associated Launcher Loader Module (LLM) for HIMARS and Fire Control System (FCS) for M270A1 to which Mr. Montgomery is highly engaged in providing sustainment support. Additionally, he is the original founder of the LCLS Sustainment Center chartered in managing all Multiple Launcher Rocket System (MLRS) configurations and develops the required spares packages to support deployable worldwide mission sets. Due to Mr. Montgomery’s extensive experience with the HIMARS/M270A1 , he is clearly recognized/categorized as “mission essential personnel” by the STORM PMO. Mr. Montgomery is a true “leader by example” and a “propound steward” for the American taxpayer by always managing affordability to the best interest of the warfighter, STORM PMO, or other foreign customers.

Prior to serving the FA sustainment community, Mr. Montgomery made substantial contributions to the U.S. Army where he served as a Flight Test Manager (FTM) for the LM Engineering Manufacturing and Development (EMD) missiles program.  In this capacity, he was responsible for the performance and success of numerous programs to include the Line of Site Anti-Tank “LOSAT” Kinetic Energy Missile System.  Mr. Montgomery was the “first man in the cab” during live-fire testing working to validate safety prior to the soldier release during the LOSAT Limited User Test (LUT).

Without question, Mr. Gary Montgomery has made a significant and long- lasting impact on the MLRS and HIMARS FA community. He has certainly earned numerous LM Special Recognition, Excellence, and Achievement Awards and demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, and professional competence.  During his 30 plus years of exceptional dedicated service to this nation, Mr. Montgomery has always been first-and-foremost “warfighter focused,” and is most deserving of inclusion in the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Stephen K. Murphree

Mr. Stephen K. Murphree is congratulated on his induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Murphree is the Precision Guided Munitions and Rockets (PGMR) Chief Engineer for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office (PO).

Mr. Murphree has dedicated his 8-year distinguished career in support of Field Artillery weapons development and sustainment to include Precision Strike Missile, Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), and many variants of the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS).  Most importantly, Mr. Murphree led Extended Range GMLRS (ERG) system requirements development and assumed responsibilities as ERG system development lead.  Due to his significant potential, he was promoted to serve as the Precision Guided Munitions and Rockets (PGMR) Chief Engineer in the STORM PO Engineering Directorate.  Under his leadership, STORM Engineering continues to develop, upgrade, and provide superior GMLRS, ATACMS and Reduced Range Practice Rockets to the Warfighter while managing schedule and technical risks.  His dedication to ensuring effective, safe, reliable, and sustainable long-range rockets and missiles to the Field Artillery enables our technical superiority over peer competitors and is a testament to both his character and dedication to the STORM PO mission.

The ERG system is one of STORM’s initial steps into rapid acquisition and development.  Mr. Murphree’s pinnacle and on-going achievement are his leadership of the ERG development program that almost doubles the range of the current GMLRS with improved accuracy and effectiveness.  Mr. Murphree’s recent efforts to manage technical risk and maintain a schedule resulted in ERG completing Critical Design Review, component qualification and is well into the system ground and flight qualification phase.

Mr. Murphree’s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery community qualifies him as a worthy candidate to join the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  His contributions have and will continue to support key modernization for Field Artillery rockets and missile systems to ensure our battlefield dominance.  He is clearly a distinguished engineer, acquisition professional and dedicated to his country and the U.S. Army Field Artillery.


Mr. Bill Nourse

Mr. Bill Nourse, Monte Sano Research Corporation (MSRC) Vice President for Program Development, is welcomed into the ranks of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Over his career spanning over 20 years as a DA Civilian and 10 years as a contractor, he has supported the Field Artillery in numerous ways.  Most recently, he served as the support contractor for the Fires Capability Area Lead (CAL), supporting Rocket and Missile Modernization for the Field Artillery. In this capacity, his support was instrumental in helping the Fires CAL advocate for multiple Science and Technology efforts in the Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) to include the Tail-Controlled Guided Multiple Launched Rocket System (GMLRS), the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) Science and Technology (S&T) program, the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) S&T effort, and the Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML) effort.

Bill, in his capacity as Vice President for Monte Sano Research Corporation (MSRC), with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), advocated for our elected U.S. Congressional Delegates to support the AML program in the 2021 Budget to ensure its success. As a direct result of his efforts, funding was provided to support numerous Fires Programs to include the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM), Shoot on the Move, and the Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML). Bill’s efforts enabled the AML program to execute efforts supporting their build up and deployment for both the demonstration in 2021 at Fort Sill and to the most recent Project Convergence event in 2022. This system has shown the possibilities for an Autonomous Field Artillery System supporting Maneuver Formations and the Combatant Commander.  Additionally, his efforts postured the program for success as it moves to its next demonstration in 2024.

Mr. Nourse continues to support the Field Artillery in the Fires Capability Area by providing advice gained through decades of experience and expertise in S&T efforts. His ability to distill the challenge presented and provide solutions has been instrumental in the Field Artillery’s continues success in Modernizing the Rocket and Missile formation. and the Combatant Commander.


Mr. Chad Reaves

Mr. Chad Reaves is congratulated for his induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Reaves’ contributions to the development and fielding of the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is a testament to his leadership, technical talents, and devotion to the Field Artillery.  His efforts have directly resulted in fielding a prototype hypersonic weapon designed to achieve one of the Nation’s top modernization priorities within the Long Range Precision Fires portfolio.

Mr. Reaves currently serves as the Deputy Project Manager for the All Up Round and Canister (AUR+C) — Army Hypersonic Project Office (AHPO).  In this role, Chad directs the cost, schedule, performance, and timely delivery of the AUR+C, as well as the transition from the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) to the Program Executive Office Missiles and Space (PEO MS). Managing a budget valued at approximately $200M in FY22 and FY23, he expertly manages one of the highest risk program schedules in the Army — producing a Hypersonic AUR+C in half the time previously demonstrated on any new missile program in the DOD.  Mr. Reaves is simultaneously providing oversight for the PEO MS contracting, funding, and administrative actions to develop the next two LRHW batteries scheduled for delivery in FY25 and FY27.

Mr. Reaves is responsible for delivering the first eight tactically configured prototype munitions to the Multi-Domain Task Force-I (MDTF-I) stationed at Joint Base Lewis McCord, constituting a major milestone to complete Initial Operational Capability and fielding for the Army.  This includes managing the reliability improvements to design and incorporate new technology insertions. Crucial to delivery, Mr. Reaves oversaw processes critical to the LRHW Safety Program to include supervising the approval process for the LRHW Interim Hazard Classification, Army Public Health Center Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment.  His leadership resulted in a Soldier Centered Design incorporating multiple canister, shipping, and transportation improvements prior to fielding, as well as ensuring the safety of Field Artillery soldiers employing the LRHW.

Previously, Mr. Reaves served as the Canister Product Director and the Joint Insensitive Munition and Hazard Classification (IMHC) director for the AHPO.  In this position he led an agile team of engineers to establish the technical baseline for the LRHW canister.  His leadership helped guide the development program from initial White Papers to prototype concepts and Critical Design Review in just two years.  Mr. Reaves achieved this rapid development by leveraging efficiencies learned from his previous contributions to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) program supporting the Air Defense Artillery community.  As the lead on the Joint IMHC program, Mr. Reaves supervised coordination with the U.S. Navy and industry partners to develop and execute the numerous tests necessary for explosives safety confirmation.  He successfully led six of the tests prior to transitioning to the deputy position where he now provides oversight of the remaining five joint tests.

Mr. Chad Reaves is highly deserving of induction as a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara because of the significant contributions he made to the Field Artillery community.  His efforts are a credit to himself, the RCCTO, and the United States Army.


Ms. Kristi Samuels

Ms. Kristi Samuels is welcomed into the ranks of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Ms. Samuels serves as the Lead Acquisition Analyst for the Guided Multiple Launch Rockets (GMLRS) System for Precision Guided Munitions and Rockets office.  She previously served as the interim Acquisition Chief for Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office (PO).

Ms. Samuels has expertly served as the Lead Acquisition Analyst for the STORM PO since September 2019. Her expertise in contracts and business acumen has contributed immensely to the continued success of the Field Artillery Community and United States Army.  Kristi has assisted in the obligation of more than $3.5B in support of the GMLRS program since assuming her role as Lead Acquisition Analyst.  Her efforts support the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, and Partner Nations.  Prior to assuming her current role, Ms. Samuels worked for Thompson, Gray, Inc., where she supported the STORM PO from May 2017 to September 2019 as an Acquisition Specialist.

Ms. Samuels has additionally served in various acquisition roles since 1999, including more than six years as a warranted Contracting Officer, providing outstanding support to the Field Artillery Community. Her efforts have spanned the STORM PO portfolio encompassing product integration coordination for all systems and munitions.  Kristi’s service in support of the Field Artillery community makes her a deserving member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Chris Shaw

Mr. Chris Shaw is congratulated on his induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Shaw is currently the Technical Director for the Army’s Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Project Office (PO) under the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).

Mr. Shaw is a consummate professional who has advanced the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery portfolio of capabilities by providing his expertise and support to Warfighters in various positions.  His excellent contributions as an engineer, technical leader, and program professional resulted in significant positive impact on the branches.  He shaped operations for generations to come by buttressing existing capabilities and being at the tip of the spear for new Fires technologies.

As the Technical Director for the Army’s MRCPO, Mr. Shaw skillfully leads an agile team of engineers in establishing and maintaining the technical baseline for one of the Army’s highest-priority modernization efforts.  He leads collaborative efforts between the Navy program offices for AEGIS SM-6 and Tomahawk capability,  and industry partner Lockheed Martin to complete the MRC initial prototype battery, as well as to create a common wireless communications system for MRC and the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) system. His efforts ensured the federation of four Command and Control systems to enable mission processing with the national-level Cruise Missile Support Activity, as well as with the Multi-Domain Task Force, crucial for the success of MRC. During the design phase, he included Field Artillery Soldiers and leaders as well as Sailors from the Navy to incorporate user feedback early in the design creating a Warfighter-informed capability.  His close coordination with Navy, USMC and agency partners has created efficiencies and opportunities that have benefited all mid-range efforts.  He continues to manage integrated system product improvements through Technology Insertion Points and continues to ensure the design is accurate during system production.  He oversees the Joint Configuration Control Boards to ensure design changes are coordinated with Joint Service partners to maintain commonality.  Through his efforts, the program remains on track for delivery to Warfighters by December 2022, who will begin training on this critical capability and prepare for joint flight test events in 3QFY23 and achieve operational capability in 4QFY23.

Prior to the MRC program, Mr. Shaw served as the Chief Engineer for the LRHW program Transition Team, also one of the Army’s highest-priority modernization efforts.  His efforts led to the first LRHW Abbreviated Capabilities Development Document to establish a technical baseline requirement for the LRHW system. With Mr. Shaw’s expertise and support, the LRHW was successfully fielded to the Long Range Fires Battalion at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in October, 2021.  During Mr. Shaw’s tenure, he oversaw the establishment of all technical criteria for the transition of LRHW from the RCCTO to Program Executive Office Missiles & Space (PEO MS), which included documented Soldier feedback for future improvements, programmatic planning efforts, and management of technology insertions for additional capabilities for the Warfighter.  Through his coordination with Soldiers during the design process, his team documented unresolved Soldier inputs and established plans for future incorporation into the overall design, increasing usability, maintainability, and operational survivability.  Mr. Shaw coordinated and chaired multiple contract reviews with PEO MS counterparts and numerous Army and Navy organizations during the heart of the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine, ensuring the LRHW program remained on schedule well beyond the initial RCCTO prototype effort.

As a college student participating in a Student Intern program with the Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center, Mr. Shaw provided sustainment engineering support across the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery portfolio.  His efforts ensured Technical Data Packages were processed in a timely manner.

Because of his meritorious contributions to the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery community in general, and the MRCPO in particular, Mr. Chris Shaw is highly worthy of being included as a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Mark E. Smith

Mr. Mark Smith is welcomed into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Smith has supported the United States Army Field Artillery through his roles as Branch Chief and Division Chief, responsible for the Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) at the Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, providing direct support to the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space. 

Mr. Smith is well known throughout the Department of Defense as one of the top contracting professionals in the acquisition community. Mark has provided the necessary leadership and guidance to his Division as they executed over $11B in contracts since 2018 that supported the Field Artillery mission.  In this position he maintains close coordination with Army leadership, Futures Command, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), DASA(P), DASA(DEC), industry and other organizations while ensuring the Director for Missiles and Space and other ACC-RSA leaders are briefed on all activities.

Mr. Smith is responsible for leading his team through the execution of multiple contract actions to support the STORM team, which is a part of the Army’s strategic mission portfolio that compliments existing and programmed land-based rockets/munitions, artillery, and missile capabilities.

Extraordinary contributions Mr. Smith has in his portfolio are (1) Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) full rate production and Extended Range development; (2) Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) full rate production and service life extension program; (3) Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) engineering, manufacturing and development and early operational capability production (4) High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) full rate production; and (5) Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) full rate production.  All these products in his contractual portfolio are an important U.S. Army warfighter requirement to meet mission support.  

Mr. Smith currently leads and manages 30 contract personnel for Missiles and Space, supporting weapon systems platforms with direct leadership over approximately 1100 contract actions that have obligated over $11B to date.  Mr. Smith has a product portfolio of 5 ACAT I Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) supporting U.S. Army and Marine Corps military operations, as well as supporting multiple Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases.

Because of his meritorious contributions above in the Field Artillery communities, Mr. Smith is highly worthy of being a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Jeffrey Thornton

Mr. Jeffrey Thornton is congratulated for his induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Mr. Thornton is the Senior System Analysis supporting Program Protection within the Strategic Operational Rockets and Missiles (STORM) Project Office.

Mr. Thornton is a vital member of the STORM Security team and has been the lead Program Protection analyst within STORM for the past three years.  His support across all STORM products has been instrumental in ensuring that the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), and Precision Strike Missile System (PrSM) most sensitive components and information is protected at the proper level and the integrity of the products is not compromised providing a technological advantage to the United States and our Allies.

Mr. Thornton’s pinnacle achievements since joining the STORM team include drafting 14 Delegated Disclosure Letters, two security classification guides, and three Program Protections plans. The culmination of these efforts contributed to the protection of the most sensitive information and technologies within the STORM Project office supporting the Field Artillery community.  Along with his outstanding support to the STORM Project office, the warfighter, and our allies, during Jeff’s free time he performs as a board member for the charity organization RuckUp22, focusing on raising awareness of veteran suicide, and providing donations to support Warfighters and their families.  The organization contributes to the betterment of their physical and mental health, and helps reduce stress from social and economic pressures.

Mr. Thornton’s tireless commitment to the Field Artillery, the United States Military, and our allies have made him a worthy member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  His contributions supported key Modernization developments for Field Artillery weapon systems and ensured the Warfighter will continue to be best equipped on the battlefield.


Mr. Steve L. Thornton

Mr. Steve L. Thornton is supremely qualified, and welcomed into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  Steve has contributed immeasurably to the Fires community and our warfighters during a professional career spanning more than thirty-five years.  Steve is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Monte Sano Research Corporation (MSRC), whose subject matter experts provide full-spectrum, end-to-end R&D engineering, program support, and advocacy to our Fires Community.  Steve contributed to numerous Army programs as an Electrical Engineer, and a Hardware-In-the-Loop (HWIL) expert, ensuring weapon systems are tested and certified.  Steve supported improvements to the M712 Copperhead, M48 Chaparral, Medium Surface to Air Missile (M-SAM), Fiber-Optic Guided Missile (FOG-VI), and the AGM-114 Hellfire Missile.

Steve tirelessly advocates for the Fires Community.  In his capacity as the CEO of Monte Sano Research Corporation (MSRC), Steve has advocated support of Fires Programs to our elected Congressional Delegation since 2014.  As a direct result of his efforts, funding was provided to support numerous Fires Programs, to include the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM), Shoot on the Move, and the Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML).  Each of these programs are on the cutting edge of Technology, with the LBASM program directly contributing technology in support of future increments of the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM). Additionally, Mr. Thornton co-founded and served as the Chief Operations Officer at Summit Research Corporation, served as the Executive Vice President for the Engineering Development Division at Digital Fusion Solutions, Inc, and has served as the Program Manager for the AMCOM Express contract prior to his current position of CEO of MSRC since 27 June 2011.

Steve continues to build the reputation of MSRC in the Fires Community through the tireless promotion of an intentional and defined culture focused on our mission.  MSRC experts support the Fires Capability Area Lead (CAL), the Protection CAL, PM STORM, and the Fires Center of Excellence to ensure Fires capabilities required by the user community are met.  As CEO for MSRC, Steve attracts talented engineers and subject matter experts through an intentional focus on providing extraordinary talent to support the Fires Community.  MSRC has been honored as America’s Best Places to Work three times, has achieved recognition as one of INC. 5000s Fastest Growing Private Companies seven times, and has been most recently recognized as a 2022 #HIREVetsMedallion Platinum Award recipient.


COL Brian E. Watson

COL Brian E. Watson currently serves as a Senior Program Integrator in the Air and Missile Defense Mission Command product office, Program Executive Officer, Missiles & Space on Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.  He was commissioned into the Field Artillery on May 17, 1997 from Washington State University.

Brian’s superb early artillery career provided him thorough experience and a solid foundation in Field Artillery basic Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.  Initial assignments included outstanding performance as the Delta Company Fire Support Team (FIST) Chief of the First Battalion, 23rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment where he expertly and successfully integrated mortar and artillery fires with close air support during extremely dangerous company field operations.  At the artillery battery level he closely supervised a Fire Direction Center (FDC) as its officer, ensuring timely, accurate computation and transmitting of extremely technical firing data to the unit’s 155mm howitzers. The critical data was without exception precise, allowing 98 lb projectiles to invariably impact on target safely and effectively.  He was soon promoted to Platoon Leader, where he was instrumental in preserving his howitzer platoon’s knowledge, skills, and physical conditioning to Army standards.  Additionally, he perpetually ensured his platoon’s vehicles were intensely maintained to combat readiness preparedness.

Graduating to field artillery battalion level staff, due to his outstanding attention to detail, combat computer literacy, and superlative coordination abilities, Brian was assigned as the Battalion Fire Direction Officer.  His main, resolute job was coordinating his entire howitzer battalion’s fires timely and accurately on a single target, ensuring maximum effectiveness across the total target area. Additionally, all rounds had to explode within plus or minus three seconds of the computed time on target, whether consisting of ground or air bursts. CPT Watson made it happen, continuously. 

To round out his Army combat training in the crucial logistics field, Brian became the Supply Officer (S-4) of the 1st Battalion, 111th Field Artillery, 29th Infantry Division, Virginia National Guard.  In this demanding assignment he ensured the entire unit was stocked with all classes of supplies, especially I (food and water), III (petroleum products), V (ammunition), VII (major end Items), and IX (repair parts).  In a National Guard Unit with a lower Army supply priority, his job was indeed challenging, but invariably accomplished without fail.  Due to his outstanding job performance to this point in his career, CPT Watson was personally selected to command the very arduous, asymmetrical Headquarters and Headquarters Company for the Brigade Support Battalion,116th Infantry.

COL Watson’s fantastic artillery specific background laid him a solid cornerstone base for the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps in which he completed his active-duty service.  Brian’s subsequent Acquisition Corps substantial duties and responsibilities included demanding assignments and linch-pin leadership positions as the Assistant Project Manager, Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV); Product Manager, Combat Engineering & Material Handling Equipment; and Director of Acquisition & Systems Management (DASM), Program Executive Officer, Aviation.

Other key, noteworthy operational assignments COL Watson meritoriously performed during his remarkable career include Commander, Task Force North, Operation Jump Start, Tucson, Arizona, and Commander, 205th Corps (Afghan National Army) Logistics Support Team, Kandahar, Afghanistan.

COL Brian Watson has served the U.S. Army Field Artillery and the Department of Defense faithfully, honorably, and commendably his entire adult life, and is exceptionally worthy of induction into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.


Mr. Brett Wilks

Mr. Brett Wilks is indeed welcomed into the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.  His many years of service to the Nation as a Government Civilian has been exemplary and is a model of selfless service.  As an Engineer in the Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC), his technical expertise in the field of Aerodynamics and Sensors is unmatched.  He has contributed significantly to the Field Artillery’s modernization over the past two decades in numerous challenging assignments to include supporting the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) modernization, the Tail-Controlled GMLRS (TCG) effort, and the Land Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) Science and Technology (S&T) demonstration effort.

Brett’s expertise and success in executing S&T programs was instrumental in helping enable the Project Office for Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles (PM STORM) initiate the Extended Range GMLRS (ERG).  His successful demonstration of the TCG effort in 2016 and 2017 paved the way for the ERG qualification effort that began in 2017.  The TCG effort showed the ability to extend the range of GMLRS rockets past the current demonstrated range of 84 km out to 100-150 kms.  This prompted both the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Army to develop a Directed Requirement and fund the ERG effort.

Mr. Wilks’ efforts in TCG continue to pay dividends for the Army and OSD as he leverages this missile to prove out the LBASM program.  Mr. Wilks’ work on LBASM is blazing the trail for the next increment of the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) and provides the Army the ability to prosecute targets in multiple domains at Operational Ranges.